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Everything posted by ROCKHARD

  1. I agree with you somewhat, Mr. Box, but this is different to me, I`m not there long enough to justified anyone one's opinions or facts, I`m just stating a realization of this project, which you already pointed out, real content. If we are to expect things to happen, then there is no reality for this project, then it becomes "useless." I do not care for these APT. Other than four that I fine interesting, as for the Bonus, I like the fact that a poor soul is sharing his funds with us, not knowing the reality of who`s behind it. So, you see, there are people out there like me, that see`s the interest in it. Porn, Cam Girls sites, are no interest to me. But, if someone wants to share their freaky ways in the apartments, hey, by all means. I can see the dissatisfaction in this; I just hope I don`t cross that path. "YET!"
  2. Shoe delivery at 2100 HRS, only in Russia, and New Jersey. I though it would be a Cinderella story.
  3. B1 Rules! B2 needs someone with nicer feet, in my opinion. Michele scared me with hers, not to take away how you feel about her.
  4. Quantum mechanics is the smaller branch of physics relating to the very small, and interesting.
  5. Ms. Goddess, seems to be the only one that reads in these Apartments, and that`s no Peter Pan Book she`s reading. I Cross reference most of everything I read, also. So, I can comprehend and understand the book.
  6. So, that is where she`s been hanging out, you lucky furry, of an animal of a creature.
  7. Exercising the old fashion way, without any equipment or apparatus., Cool. If she continues four times a week, not only she is known as the Goddess; she also will be known, as Wonder Women. Doing Calisthenics this way will increase her body strength, body fitness, and flexibility, through movements. Such as pulling or pushing herself up, bending, jumping, or swinging, using only one's body weight for resistance; usually conducted in concert with stretches. Keep up the good work Juli
  8. Pepe, not fair, early in the morning, and you already managed to hit a Grand Slam with this picture.
  9. We were scary on Halloween. I can see your still wearing your costume, like the invisible man, how`s that going? Relax 100 3sgh, a lot of us have our favorites, so, you must understand, how we feel. Who`s your favorite?
  10. Good morning to you Juli, you still look Beautiful, even without your smile...
  11. I would say YES! It brings in something different into the apartment, and we get to see someone dump CASH, and witness it for free. A BONUS, in my opinion. I just rather not see the digging for Gold part. As for the Girls, no disrespect guys, they are now Lovely Ladies.
  12. Pepe, Spray them and move on. They are accomplishing what they set out to do, piss you off. Silence, speaks louder than his words! Trust me, when my girls keeps quite, it drives me bonkers.
  13. Let the Trolls Vent there displeasures, or play there games, is going to happen regardless. I know we all disagree with them, and from what I see posted here, they get the message.
  14. Not only, she knows how to please us, but I believe it also excites her, because if it were me, they would have to rephrase The Greatest Show on Earth, to The Greatest Exhibitionist on Earth.
  15. The reason he or she is saying, she has no experience, is because, he or she, rather see toys, in the midst of things, I agree, but it`s her choice, and I our spontaneous moment of not knowing what`s Cumming next. I enjoy watching a women Masturbate, and I don`t care, how they do it, what I care about is who`s doing it. Weather she's experienced or not, she`s happy, I`m happy, everyone's happy.
  16. The smartest man I know holds 7 phds and his first one was in astro physics. You won't find him on tv or holding classes at a university because all his time has been spent working in his fields of study for the government for the last 35 years, that I know of. His opinion on Hawking " Hawking is an idiot" came about during one of our conversations. So it goes back, to the old adage, those that can, do, those that can't, teach. Hawking has fame but my friend has put his theories where his mouth is and actually put them to work.
  17. Lol, Did Hawking's, also tell you he just a theory, for his contributions to the fields of cosmology, general relativity and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes. (CONTRIBUTIONS) I also subscribe to the Big Bang Theory, and NOT the TV Show.
  18. Funny you are Reallifecam, but, this is between Pepe and me, we are joking around, and you come at me with a cavalier attitude when it does not concern you. I`m flattered and humbled because you genuinely care about what people post. I commend you.
  19. canlı, does the boyfriend matter to you? Sometimes we find ourselves wanting something that its just not possible. Then we get bored and start posting irrational thoughts. What she does is not of your or anyone's concern. I know you mean well, and there's a reason we are all here, so, make the best of it.
  20. Ooooh, that smell / Can't you smell that smell / Ooooh that smell / The smell of death surrounds you. I did apologize, my furry friend of a Casanova, and I am aware that sometimes women enjoy the petting zoo (no point attended) Like you, I also would like to put a smile on her face, but in a pleasurable, memorable way.
  21. She is lost treasure, waiting to be found by me. I now understand, why so many here act silly with their post, for that, I apologize. I would drag myself across any nation, just to feel her lips upon my own. Gorgeous you are juli' and awesome!
  22. Was it worth it? I like Bell, and I`m thinking about subscribing. I don`t care for the fingers up the shoot. Nothing clean could ever come out of that.
  23. I think she is reading, how to get rid of rodents! Lol, The best thing about reading a book is not knowing is content. (just my opinion) I prefer romance, and adventure, though, I do enjoy economics and philosophy, because of is real fundamental nature of knowledge, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and it helps immensely with the Relativity and Uncertainty of Market Economics. Do you play the market, or it's just an interest in topics? I think you would enjoy reading this PDF File, in its entirety. Dr. Peter Critchley - PHILOSOPHISING THROUGH THE EYE OF THE MIND - It has been around for six years. If you read it, please, share with me your thoughts on it . Thanks! http://www.academia.edu/744886/PHILOSOPHISING_THROUGH_THE_EYE_OF_THE_MIND_Philosophy_as_Ethos_and_Praxis
  24. Why, torture yourself, reading comments, that's not going to suite you? I have not read, this trolls comments, and I won`t, because, its the past. Like celebrities, you are a STAR, at least in my eyes. So, you must have known or expected rudeness, dissatisfied Trolls, who have nothing better but to get you to post your anger, and you did. Your present here is an honor, but not wise in my opinion. You are dealing with the world, and sharing too much with men that mean to do anyone harm, including you. Ask these good Samaritans here, why, they are using a fake Bio? I'm not, because I'm not you, and I have an accountant. These days, everyone here has power, one BIG reason Trump won, again, in my opinion. Everyone here is vulnerable, even with a VPN. I know we all must defend our families honor, but there are other means, the people here are willing to do that. Just sit back and witness and experience, your faithful followers.
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