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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. The guy got a phone call and now looks like they are heading out. Let's see if they return later.
  2. It's moved now to the guest room arguing about something.
  3. Suitcase opened on the floor in the guest room.
  4. What's going on are they packing they have all their clothes on the bed.
  5. Carla and Yanai and Luna and Zac were my favorites.
  6. Masha just came out of the off cam toilet with the guy.
  7. Do you know she is 100 percent an escort the words booked doesn't necessary mean she's an escort. Sometimes words have other meanings.
  8. I think all countries around the world don't because if everyone was doing what they were supposed to the level of cases and deaths should have been millions lower than what they are but everyone is more interested in parties and everything, Shame on everyone.
  9. A step forward and back the guys are watching porn to get hard lol
  10. Well he seems more interested in her today now than previous days.
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