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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Kind of in the middle of something, but if I get a chance soon, I'll try to check replay and let you know when she returned. As far as the rest, that'll be up to you.
  2. Awww, sure sounds like it may have been quite sweet.
  3. Wasn't really paying any attention to that apartment whenever it was. Any particular reason why may I ask ?
  4. Might as well get used to it e. The times have changed and so has she along with them. If anything occurs there with her even somewhat similar to how they once may have, it will likely be occurring at times considered few and far between. Now that she's got her friend with her there as a roommate as well to take up the slack (so to speak), or who you refer to as a stand in, whenever she's not there and attempt to draw attention to the cams for observer participation extra income quota's, that's probably about the extent of what will be occurring there for awhile now and possibly from now on. That is, other than the massage shows where they add little teasing performances of disingenuous pretense into them in attempts to keep observers attentions for those extra income quota's. Although perhaps, she may choose to rub one out when by herself every now and then as well. The realization over the last 3 to 4 months of how things may actually really be, has been somewhat discouraging imo as well.
  5. New, if I'm not mistaken, I believe the site name attached to the post was actually Matzing and is shown to have been registered here since July, 2014. It appeared to be in Russian print to me so I used Google translate on my phone, and it translated it. Even though it may have seemed to be derogatory or abusive in nature, I'm not so certain that was what it was meant to be, because of the way it was worded, it almost seemed as though it may have been someone attempting to let someone else know that they were aware of more personal conversations between the two that others had not been, or had not noticed. Although I still would not believe it, unless I was provided with a timeline of when it occurred and could in fact hear it for myself. Besides questioning the validity and timeline of the supposed conversation here in the chat thread, I also requested a timeline of the supposed conversation in private from that individual. I find it quite odd, that if such a conversation did actually even occur at all, that no one else noticed it.
  6. Well, it seems that apparently Malia has returned. As far as her roommate and friend Leora, doesn't appear to be so.
  7. Well I suppose so. Just would rather wait and do that for something special if ya know what I mean. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Yes I do realize that, and is why I used the words may and perhaps in my post.
  9. I understand your reasoning as it makes sense as to how it has seemed that matters such as that have seemed to become a usual occurrence there for awhile now whenever that does occur. Although having expressed this, I will also express that I recall many times when that much care was taken merely because it seemed she may have been feeling up to it, for nothing more than to remain at her residence and look her best.
  10. Are you certain that your crystal ball is still working filipe ? I'd hate to prepare my popcorn, snack tray, and beverages for nothing. Meow. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  11. I mentioned earlier that someone appeared to may have returned to change and get ready for perhaps another extensive absence. I've tried consulting with the all knowing old father time but so far he has been unresponsive on the matter. ๐Ÿ˜
  12. You are certainly right about that filipe ! I have always thought so and have also always thought that they make the clothes actually look better than they may when not worn or worn by someone else ! ๐Ÿ˜
  13. TONIGHT ! YAAYYYY ! HIP HIP HOORAH and WHOOPEEEE ! I'm certainly glad you clarified that for me filipe my feline friend ! I've got to make sure I have my snack tray and beverages ready ! Meow ! ๐Ÿ˜น
  14. Oh ok. Well alright then, I guess I just sometimes get my feline translations mixed up. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  15. Oh really now ? Surely you're just joking filipe my feline friend. But if you're really not...My Gosh that certainly will be something quite interesting to have privilege of observing ! Meow ! ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  16. Perhaps Leora has lost Malia somewhere. She returned to change into some cut off's once again and appears to not be wasting any time getting ready to leave again. Perhaps it may be already time for another all nighter for her.
  17. Well I'll be dog gone HF. I never would have thought you to be not right in the head at any time. Sure fooled me. ๐Ÿ˜
  18. It certainly would be interesting to hear that conversation...if it even actually occurred. I find it hard to believe considering if it actually occurred, no one else happened to take notice of it.
  19. Always a possibililty it was someone of that ethnicity or another, posting in that language trying to make it sound more English for comprehension because of being aware that a substantial amount of members and visitors of this site's forum are or do converse in English. Most are aware of internet translation softwares nowadays. I guess we may find out if whoever it may have been decides to respond to my question of when the supposed conversation occurred so it could be reviewed by others to substantiate or refute the claims.
  20. I wouldn't be so certain about that translation reading perfectly New, because it's certainly not worded perfect.
  21. Care to enlighten as to when that supposed conversation actually occured...that is...if it actually did ?
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