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Everything posted by ROCKHARD

  1. Was it worth it? I like Bell, and I`m thinking about subscribing. I don`t care for the fingers up the shoot. Nothing clean could ever come out of that.
  2. I think she is reading, how to get rid of rodents! Lol, The best thing about reading a book is not knowing is content. (just my opinion) I prefer romance, and adventure, though, I do enjoy economics and philosophy, because of is real fundamental nature of knowledge, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and it helps immensely with the Relativity and Uncertainty of Market Economics. Do you play the market, or it's just an interest in topics? I think you would enjoy reading this PDF File, in its entirety. Dr. Peter Critchley - PHILOSOPHISING THROUGH THE EYE OF THE MIND - It has been around for six years. If you read it, please, share with me your thoughts on it . Thanks! http://www.academia.edu/744886/PHILOSOPHISING_THROUGH_THE_EYE_OF_THE_MIND_Philosophy_as_Ethos_and_Praxis
  3. Why, torture yourself, reading comments, that's not going to suite you? I have not read, this trolls comments, and I won`t, because, its the past. Like celebrities, you are a STAR, at least in my eyes. So, you must have known or expected rudeness, dissatisfied Trolls, who have nothing better but to get you to post your anger, and you did. Your present here is an honor, but not wise in my opinion. You are dealing with the world, and sharing too much with men that mean to do anyone harm, including you. Ask these good Samaritans here, why, they are using a fake Bio? I'm not, because I'm not you, and I have an accountant. These days, everyone here has power, one BIG reason Trump won, again, in my opinion. Everyone here is vulnerable, even with a VPN. I know we all must defend our families honor, but there are other means, the people here are willing to do that. Just sit back and witness and experience, your faithful followers.
  4. I do not understand, why would anyone bother to read a comment, if is only going to ruin his or her day, it makes no sense to me. If it does to you, explain it? I am not one to complaint or take sides; and I know, it's easier for me to say it, because I am a man, whereas for a Woman, any miss informs, or unchallenged post would create an emotional response. One must expect negativity, from a few, who passes judgment, without reviewing the case, or not witnessing such Beautiful Women, who reside in these Apartments. Ms. Goddess is an extraordinary Woman. There should never be any reasoning thoughts on your mind. I honestly believe there are enough kind souls here to make any Women feel special, and you are by far SPECIAL... ,
  5. Interesting Theory, who do you think is smarter, Einstein or Hawking? You need to be full of Energy for this one, and your answers does Matter.
  6. Why, would you care about what people think? This is just a forum, not your life! You make it sound like your this Girl, that everyone is infatuated with, and if you are. Screw them, if they do not like Tattoos, half of my body is covered with Them. People need to accept you for who you are, not to judge you. So, please, Don`t remove it, is going to make someone feel good, and if you do, I would be disappointed, not that one would care. Live your life freely of all stupidity; it seems to me a lot of people here, really care about you, and I feel they are sincere, about how they feel. I`m new here, and this is getting to be fascinating. You are a very Attractive female, and I am looking forward, to seeing you more offend. Please smile, there should be no sadness in your life, especially with a Gorgeous face like yours. DaSilver
  7. Fluffy-tailed creatures, running around the street of North Jersey, I don`t think you would make it out alive. As for the $20.00, to help out with the Servers, its worth the money. What about RLC, is that worth the money, my Skunky fluffy tailed creature of a friend? I notice, one of the Girls, in the other apartment, I think her name is Belle. She has a real sexy, humorous nature about her.
  8. I`m sorry to say, NOT attractive, maybe a good person. Good body though. Thank you for sharing.
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