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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. I agree it's no wonder RLC is going downhill they are still in the dark ages. They need gay couples.
  2. Is she a lesbian or straight hopefully she brings guys round.
  3. Not forgetting one night Aria had her BF out on the balcony to fuck where there's no cams these girls are no different.
  4. For once i actually agree with you i actually don't get it either the cameras where they are working are offline so why actually put the apartment offline then back on again when they are still there.
  5. Don't forget the constant power cuts every five minutes that was happening regulary.
  6. Thanks i looked again and it's a girl i didn't see her properly first time.
  7. I miss the old days where we had guests at parties going off somewhere to have sex. If RLC doesn't add new couples for the last 2 months of this year then there will be no hope.
  8. In my country that behaviour isn't allowed. Some countries differ it seems.
  9. Unless RLC adds new couples and apartments then they are just heading further down the swanea with no point of a return. All the girls apartments are getting worst by the minute. I honestly don't know why everyone keeps watching them all this complaining about these show girls and yet they still get the top cams no matter what.
  10. They can easily resolve this by getting new couples and apartments but they choose not to.
  11. Wait and see as most here hate the fact the twins are back they will be no 1 on the previews and even replay lol. Actually they are the top cam now.
  12. Well you should because i don't want to be paying for a site that is supposed to be stealling my money. I won't have it, I want to see this evidenace.
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