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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Looks like 2 big empty boxes. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😞
  2. Perhaps they will get cameras installed there if true.
  3. No sign of Monica guy reappearing since the maintenance.
  4. Where have you been the last day or two RLC no longer works flash anymore.
  5. All this is well and good but we need new apartments and couples. Having new cameras isn't going to change anything.
  6. Haven't looked at her fully the kitchen was dark so i couldn't see fully so not a couple but a guy she found then all for views then and like you said nothing will happen.
  7. The guest couple looks very horny the guy looks like he wants to fuck but the girl keeps resisting.
  8. The new guy that visited this morning was he the one that was masterbating on the phone with Amalia the other day. They looked cosy and he had his hand and arm around her on the couch.
  9. He was on the phone masturbating while she was face timing him not in person in the bedroom.
  10. I can't see a guy visiting her was it a guy masturbating.
  11. No they haven't they have been have the parties all summer but lately have stopped with hardly any much group of guests.
  12. They haven't had any big parties in a while. I hope we get one soon.
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