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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I agree with everything you mentioned h.o., however, I for one, will not stand idly by and allow anyone who has proven themself to be nothing more than a poorly educated, but more likely rather poorly informed, indoctrinated, and highly disgruntled propagandist to continually bad mouth and put down a country simply because it was a country most responsible for making certain that wicked human atrocities that were commited in the country where the highly disgruntled propagandist is from, were stopped along with the propagandism that promoted most of the country's population into believing in the b.s. that was being peddled at the time, and because of the country's military along with many cities that were destroyed and the overall population had to suffer the consequences of the b.s. that was peddled and promoted by such propagandists.
  2. 🤣 You are a sorry assed worthless excuse of humanity, and you like your nazi kind before you, you actually know it you sorry assed propagandist kraut. So 🖕 you.
  3. A simple answer of why there have evidently been those of you in this country who have allowed and even ignored that the so called government of this country has been taken over by left leaning highly corrupt and mentally fucked up idiots. But just keep on refraining from being a left leaning supporter and see where that works out in the ultimate struggle that will probably be yet to come.
  4. 🖕 You, you sorry excuse of humanity propagandist piece of shit kraut.
  5. You know very well what the comments meant h.o., so don't try to make things seem otherwise. A simple answer to such a question would be more than revealing.
  6. Like I mentioned, if you happened to have credible info on comments in what the obviously disgruntled propagandist has posted, then post it. But don't respond to anyone elses post of comments stating otherwise since a simple check into and review of actual history would prove otherwise.
  7. Actually, it would be fuck you and your propagandist kind you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. 🖕
  8. I've noticed at times what your response have been and I was glad that someone other than myself and R.R. and Spying had been calling him out on his posts that were nothing more than propagandist b.s. But you decided to post comments related to the most recent post of comments I posted related to his sorry ass. So, if you happen to have information that would dispute otherwise, then now might be a good time to reveal it.
  9. Then don't, but unlike you ideologically left leaning people in this country, I will not stand by and let someone who has obviously been posting many negative comments in regards to the country I live in and served because of, so you keep on refraining from responding to the obviously disgruntled propagandist bullshit if you choose to, but I for one damn sure will not h.o.
  10. You are nothing more than a worthless excuse of humanity disgruntled piece of shit kraut propagandist motherfucker. The sooner you realize that, or more others realize that about you and your kind, the better off the entire world will be. Hopefully it won't take millions of innocent lives and almost 5 years later for enough to recognize what your disgruntled mind warped kinds intentions actually are.
  11. My chance ? How humorous you must feel h.o. As many times as I have tried to enlighten or reveal what the individual who goes by starlight28 on this website might be, either he continues with his propagandist bullshit or others such as yourself decide you should even give such comments credence in this thread on this website.
  12. You have more than proven yourself to be an obviously disgruntled propagandist kraut. Nothing more, nothing less. So you and your kind should go and be happy with your mentally deranged transgenderism propagandist bullshit and just go fuck each other so that your kind might actually be satisfied.
  13. I damn sure wish I would have had an opportunity to have been able to respond to some of the ridiculous bullshit that was posted in the last 2 to 3 pages of the previous sub forum of this forum.
  14. On the contraire, it obviously is you who are without an actually educated but instead an actually indoctrinated disgruntled excuse of a brain or mind you obviously disgruntled, dishonest, propagandist kraut.
  15. 🤣 Actually, it is you who have no straw since you have over and over again proven yourself to be nothing more than a disgruntled nazi propagandist like your mentors before you, you disgruntled worthless excuse of humanity nazi propagandist piece of shit. 🖕
  16. Looks just like what a disgruntled propagandist piece of shit nazi's brain such as yourself might actually look like.
  17. You are a fucking disgruntled NAZI, you propagandist piece of shit.
  18. Actually, it is you that are an ignorant, uneducated but rather obviously indoctrinated as well as obviously worthless excuse of humanity dumkompf propagandist kraut who the likes of your kind such as hitler, goerring, ness and the rest of your sorry assed propagandist bullshit kind would be proud of your kinds sorry ridiculous worthless excuse of humanity bullshit propaganda.
  19. Precisely, you didn't start the topic here, because you respond to off topic comments in attempts to make the propagandist comments you do make, seem like they are actually viable or believable. You along with the propagandists of the former so called 1000 year reich, can go fuck yourselves or each other if any are still around since their propagandism obviously did not work back then, but rather turned out to be a near annialation and destruction of the country where your kind are spawned from, and your propagandism will not work now you disgruntled sorry excuse of humanity propagandist kraut.
  20. No, it is you who are actually more in line with actually being a nazi, because you have proven youself to be nothing more than an obviously worthless excuse of humanity disgruntled propagandist kraut.
  21. I don't know the man on any personal basis, but I believe he would stomp a knothole in your sorry worthless excuse of humanity propagandist ass just like he would if he would ever had to meet up with the highly corrupt sorry excuse of humanity piece of shit known as biden. I only wish he would have took that piece of shit up on his claim that he would have liked to take him out behind a barn because that sorry ass corrupt puppet known as biden, would have gotten his ass beaten badly. But like you, the piece of shit puppet known as biden, is as full of shit as they come, particularly when it comes to sorry assed dishonest propagandists such as yourself and him. Being the propandist you have more than proven yoursef to be in political threads on this site, the only reason you have been promoting leftist propagandist bullshit, is because you believe it is taking down the U.S. I can gaurantee that if you believed that promoting right leaning propaganda might be bringing down the U.S., that would be exactly what you would be doing because you have proven yourself on this website to be nothing more than a disgruntled propagandist kraut just like hitler was because of his beliefs on why the outcome of WWI ended the ways they did.
  22. The military of the U.S. and it allies nearly destroyed the country where your sorry no good ass was evidently spawned in because of worthless excuses of humanity propagandists such as yourself that misled the population of that country into believing the bullshit of the so called Nationalist Republic Party at the time who were nothing more than nazis who directly caused the deaths of many millions of innocent people. So like the propagandists back then who had that country where you were spawned believing in the bullshit they did so that they turned blinds eyes to the concentration camps that were also death camps for many millions of innocent people, you and your kind can go to hell and the sooner the better you propagandist piece of shit kraut.
  23. As usual, you prove that you are nothing more than a worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut who either tells or spreads lie after lie you piece of shit dummkoft kraut.
  24. As the old saying goes, the actual truth hurts doesn't it you obvuously leftist marxist/communist indoctrinated rather than acutualy educated kraut. That is exactly why you post the emoji smile. Make no mistake about it, the next time we have to come for your kinds psychotic mental lacking, it will be for good.
  25. I'm not sorry, that you are still a disgruntled propandist piece of shit kraut.
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