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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. As far as my gf is concerned, besides being quite an appealingly attractive woman, she can be a quite understanding one as well about lots of surprising things. πŸ™‚
  2. Ahhhh...the lives of the rlc performers. Certainly has seemed to be quite nice most times. Nice enough in fact that I've actually been considering talking it over with the gf to get her opinion as to whether we should perhaps apply to the project or not. Given the fact that she has 10+ years on the one known as Leora and looks every bit as good if not better than any of the women that has ever been with rlc. Although I'm not so certain she would even consider that it may not be a bad idea to give it a try. My case to her would be well why not give it a try. Although neither of us have any formal degree's or certification's or extensive experience in the arts of acting or performing, I'm certain we could do as well, if not better than most to perhaps even all of the performers that rlc has in places such as Barcelona, Rome, and oh yes, even the one's they have there in Prague as well. Of course it might take some convincing, and other then the all bills paid free residence to live in along with being given free money to live off of on a consistent basis, with there always being available the perks of having potentials of receiving even more extra money by way of generating extra cam activity between pay periods. I may tell her to look at it like this...we would get a chance to go see and live in another place and country that we probably wouldn't get otherwise, so it could perhaps be just considered as an extended vacation. One where we would pretty much be able to do just what we wanted to. Whether we decided to sit or lay around on our asses all day or night, or to go shopping or to take in some sites sometimes during the days, and certainly we would be able to take in the night life the place has to offer away from the residence at times as well. Of course I'll have to assure her that any of it won't be being paid for by us, but by what we would receive because of some generosities of other willing people. Knowing my gf...it may be a difficult sale to make (so to speak), to convince her into us doing something such as applying for the project, but I'm certain all the benefits would be quite interesting and appealing to her. I guess I'll know if I ever decide for certain to ask her. 😏
  3. I certainly hope that Koala doesn't happen to have any gas. 😏
  4. I hear you mate. Although it is somewhat unfortunate that the toxins mainly only have euphoric side effects and not any aphrodisiac side effects. Sorry mate. 😟
  5. Been getting more and more that way since more of an association has apparently been occurring elsewhere there also.
  6. Although I believe that her Koala must be clean and have a clean behind. At least I hope so since she seems to have her head and face awful close to it. 😏
  7. As I said. So they won't be having no kitty's for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or no midnight snacks. 😏
  8. Ever since they got some matching ones not long ago.
  9. Koala's only have one main dietary source, and it ain't kitty's. It's Eucalyptus leaves. 😏
  10. πŸ€” Hmmm....will the next all nighter be tomorrow...or perhaps the next day ? Only the keeper of all secrets until revealed, Old Man Time, knows for certain. 😏
  11. Yeah...and now is them and they are practically....
  12. True that may be, but I don't believe we're on them near as much as those that are on rhe hand-held ones.
  13. πŸ“² is one of the worst things ever created imo. Like many younger folks, especially teenagers, they practically stay on the damn things. One in particular more so than the other.
  14. That would certainly be a natural and reasonable reaction of curiosity to be sure.
  15. If it may have been from only one person jugg. Word has it, she and even both at times, have been going out and spending time with some group of friends they apparently may have there.
  16. Thanks hap. I thought I recalled there being such a thread but wasn't certain. Guess I could have checked to know more for sure.
  17. That's a good thing that you believed it was a realization that you needed to come to and that it made you better. I'm glad for you. πŸ‘Œ
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