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Everything posted by West_California

  1. i saw a bunch of that. kira? sitting on BR floor in her robe, starring at dresser. yesterday or before.
  2. i saw the 2 couples be'in happy in the restroom. the cover over the camera, lol what a trip. in another appt looked like someone had a seizure, or maybe vaginal extacy. i couldn't tell... she fried like bacon....
  3. nellys kitchen cam4 looks similar to the terrace now, both. the party last night, i clicked & moused for hours. woke up with "mouse cramp" in right hand. (not from my dork, i'm left handed)
  4. who was the blond with glasses in the corner of LR last night ? all dressed in black, just sat there observing. i think she left in the middle of night. acted like chaperone....
  5. wow that's an excellent review, and i don't even know these people, but i sorta do now. thx i hope nelly comes over with her 2 violins. efim plays the cello, anabel on keyboard.. they both sound like classical/semi classical but i don't recognize any of the pieces. except for modern music. i've heard masha? play guitar sometimes.
  6. anabel is a looker..wow, her manerism seems to be in search of fun.... lite & airy, she can lay on top of me...
  7. welllll, he plays a cello and guzzles jim beam (bottle almost empty), i don't think he's wired like the rest of us....
  8. well.. lets see... deffinately on topic is an old song by eric burdon "spill the wine" try this guys & gals... spill the wine, dig that pearl ! take the wine, dig that pearl ! dig that pearl ! its all girl !!.....
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