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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. What has seemed somewhat odd or peculiar since the weekend, is that for a number of months now, the times of mother nature's visits for both have appeared to occur within close proximity of around the same times of one another, and have appeared to be around from the middle of the third week of the months, until around a week later. Then, one leaves this past weekend for a day and a half and two nights, and returns seemingly with that time already there for her, which has seemed to be around a week earlier than what it has been seeming to be for months now. It has been said that mother nature can work in mysterious ways at times. Perhaps this may have been one of those times.
  2. Oh yeah...I do...just as I think it's pretty funny that I'm seeing what I was referring to on one of two sexy women and you're not my friend. Perhaps that's the most funniest thing about it. Sorry HF, just couldn't pass that tidbit of info. up...hopefully it is something you understand...if not, oh well. ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Pink phone...pink panty...pink other things. I likes some pink alot. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  4. I don't see them my feline friend. Are they hiding ? ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  5. Oh ok. Well perhaps a little cheek rubbing and sqeezing with some occasional smacks could be considered too I suppose. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  6. Perhaps it may be fair to think that both of the girls may deserve some good girl spankings for some of the occasional naughtiness. What do you think my feline friend ? ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  7. Sexy girl say that all sexy girls always try to have great nights my feline friend. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  8. A window must have been left open when the girls left as a bambino could be heard crying as well as some sirens off in a distance a little afterwards.
  9. I've mentioned it many times over her time with the project, she makes almost any of the attire she chooses to acquire and wear, look much better than it would otherwise when considering whether if to be worn by a majority of others, or not being worn by anyone at all. Also that her tastes in various items of subject matter including and especially her attire, have always seemed to be quite good.
  10. Did you happen to notice if there may have been a guest briefly at the apartment earlier my feline friend ?
  11. The ole age old phenomenon thing. Hilarious jimbo. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  12. I have always thought and considered that CC's. overall is a forum, and that this is only a part of the overall forum considered to be a thread of the forum. Yet there have seemed to be a number of occasions for awhile now when this thread is referred to here as a forum....or the forum. As in differences of perceptions and opinions on various subject matter goes, each to their own as far as such considerations goes as well I suppose.
  13. Yes, I had noticed the same, and thought the same as well. Seems like it could be considered as much as a week or more early if when that certain issue has seemed to have been starting going back to around the first month of this year, and even into last year. Has also seemed somewhat odd, if considering that although a day or two in difference is not really so unusual or surprising, but upwards close to a week or more, certainly could be considered as such. Hopefully, there is nothing wrong health wise.
  14. I hear you my friend. I do remember that Malia got into some cleaning chores Saturday starting before and lasting until well after her friend Leora had left that night. But then, I had noticed ealier tonight after they had finished watching shows on a tablet, that Leora was doing a little more cleaning herself. But knowing how she's always seemed to prefer things to be as clean as can be, it will not be surprising if they are doing some more cleaning and perhaps some laundry as well as you have mentioned, during the coming day there. Which it is already after 9am there.
  15. I believe the first paragraph of your comments and the first two paragraphs of my previous comments in the post prior to yours, can be considered somewhat related subject matter that somewhat coincides so we must be in agreeance on those issues, and some others you mentioned as well.
  16. Something that should be taken into consideration though NYJ, is that for quite a substantial length of time out of most of rlc's existence, she was one of, if not the most popular project participant and attraction to the site for a considerable amount of that time, and because of such, rlc made quite a substantial amount of revenue, of which it is fair minded to believe that they may have not otherwise had she not been. Out of all the project participants, if anyone was to be considered privileged enough to spend times away as much and as often without much of anything, if anything at all, being mentioned from anyone at rlc, it would likely be her. So, if all this is taken into consideration, it may not be just because someone else is usually there whenever she may not be. It is also fair minded to believe that rlc admin. may expect any of the project participants to be courteous enough to contact them to let them know if any of them expect to be away from a residence for longer than a 24 hour period, so they could perhaps list whatever participant may want to by using a vacation status symbol listed next to the participants name such as they have for others, even for as short as two days. But, because of what was mentioned earlier, they may not expect it as much, if at all from her.
  17. Well obviously I cannot answer for any others, but I for one agree jimbo. Perhaps that may very well be why she may be afforded certain privileges or considerations that others may not as well.
  18. I didn't consider it that we were arguing John, only perhaps debating our understanding of one another's comments, and potential differences of opinions. I made no implication that she may have not been in compliance with her contract terms by expressing that it may very well be expected by rlc that any of the participants be courteous enough to contact them to let them know if they expect to be away from any of the residences for more than 24 hours, and if so when, and for how long they may expect to be. She evidently does seem to do what she wants, when she wants, that's for sure.
  19. No, I've not forgotten about Nelly & Bogdan or Chloe and her guy or their guests. Certainly, all of the project participants do have their rights to some privacy at times just as anyone else in life not associated with such a project or business expects. In regards to any of the participants being made fully aware of what they were getting involved in and agreeing to certain stipulations in their associated contracts, they were all made aware of what the project was supposed to be about prior to then. It's highly likely that because of such, that they are also aware of the projects main claim in advertisment of the line "The Private Life of Other People. Live 24/7 since 2011". As I mentioned in the prior post in other words, they should not be expected to actually be at any of the apartments 24/7, because any of them certainly have to be expected to actually not always be at any of the apartments, because in reality, they do have to leave at times to take care of other matters of living their lives, and should also be expected to do the same for nothing more than to just have some times away from their residences for leisure and to enjoy themselves in other ways. It's also fair minded to believe that rlc admin. expects any of the participants to be courteous enough with them, to contact them to let them know if they expect to be, or are going to be away from any of their residences for longer than 24 hours, so they could list them as being in a vacation status for that day at time of expected departure, plus however many other days past that day, to whenever they expect to return. That's very likely why rlc admin. have listed some of the participants as being in a vacation status for only 2 days at various times in the past and even recently, but not so far for whatever reason, with one of the two participants of the residence usually referred to here.
  20. Yes, it was a pretty good movie, and stop being so modest, you played your part well braul my friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. I just watched it again for around the 3rd or 4th time a few days ago. I liked watching my friend braul play the part of the angel of death in the movie. ๐Ÿ˜
  22. Uh huh...I hear you my friend. It's telework alright. ๐Ÿ˜
  23. Yeah right my friend, if you believe so. Just like when you are not actually at work somewhere and are at home relaxxing and taking it easy some while not at work, and just basically living your life at home, being at home is just another job for you after all...isn't it. ๐Ÿ˜
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