the forum is changed... now, to check if there are new RLC vids i need to go to Activity and scroll down a few hours... is there any other easy way ?
(sorry my english)
when I try to open the RLC page, I get a table to login... I cannot see the free apartments anymore... does this mean I'm blocked ?
Does anyone know how to circumvent the situation ?
I'm finding a video here, another one here, here's the last one I found...
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what is the use of music and special effects in this type of videos ? I personally do not see any utility, but...
and why mix in the same video the apartment of the new girls and a guest of masha and sasha ?
they can wash my dishes and clean up my kitchen whenever they want
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sorry for the delay in filming... I dont know what to do to fix this... that's why I do not shoot more times
geezzzzz... i am so confused now... my english sucks but I'll try to explain...
i have a few... 4 or 5 vids of heidi with this bald guy and i have one, in kamila and kristy bathtub, of a girl I thought was heidi... but this heidi looks different from this with the bald guy...
I can send you the video by message so you can tell me who she is ?