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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps it could be a legitimate reason but knowing of some of their past deeds, I would not swear to it that's for sure.
  2. Perhaps, but knowing rlc, there's really no telling if so or not.
  3. Well, one things for certain, as long as the stream is down there won't be any credit for cam observer time.
  4. The thumbs that still are showing have evidently been frozen since the live stream went down. I sent rlc support a notification email but knowing them, nothing will be done anytime soon and that's providing there was a legitimate technical issue or if it was even done purposely for some reason.
  5. Oh really, so you like to wear sheer and sexy undergarments too happyone ? 😏 It's no wonder you stay so happy. 🙂
  6. Appeared to be delicious. 😋 Although I can think of something that may have been more delicious just a little while ago. 😏
  7. It has been quite peculiar how one who at one time seemed to want to either wear some under garments that included being made of some if not all lace that was not only somewhat sheer but quite sexy as well, whether it be in some slip, negligee, or merely only a panty, and yet over time since before the arrival of her friend and especially since then, she has chosen to only to wear regular undergarments more and more while yet her friend will wear her sexy sheer black slip while wearing nothing else. My how old father time causes changes in everything and everyone.
  8. For whatever reason, it appears that it may have been a back in black home coming return.
  9. There is nothing wrong literally with the posts. The meaning of the messages have obviously been only meant to have been done in attempting to relay good thoughts and meanings. I believe part of the point that was trying to be conveyed was how much of it has been very nearly the exact same messages over and over for months now with very little to no change in many of them. I can understand someones opinions of such, although they really have not bothered me. Some at times, I have actually found some humor in.
  10. Yeah cat man do, and so was mine. But then again, they are merely only more of our opinions of our own opinions now aren't they.
  11. Oh really...well I'll be dog gone. Except you obviously are not. Obviously you have mistaken me as someone who gives a shit about that mutt. Is that short enough for you fido ? If not, too bad.
  12. Obviously you've been out sniffing alot of other canine asses and piles of dog fecies and are suffering from an intoxication and hallucinations from it mutt. If you don't happen to like what I ever have to say here, I guess you could simply go sniff and lick some more and simply keep on enjoying yourself doing it.
  13. Not sure what your getting at by that comment but in answering your other sarcastic comment, the answer to that question should be clear to all so I'll not dignify a question of sarcasm wirh a dilligent answer.
  14. Glad you and some others find some attractiveness in her. I'm certain she can use all the supportive compliments she can get.
  15. That woman certainly has very little if any rhythm whatsoever.
  16. It's been considered quite peculiar that amongst most noticed occasions that occurred at the residence for around a week prior to around 3 to 4 days ago, that few if any occasions involving exchanging of body rubdowns and/or massages seemed to have occurred. The same could be considered for any occasions similar to some crossing of some legs while exchanging of some rubbing and caressing of one another in various places while watching something on a tablet with exception of occurring perhaps once or twice during that week. Although it had seemed to have been noticed that the occasions mentioned in both paragraphs above had been occurring for awhile off and on...on a consistent basis prior to then...including an occasion that seemed to have developed into something even somewhat more around three weeks ago...it has been quite peculiar that only a couple of occasions even remotely close the occasions mentioned in paragraph two have occurred during that time period of a week prior to three or four days ago, and perhaps only one, if any, have occurred at all even remotely similar to the occasions mentioned in paragraph one and none at all even similar to an occasion around three weeks ago mentioned in this paragraph. If any of the mentioned occasions were supposed to have been meant to have been believed that they had occurred spontaneously and were occasions of genuine real life occurrences between two friends who had become also two roommates, why all of a sudden did things change to where only one or two occasions have occurred that were similar to the ones mentioned in paragraph two...and perhaps only one, if any, of the occasions mentioned in paragraph one have occurred in that time period and certainly none of the occasions have ever developed any further than as seemed to have around three weeks ago now ? If these occasions had been supposedly merely spontaneously occurring occasions between two close friends and not merely for some underlying reason such as observer attraction for some reason...why have the occasions subsided to a point of not hardly occurring much at all recently since then, and why has there never been any further developement as far as the occasion the occurred around three weeks ago with the two friends ? It has been noticed that recently after the events that occurred with one of the two exiting the residence and spending good bits of her time away last week until something unfortunate seemed to have occurred that has seemed to have changed that some...and now it's been noticed that the two has seemed to be again back to spending more of their time to theirselves as they seemed to have before they ever started spending more time together. Imo...if the occasions mentioned were occasions that were merely spontaneously occuring occasions between two friends in efforts of being sociable, cordial, and physically gratifying interactions of close friends, offering mutual benefits of physical contact that benefited them both not only physically but sensually as well, perhaps the occasions would not have subsided quite as much and perhaps there may have even been some further development in some of the occasions instead. Being sensually physically stimulated from or by someone else at times instead of merely ones self more times than not offers experiences of higher levels of sensual and even sexual gratification and satisfaction. Everyone has their own views and opinions on anything including this...I have mentioned mine on this on multiple occasions and it will not waver if nothing there ever does during the rest of my sub. until it's end.
  17. Good luck on that my friend. Especially when she doesn't even have the nerve to talk on her phone at certain times to certain people and has to resort to the only room in the place without a cam to do it. I've emailed the pay service provider I've used to see if I could possibly get any refund on the subscription cost I payed if I was to agree that it could be canceled a month or two early and are awaiting a response back from them. Tomorrow, I'm seriously considering sending a nice little extensive email to rlc admin support as well. The latter may likely do no good other than me voicing my opinion to them of why I will soon be discontinuing with their services for the 3rd and likely final time.
  18. Call it whatever you choose, but either you misconstrued the comments I made intentionally, or unintentionally. If you would rather claim that you merely renamed something of such, that's certainly your prerogative. But anyone who can read that did read it, would and does know better, as there was certainly no question in either post as you claimed. Furthermore, perhaps you may want to start paying more attention to your punctuation there instead of so much of half sentences followed by the other half of sentences going by your capitalization and puntuation marks there Mr. Elite 1% of supposedly everything and all that is known of someone called Leora. To be clear, if there is any congregation in these threads of this forum, perhaps it may be the ones who you may always feel some need to present yourself as someone who deems himself to be in some top elite 1% of supposed knowledge on anything or everything that is all known of someone called Leora, and who also feels some need to interject himself in the chat of these threads to criticise and put down any of the other 99% of opinion expressers merely because there may have been some negativity being expressed concerning your Ms. Precious infallible and flawless one known as Leora. Just as you insinuated when you made your 99% of opinions remark in the topic #33 dialogue.
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