Why, would you care about what people think? This is just a forum, not your life! You make it sound like your this Girl, that everyone is infatuated with, and if you are. Screw them, if they do not like Tattoos, half of my body is covered with Them. People need to accept you for who you are, not to judge you.
So, please, Don`t remove it, is going to make someone feel good, and if you do, I would be disappointed, not that one would care. Live your life freely of all stupidity; it seems to me a lot of people here, really care about you, and I feel they are sincere, about how they feel.
I`m new here, and this is getting to be fascinating. You are a very Attractive female, and I am looking forward, to seeing you more offend. Please smile, there should be no sadness in your life, especially with a Gorgeous face like yours. DaSilver