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Everything posted by West_California

  1. Nina looks right-well Smurfed i'd say....
  2. First the tide rushes in.....la.la.la......from Ebb Tide I think....
  3. Kira has the music in Her alright....giddy-yup.....😁
  4. ohhh, yes.....voompa, .voompa, .voompa, .voompa,.....gimme mo', mo', mo', mo' !!
  5. Anyone can be......just nibble the nubbins till they squirm.......😁
  6. Ohhh, that's what happens in the US too........ I tried it in Germany & they called their friends to come over & there was clothes all over the floor.....
  7. Ohh, so Yummy & Lovely, can I stay Overnight ?? I'll share my Stash....😁
  8. I wish I could give them a Hand........or two.........😁
  9. Ohhh, fur on fur, I love it........
  10. I wish I had thought of that in High School...... take your clothes off so I can measure you.......😁
  11. I got Nascar race, wake-n-bake, Bud Lights.......Ra Ra.........😁
  12. And the kira cat dance........😁
  13. If we had access codes, we could drive Hairball around the apartment to exercise Butch & Sundance......😁
  14. Wow, this certainly was a Powerfull Night.....How Wonderfull.......😁
  15. The Cats & I are looking for Hairball.....
  16. Maybe their just being miserable.....
  17. The Cats are Stationed, just in case Hairball makes a move.....
  18. Yer right.......i didn't look at it from the TV side....... All Clear now......
  19. not now, THEN.........its cleaned up now....thanks for gazing tho..... I watched it step by step.......cat, table, Hairball, insence, smoke.... you can see it if you want to.....😁
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