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Everything posted by bellanofretete

  1. There will be action with them for sure... and on the one cam guestroom
  2. Hey i'm catching up, i see misty and lisa are here... awkard reunion between misty and the bearded guy? Or he's just serious? (dont know if hes jack or adam). And dude #22 didnt came at the party???
  3. Damn! now im hungry too. It's 8:00 pm. Still eating hours
  4. Why were we wondering where did she go? It was obvious. Everyone goes to buy bananas at 3 am. Duh!
  5. Maybe there's something going on in the same complex. Misty went out too hours ago, but leaving lights and tv on, probably an improvised reunion near by.
  6. You're forgetting hands and feet, still room for more hahaha
  7. Pasito a pasito... suave suavecito... nos vamos pegando... poquito a poquito
  8. The patriarch is setting the example. More action here in the first minutes than weeks in... "other" places i wont name
  9. He's Dimi's lost brother. The dancing creepy guy from Z&T
  10. Those little tiny beds can be covered with a smartphone cam
  11. Everything looks really nice, they certainly put a lot of effort on it. Looking the angles, the jacuzzi, etc. It's made for us like you say
  12. Maybe Alex drag them out to explain final rules or something. Off cam
  13. They'll seem fried fishes on th There are the other guys. Did they come from outside the apt??? They were not there, hope there are no twilight-zone-spaces here
  14. There was a couple before???? So then it is possible
  15. That's gotta be it then. I could never think they would include a gay couple, for one simple reason. It's russia. So no.
  16. Have there been roommates before? As in the same room i mean? Not couples
  17. That most be the couple named on the cams. Wait.. didn't all names were asigned from CC??? They got ahead on that???
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