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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Leora phone πŸ‘§πŸ“² Malia white panty, ass πŸ‘© Leora and Malia πŸ‘§πŸ‘© Beautiful girls so cute so good 😍😘
  2. Well come on now folks...she's got to get caught up on some rest and sleep after being out all night last night and all day today. After all, she's not a robot.
  3. Yes, it appeared that she was as busy as a bee today including some cleaning amongst some of her other activities.
  4. The atmosphere there now seems as thick as a heavy and unwanted fog. While one seems to be somewhat sleepy, the other seems to have somewhat of an attitude and only stares at the tablet unless a text is received and only then cracks somewhat of a smile. All the while neither are conversing with one another or seeming to enjoy any of the time together. Perhaps I could be wrong, but so far it sure has seemed to be that way.
  5. Interesting that you would know for certain that there is no sink and faucet in the only room in the place without any cam referred to as a toilet room.
  6. Malia certainly does have a Cleopatra look to her. Especially the way her hair is cut.
  7. Well I certainly wish you were there to offer her some encouragment slip. If so, perhaps you could remind her of some toys available there as well. πŸ˜‰
  8. You may be somewhat surprised again next week when she's gone next weekend as well. No worries though, from her perspective it's likely that somewhat of a half hearted disingenuous performance or two between her return and then, may be sufficient enough to keep that apartment's observer quota up enough to still end the current pay period with somewhat of a satisfactory amount of extra income. Or, perhaps not. Perhaps she may not care as much of how much is made right now. Especially since she has someone else there to try to make up the difference some.
  9. Malia sleeps with her head buried under some pillows like some Ostriches who attempt to bury their heads in some sand when they become afraid of something.
  10. Actually, it is very simple really...she already has one there as far as that goes. As far as the other, if it so, apparently it may belong to someone who lives with his parents.
  11. Well mate, imo, not the most sensible thing for anyone to do when it comes to getting involved with anyone else when apparently there may be some feeling of some need to keep certain things hidden about or concerning one or the other of the relationship. Doesn't usually end up working out so well for one or the other in the long run.
  12. She just as well start getting back into something else, because her performances have been becoming less and less with a good bit to be desired lately and for awhile now. 😏
  13. Some guy that lives with his parents. Maybe he sneaks her into his room. 😏
  14. Lol. And here I thought you mates from The Land Down Under understood Swahili. 😏
  15. I agree with your first statement mate, although I respectfully do not agree with the rest, with perhaps maybe exception of a possibility that she may at times think of how it was when she was there by herself.
  16. Apparently someone was informed that someone else would not be returning until sometime in the morning or later because it has appeared that no one has remained awake and waiting in case of otherwise this time.
  17. Although an old saying is, "Love is blind", I've been finding some difficulty in trying to understand a womans reasoning of choice in who she may choose to become involved with when taking into consideration a woman who may have been involved with a guy such as him, only then to become invoIved with the next guy who still lives with his parents.
  18. My guess would be that if he doesn't report to the weather station on Wrangel Island, he may find himself to be an unfortunate participant of some remote Siberian gulag even though there is one in Kras. 😏
  19. Unfortunately, he got orders direct from Putin to Wrangel Island. 😏
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