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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Well, unfortunately it appears that, that may have been all of some teasing for now. Not likely anyone gonna feel up for anything else of any similar nature after consuming as much in food.
  2. How is that my friend ? I wasn't aware that the forum even done so for registered members.
  3. She may have been because she was certainly hesitant on a good opportunity.
  4. I have no doubt that it may have been enjoyed by them both. As far as the other, it's seemed that way all along at other times as well from my perspective.
  5. Perhaps she should. Seemed she was given ample opportunity and was reluctantly hesitant.
  6. Hopefully it continues to be and even more so turns out to be a quite pleasureable and enjoyable occasion for them as well as others and is not jinxed.
  7. Certainly appears to be a quite nice occasion so far.
  8. Although there was a time that at one point one of the two seemed to have moved her hand away from a certain area sonewhat a bit early, imo she has seemed to have not been shown much in gestures or hints of encouragement of similar activities since from her friend.
  9. Malia e Leora Malia 👄 👅 😋 Leora Malia likes Leora 👭😘
  10. Malia likes Leora 👭 Beautiful girls so cute so good 👸👸 Nick likes Leora and Malia 👦👧👩😘
  11. I have no doubt that some of their feelings toward one another are in fact heartfelt to a point of being genuine as they have been friends for quite some time, although as I have observed some of the occasions, it has from my perception seemed that one of the two seems to show more sensual feeling of desire towards the other in some ways that the other doesn't seem to respond likewise nearly as often.
  12. Sounds like a rational realization slipper. I've been hoping maybe I've been wrong in believing that some of the interactions between them seem more as performances than genuine spontaneous occurring occasions that would correlate more with the projects title than not, just as I was obviously not right in believing that nothing of any mutual exchange of any sensually or sexual interactions would occur with them in any way. Although it has seemed that her friend has been trying and making some attempts at some further development of such, she on the other hand has more or less not similarly responded likewise during some of those times. It may lead some to believe that they were merely performances as well.
  13. I agree. It's certainly by no means merely because she has her friend there as a roommate now, it is because of a combination of factors. One being an apparent involvement with someone else now along with there having been a necessity of changes being made after her arrival, together with attempting to maintain some level of popularity to potential observers of which imo, is now meant for not much more than an underlying reason that many are likely unaware of. Especially any who are subscribers mainly just because of that particular residence who have no idea that this site even exists.
  14. I will express my thoughts on some history of particular subject matters. Since first ever being fortunate enough to have discovered a woman I found to be quite intriguing and undoubtedly attractive, for the most part I always believed that mostly everything was actually genuine and real with her, which fell in line with the so called projects title. Those beliefs included but not limited to her seemingly having possessed a substantially higher libido than others and were shrouded in her ways and actions of achieving personal sensual and sexual gratification and satisfaction. Although over time there were others along the way who would claim that a majority of those ways and actions were not actually genuine, and were done for some underlying reasons including viewership for certain personal benefits, I always brushed off those claims and refused to believe any of them. I never forgot of the claims being made and although I refused to believe them, over time of remembering some of those claims did eventually cast a shadow of doubt that lingered in the back of my mind. After a substantial amount of time had past along the way, I was informed that besides the bills paid residences all of RLC's participants are provided with, they are all also provided with cost of living subsistance compensations as well as all having perks available to them in each pay period of potential extra income by means of generating as much attraction to the cams of the residences as they may want to attempt to achieve. Regardless of all just mentioned, as far as the one participant in particular is concerned, whether or not all of her ways and actions were ever actually more genuine and happened to occur merely spontaneously as is usually more so in real life occurrences, I usually always found a profound level of intrigue and enjoyment in observing her. After the arrival of her roommate, I began noticing it seemed that occasions of any significant interest were occurring less and less. Of course having someone else at the residence not only limited an amount of personal space, but also amounts of time as well related to such. Because it had seemed to develop that way, I began paying even closer attention to some of any occasion that would occur that may involve any significant interest, and even reviewed some several times or more. I then began to notice certain mannerisms that occurred during some of the occasions, besides a number of pretenses that were being projected during them as well. It pretty much had confirmed what I had begun to be skeptical about, and because of what I had eventually been informed of by someone who would be considered a highly reliable and credible source that a good bit of what occurs that seems like it might be leading to some occasion of even more significant interest, is more likely than not merely done for the cam attention for someone's eventual personal benefit. I still find some interest and enjoyment in observing some of the occasions and certainly always her appealing and attractive view, although it seems not nearly as much now in reaching the realization of it. It has now seemed to have become more of something to just to pass the time doing instead of something to get much excitment about.
  15. Someone with some logic to reason. You certainly got that right StnCld.
  16. If I were still a betting man, I'd wager she was out with some friend or friends at some social gathering. It seemed as though she was trying to invite Malia last night at one point and that Malia may have declined the offer.
  17. She stayed the course and remained awake in case her assistance may have been needed in any way by her friend also imo.
  18. I'm certainly glad she made it home safe and unharmed.
  19. Well the devil went down to Prague lookin for a soul to steal...He was in a bind cause he was way behind, so he was lookin ta make a deal When he came across this young man, messin with a gal and feelin her on her rump...the devil smiled at them as he turned around and he jumped up on a hickory stump He said, "Now boy let me tell you what, I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a woman's rump feeler too...and if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you." "Now you a pretty good woman's rump feeler son, but give the ole devil his due...I'll bet a fiddle of gold against yer soul, that I'm a much better woman's rump feeler than you". 😈 😏
  20. I concur. Yet still it has seemed that someone is more reluctant than the other in any further development of such.
  21. She has always certainly seemed to be. Although imo she has also been involved in what it takes in attempting to attract or maintain a level of viewership there, and it has seemed at times that she may would even be interested in even being somewhat more involved with her friend at times...although it has seemed that there was not enough or no reciprication on her friends part for anything else to develop any further.
  22. Someones chatting on her phone again. Likely missing someone from home.
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