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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Lol. Hello braul. Yeah, she does it for all of our own good alright. 😏
  2. She usually does not leave for extended periods that include most of, if not all of, a night or longer during the week, although there have been a few occasions when it has occurred on week nights during the week as well. Although she usually is there during the week, and they both spend some times at the apartment during those times, they also both spend quite a bit of times away from the apartment during the days of the weekday times as well. There is certainly nothing wrong with any of the project participants leaving their apartments to spend some times away from their apartments to do other things in their lives. Like anyone else, they need to leave their residences to take care of other matters of everyday living, and at times, just to get away from their residences for awhile to do other things for leisure to enjoy themselves. A night here or there, or perhaps even a half to a whole weekend every so often is one thing, and should not be considered as there being anything wrong with and should perhaps be considered normal. A night here or there, and a half to a whole weekend every weekend is certainly another thing, that's likely not considered by many to be so considerate of any participant of rlc that may do, or does do such at any of the residences. Especially if taking into consideration that all of the participants of rlc are provided with free places to live and are given what is basically free money in the form of cost of living subsistence allowances just to live at the residences. Anyone who has ever been involved with rlc knows where the money ultimately comes from, and that is from subscribers, and without the subscribers, there would be no rlc project, and would therefore be no tenant participants who are afforded those type of lifestyles because of such.
  3. It was noticed that there was another wonderful occasion earlier of an experience that Malia seemed to enjoy quite a bit. Not to mention, some of the views of how sexy of a woman she has appeared to be and is, have also been quite wonderful. She has certainly become a "Star" of that residence in her own right.
  4. Must have been somewhere nearby for something since she has already returned.
  5. Malia left at 11:29pm. It's unusual for her to leave at that time of night on a Sunday night there.
  6. Has seemed for half to most of, and even all of a few of the weekends for the last month and a half to two months, she's been the only star at that apartment, so perhaps she's not such a little star after all anymore, but rather a full fledged star in her own right now. 🌠 🙂
  7. Now that you have mentioned it, it seems like it was slip and that it was that recent. Thanks mc56. 👌
  8. I don't recall who mentioned it here at the time, but I myself was observing her by cam while she was video chatting with someone who could be barely overheard shortly a few times and it did sound like his voice, and I also had heard a dog barking and thought of it as possibly being her's, and shortly afterwards noticed that someone had commented in a post here that they had saw that it was both of them. It was within the last couple of weeks or so, I'm sure if anyone really wanted to go back to hunt for the post they could and should be able to find it.
  9. Someone here at the time evidently saw the little pooch in a video chat she was having with him from a cam where it could be seen and mentioned it here, and at the time, the pooch could be heard barking from another cam where it could not be seen.
  10. Would you be referring to the lovely Malia and some lovely invisible girl sitting next to her my feline friend ? I always heard some animals have extra senses to notice such things. Meow. 😸
  11. No my friend, I could not have summarized those comments in a statement or question such as or similar to what you mentioned. One of the points I attempted to express, was that because of some of the changes coming soon there, the changes will likely affect any likelyhood or possibility of any further interactions between the two friends to minimal, if at all. As far as your other reference, a woman with a woman is one thing, which imo, there is nothing wrong or immoral with. A man with a man is certainly another thing of which I cannot agree with. Besides, I've never denied being part lesbian myself. 🙂
  12. Malia is really a quite attractive woman who happens to be modest, soft-spoken, and somewhat tentative at times. She's seemed to have been changing some in relation to gaining more self confidence in herself since she's been there, and she really should have. Because she is a really nice and attractive woman.
  13. Oh yeah. I have a good idea on that as well, and it certainly wouldn't be what it has been by no means imo. For although they may would gain a certain amount of subscribers, it's very nearly certain they may would lose a substantial amount of others.
  14. There have been occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at times, with either one, or the other, of the attractive women of the residence that were certainly interesting and quite pleasant occasions to have been fortunate enough to have noticed. There have also been some other occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at times, with both of the attractive women of the residence and some of their interactions as friends and roommates that were certainly quite interesting and really quite pleasant as well. Last month made six months since the arrival of one of the friends. If she only had a six month visa, it would have ended then. Because of the unfortunate virus affecting nearly the entire worlds populations, there were travel restrictions implemented in many places. After the first wave had subsided some for awhile, some places and governments began to rescind some of the travel restrictions. Then, a second wave of the virus started hitting in many places, and some travel restrictions were reimplemented and some were never rescinded. If that friend known as Malia only had a six month visa, she could not return last month because of travel restrictions. If she was not able or did not attempt to get any extension, she may have to return whenever travel restrictions are rescinded again enough so to allow her to do so. It has been mentioned recently that there are changes coming soon at the residence by someone who may very well know of such. There are really not many scenario's that could be considered as far as what any coming changes may end up being. One being...perhaps that travel restrictions will be lifted enough soon that will allow Malia to leave to return to her homeland of which they may have already been made aware of. Another being...perhaps Malia may not be going to be leaving anytime soon afterall, and arrangements have been made for her to have her own apartment there. Another being...perhaps that Malia may not be going to be leaving anytime soon, and will be remaining at the current apartment with her friend Leora and perhaps a new resident will be moving in with them both. Perhaps someone else associated with Leora. Another being...perhaps arrangements have been made for Leora to have another different apartment there and if so, perhaps with someone else involved in her life as well, and that Malia will remain at the current apartment for awhile longer. Regardless of whatever scenario may unfold there, whether it may be any of the one's mentioned or not, or some other scenario, it will likely have an affect on there being as much, if any further interactions between the two friends, and if so, will be quite unfortunate imo. As originally mentioned, there have been occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at various times with either one, or the other of the two when either of the two friends was by theirselves, that seemed to be interesting and pleasant. Over the last 4 months, some of the occasions that have been noticed to have occurred involving some of the two friend's interactions were also quite interesting and certainly quite pleasant as well to have noticed, and imo, even more so than some of the occasions noticed when either of the two friends was by theirselves. I realize this is alot to read and apologize for taking up as much space for one post, but it does afterall pertain to part of the L&M story.
  15. It was really nice to notice a recent occasion that involved Malia while by herself that seemed to be a quite enjoyable experience for her. It was a wonderful occasion.
  16. Well, knowing what is known of him, and that it seemed that sex was something nearly always one of the furthest things on his mind, that would have actually been surprising to me. Also, if she only thought or thinks that, because of it being something he told her, she probably has no way of knowing whether it is actually the truth or not, or if he would have really been trying to fool her into believing so. Unless she discovered some substantiated proof some other way. If not, she's probably pissed off over something that may have not ever actually occurred.
  17. Right, and who else may she have been referring to concerning something that went on years ago and some certain woman ? I think most who have followed something enough, usually can get enough out of a mediocre translation software to get a decent idea of things as well.
  18. That may very well be so, but there are a number of language translation app softwares available online nowadays. Some with pricetags, and some that are free. And some that are decent, and some that are not so. I'm sure he was not the only one who was around at the time of the call to have translated it.
  19. Who else is anyone aware of that has ever gotten her as upset as she obviously did right after she took the phone call ? That wonderful excuse of a man is who. Besides, it only makes sense, she's been trying to move on in her life there and besides seeing someone else, she probably cut back on the amount of money she had been sending him and probably only sends enough for the dogs care now.
  20. I was pretty sure at that time that's who it may have been and not her new friend.
  21. Great idea and hello by the way mate. I think the Koala could stand a break from gaurd duty for awhile anyway. 😉
  22. You wouldn't be trying to talk to a certain kitty that Malia was petting a little while ago now would you my feline friend ? Meow ? 😸
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