Hey, bud, you sent RLC, an Email, of the problem, and RLC, did not BAN you or was it a snapshot, curious? I was going to do the same, but it seems you beat me to it. Thank you.
Christmas Guys, lighten up! Jesse, in my Opinion, the Sexiest in the project,. The way she moves, and carries herself, with grace, and thought, she makes me wanna hold back my tears :)
Relax Beautyview, I agree with your statement, it was a little bit of sarcasm, on my part, about me not being able to use the word Bitch. It`s all good. Merry Christmas to you.
You mean Ladies, Beautyview! Though they are what you perceive them be which is a Bit**** Lol - I used this word, the other day, and someone, banish it, even though I said no point attended. A preference I take it.
Last word or not, is my opinion, and if you do not agree with me, that is your right, so, enjoy those rights. Also, I will camp out here, if I choose too. So know this!! I read everyone's post, that is what makes you and others here at CC interesting to me, even stupidly has a voice, not that I am referring to you, I`m just making my point. Do not push too hard, even if you if mean well?
Why even justified it Mr. Newark? Most people here already know this. I agree with you. But, In my opinion, why reply to anyone, whos see things differently? If a question, is at hand, I can understand, in you educating the Newbie or Troll. To me, in my opinion, it's just a waste of human emotions expressing his or hers feeling toward the Goddess. Which We are all are guilty of doing. So, in essence, Give him HELL!