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Everything posted by ROCKHARD
No! Ms. Goddess of the Universe! Leora is a STAR, who rules over all Woodland Creatures, including the souls of those who seek, Leora's every move and pleasures my good friend, who I have not seen in awhile, hope everything is fine in life. I have a tyrant of a fiancee, but she understands now, it's not porn. A few here already offered advice, like prenup agreement etc. I appreciate it more than Google.. Take care of yourself...
The little black dress is being reinvented. Black is perfect, on you Leora, you can fill it with any emotion. If I lived a double life, I would send my other half, to dance with you until dawn, to watch the Sunrise is a magnificent time of day. It is an awakening of the planet, birds, trees, and wildlife. Always a new beginning. If you have romance in your soul, witnessing beautiful you and daybreak can bring joy into anyone's mundane lives, and It doesn't cost anything. Thank you for sharing...
Unfortunately, they don't! In fact, the people in this project, dislike, the words Porn, Bonuses, and Script. We question ourselves and start fabricating solutions. We all been there Mr. Capone! Everything is done through demographics, I'm sure you knew that. But I do agree, they should receive bonuses for most views per month, week, whatever ...
Look, I would like to see some excitement in Paul's life. I just can't find myself to dislike him, without ever meeting the guy. IMO, I see a well-educated man, that has a purpose in life. Does it include Leora, who knows and who cares, is Leora choice and happiness? If Leora does read our post, how to do think she feels when reading opinions, of someone always trying to plant the seed of doubt. We are the freaks and she is the Show. I’m no saint, and if there’s one thing I know well, it’s that we only do things repeatedly if we believe there’s something in it for us. Even if is just a feel good moment, to view Leora without her Romeo... I thought about this the other day when a reader wrote to me with an interesting question: “How do you offer compassion to someone who doesn’t seem to deserve it? I know Paul, can’t save the world, but he can make the world a better place by working on himself–by becoming self-aware, tapping into Leora's needs and compassion, while protecting her positive space. I also notice in the Apartments, everyone is always jumping into someone's else's shower. Who's to say there's not one at Paul's job. Personally, I could not tell you truthfully how I would react on Cam. We talk about Paul, like is an everyday thing in our lives, when is not. They both are young and have a future ahead of them. What we should do, as admirers of Leora, is offer advice, support. Don't you think Leora gets disappointed when reading a post about the one she cares for the most, of course, we all do, if not, you're not human?
Nice to see Her Romeo, give Leora, complete attention, as she rubs his head, ‘it increases blood flow’, ‘it releases tension’, ‘there are many nerve endings in the head’, and ‘it releases feel good hormones like dopamine and serotonin’. But those explanations don’t even come close to the actual experience that people describe as ‘trance-like’, ‘orgasmic’, ‘amazing’ and ‘out of this world. All romance have one thing in common; (IMO) it must show the other person how one cares enough to find out what is meaningful to them. You're the reason I look down on my phone and smile. And then walk into a pole. Yes, it hurts, but well worth it...Ouch ! Love the briefs...
She cooks for her Romeo and cuddles with him on the couch to share her unconditional love, while their relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other, knowing, it was never supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be worth it and you want it to be the last hand you will ever need to hold. A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other. Love is in the air.
We know, all women are different in their own sexual ways. Just say something nice! Compliment her, and present her with a sexy gift. Let her know, you love to see her in her new Chantelle lingerie cooking over the stove, while you pop a bottle of champagne. The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had. I do all my cooking in my speedos, and my fiancee loves it. Is too bad, she does not know how to cook, like Ms. Goddess. But she's great in others things, that we all hold special in our hearts. Only a suggestion Howard...
Me too! Like many here would love to mingle. "LOOK," Her eyes, her lips, and her spirit all at once smiled at me. lol. Leora's smile seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me, the kind of smile that makes you feel happy to be alive and just that little bit more human. I don't get to watch Leora share her intimate moments much, but I can imagine it...Hopefully, someone here would be kind enough to share a post.
Thanks for the info StnCLD - That time would be when we all die off.. lol. IMO, RLC would need to change their format or perish. What I like about the competition, they let people take snapshots or even record, were as RLC, rather ban their subscribers and take all their money before the end of their subscription, if I read that post correctly. If not, my apologies. Ms. Goddess, the mood you displayed today, was an intoxicating sight, I was Rock Hard watching your sweet sensual demeanor. How do you do it? To always feel needed, loved, and appreciated?
I can understand your dissatisfaction. I canceled my subscription during Megan's, abrupt departure. But with 22 Apartments, there's a little bit of everything for everyone. We can be long gone and RLC, will still prosper, Global ranking 662, up 225 since October of 2016. The reason for their success is all business, and their platform is completely different than their competitors. Though I have to admit, few are entertaining, but not worth my money, IMO. Why pay for something when most of everything is done in the free areas. Ms. Goddess, is a beautiful monster, elegantly put. because we're all Monsters to another form of being, who I believe exist in this massive Universe. But I don't mind, In fact, I like it, though, I'm terrified, I'm turned on and scared, lol. I believe, the rules are Real Life, come and go as one's pleases. Ms. Goddess, can spend one whole minute in the Apartment and still have more views than any other Apartments. Her smile alone, is worth the minute...
A Lovely sight you are! I got to watch you this morning, what's with the glasses? I notice, she's been wearing them every time, in Real life. I rather see her in a thong, then frames, except if she's going to do a striptease or wear a sexy dress. (my preference) Glasses can be fashionable, sure, the same way someone can spruce up their crutches or get a few amateur artists to draw messages of inspiration on their arm cast. But glasses are medical devices, first and foremost. Putting them on for fashion alone feels like faking a wheelchair-bound injury at a theme park to jump to the front of the line. My hunch is that young hipster-glasses-wearers are trying to look older and smarter. Hipster glasses are exactly the wrong way to do this IMO. Visually screaming “please take me seriously” makes one trust them less because it implies you have something to compensate for - when you really don't need any compensation, your smile alone is refreshing to witness such beauty and the innocence you possess. If you're having fun doing it for yourself, I can comprehend, If not, I have a few request! lol. Ms. Goddess is good-looking. But you can hardly tell with these things on because the glasses form a protective coating on her face that obscures everything behind them. To make things worse, there's no one in the room right now, except for us viewers and you're completely alone, sitting, writing, and wearing glasses you don't need. I know you don't need anyone to tell you or guide your young life. Just be yourself, that's always been good enough for me. Also, you look great, like you lost a few. (IMO) keep it up, your health will thank you and it keeps me RockHard!!!
Hi, Mr. Mod. Paul is aware of everything that goes on, other than her bate behind his back, (he would be naive, to think otherwise) which is understandable, considering we all do it. I prefer the shower, this way all the evidence gets washed away, whereas Ms. Goddess, enjoys the thrill of being watched while thinking of me licking my way to paradise, which turns into Niagara falls. OK, I wish!! Living in the Tri-State area, we are surrounded by a huge population of good Russian people. I say this because you have to earn their trust before earning their friendship, mostly women.. the guys, well, no difference, other than they like a woman with a strong opinion. Russian women can turn out to be the most challenging things to understand and when it comes to their thoughts on relationships, it can actually drive men crazy! So what do Russian women want in relationships? Reading Ms. Goddess might give us the right answer but since that is not possible, we'll stick to the common methods to understand Russian girls better. My long-lasting relationships with three Russian women have taught me few lessons and I would like to share them with everyone who really wants to know what women think when it comes to relationships. IMHO - Millburn, New Jersey has a large population of Russian women. Sex, which men often give a lot of priority to, is not the first choice for women when it comes to relationships. All Russian women want to stay intellectually and emotionally connected to their partners. They want to communicate and are eager to dig deeper into the hearts of their partners. Actually, Russian girls, as men often tend to think, are really not that complicated and they are always ready to work on relationships. They want to be respected and loved for what they are and not just be men's trophies. Russian women want to play an important role in men's lives, that's why to win her heart you need to open yours firstly. A woman's attitude to relationships always stays clear and true in your intentions towards a woman. Be ready to make commitments as well. Women usually open their hearts to men who listen to and care for them, sex comes much later on their priority list. You cannot win her heart for a long by giving diamond rings and pearl necklaces because she wants more than a physical representation of a man’s feeling. WTF IS GOING ON WITH MAYA?
Lola has always been one of my favorites, and now, that I'm not a member of RLC prestigious elite club, all I can do is read whats posted. The way it sounds to me, she's more of a bore to many. I guess my infatuation toward her, is diminishing. "I'm falling and I can't get up." I have to take into consideration, theirs more than a few who feel the same way you do. At least something new to watch, in B1, if I'm not mistaken. It was hard to watch the pleasantly plump young lady in her thong the other night, a sight to remember. You people post so fast, that this is properly old news to you. If so, I stand corrected!
She is a grown woman, with a purpose in her life and she's going to succeed whether we all go along for the ride or just become spectators. Either way, it does not matter to her. Her decision to decide when and where is most noble. I always enjoy her talents and others with Music, Art and Crafts and a good book with a hot cup of Coffee, or Tea, makes one feel comfortable with one's demeanor, as I struggle to make ends meet, working from home. Why be sad,? She seems happy and content with her life, her Beauty still radiates around the Planet. We expect too much from these people, every day, someone new comes aboard, with different perspectives.... They want something for their money, they don't CARE about anything else. ( There choice) What they don't understand is voyeurism, not porn. We all realize there is more to life than one's excitement. Is not everyday, you get to watch perfection, willing to share their private moments, in their own lovely ways. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it. I will say, the day Ms. Goddess departs from our lives will be a day of sorrow.
A genuine mutual-respect attitude, having your true Self-guiding your personality, clarity on your feelings, needs; and mutual rights. Most here, respect everyone's post. We comprehend and understand how you feel, is OK, you just tend to repeat yourself, it sounds like a broken record, not to you obviously. I too love women in high heels Mikelima, (is the dildo part that keeps reappearing) I know it's hard not to speak out about Ms. Goddess without excitement. This thread is all about Ms. Goddess and sometimes I find myself defending my post, I guess different cultures and opinions have a different way of seeing things, I respect that... She is a sight etch in our minds. "Larva of man, " original....