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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Wow ! What a night ! A great night with a hot woman combined with an extended comedy show ! Sincere appreciation to all !
  2. Well apparently I must have believed wrong luv...the show continues after all. Well at least we're not at the apartment whilst we enjoy such comedy.
  3. Alright juls my sweets...I believe we have a break in the comedy show.
  4. We would prefer to have some privacy for a bit. 😎
  5. Ok. See you in a couple of hours pulo filipe my feline friend. 👋 Meow.
  6. Well you're welcomed e...but really no thanks was necessary for such my friend. It was just the truth. 👌
  7. E...I wouldn't worry about it in the least. You have just as much right to participare and contribute your thoughts and opinion here as anyone else regardless of what anyone else may think about it. As far as the other...evidently, there has been some speculation of such that at this point is no more than that...which has been nothing more than unproven conjecture.
  8. Aww shucks guys...alright already...you got me...my secret's been exposed. ☺
  9. Interesting. The time I looked into something such as that...other than various website apps at the time that offered somewhat of language translation capabilities available of translation of a language in print or text to another that seemed to be relatively inexpensive and some even free...and then some other websites that I had located who claimed their software was capable of picking up audio verbal communications of some languages and translating it into others...as well as the other way mentioned...it seemed there were around 3 or 4 or perhaps maybe even several more that claimed to have those capabilities...but they were all somewhat on the expensive side. More then I was willing to pay at the time anyway. Of course that's been quite awhile ago also. Perhaps it may benefit me to check around again now.
  10. I understand and realize that and are well aware of google translate as well as that there are other various websites where similar services can be located and acquired by way of apps. But a majority of the sites only offer language translation of print or text dialogue...and a few that actually claim to offer translation of actual verbal communications are pretty much quite on the pricey side. Listening to someone elses conversation on Skype would likely require somewhat of a knowledge of the language being spoken in the conversation...or if not...then a language verbal translation software that would probably be fairly costly.
  11. So I take it you must understand the Russian language then Joe ?
  12. Personally I don’t care if it was the greatest Oscar winning performance ever in the history of acting.As a sometimes critic of Leora I thoroughly enjoyed it, and didn’t care to analyse it for whether there was genuine emotion or falseness ...What I did appreciate was that it was different to what had been occurring, it broke the boredom of repetition. It’s those little variations that can make a difference to the viewers perception...Yes it may well be an act, and yes she no doubt doesn’t give a rats arse about us ( why should she ) and yes she might be getting paid exorbitant amounts of money to coax us into renewing membership. When we individually get tired of her actions we know what we can do...that’s our choice! But little things, like licking her tits, making her panties moist for us to view, or just breaking the routine is really all she needs to do..It’s not Nuclear Science for fucks sake. As for the acting, well we’ve probably all had relationships where if we were that honest we may not have performed to our full potential at times, and the partner would make us feel like a super stud, how’s that for acting. I believe myself to be a fair critic of Leora, if she is in my opinion underperforming I’m one of the first to state it.( and not without critics ) but when she does in my eyes do something or creates a situation that I find pleasing I am also one of the first to applaud her.. We all as individuals have different likes/dislikes and opinions or interpretations of the same situation, that’s what makes life so interesting. Some folks are contented with everything, others want more for their Dollar /Pound / Euro...Wouldn’t life itself be boring and repetitive if we all thought alike?😺 Kind of an extended way of putting it but yes jimbo...with exception of a few other tidbits of info. here and there, I do believe that's about the jist of what I expressed as well. As far as any acting goes...it's only become more apparent as time has past since the arrival of the roommate. Somehow...I figured I may only be one of others who have come to realize it...although admittedly...it may have taken myself quite a bit longer than some to come to the realization of it. I've never claimed that I've never enjoyed observing any of her performances...neither recently...nor in the past. But knowing and believing that something is performed and not something that occurs spontaneously because of desire only...diminishes the concept of genuine voyeurism a good bit and those who may believe otherwise...perhaps just as well may be those who enjoy logging onto other styles of camsites to indulge in their type of fantasies as well.
  13. As I've mentioned my friend, everyone has their own views and opinions on any matters in life. People do lots of things in life when it comes down to acquiring money as well. It would make no sense whatsoever for anyone to perform in any performances without seeming to show some related emotions to such scenarios. It's why some folks make it as actors and actresses, and lots don't.
  14. It was merely another performance performed for one of two reasons and likely a combination of both. One because a certain amount of accrued cam observer accumulation was not satisfactory around that time and prior to then, and the other because it had likely been noticed that there had been a certain amount of potential observer comments of negativity that someone wasn't so pleased with. As far as the other...it is certain that it was explained to her how the perk of potential extra income works and that is very likely why she is complicit in attempting to make potential observers believe that much of it is spontaneous and genuine...perhaps maybe even more so than the other considering how long the other has been a participant, and how long she has not. Besides that, it's been evident that there has seemed to be a certain amount of manipulation occurring there as well. After initially observing the occasion that occurred with both of them almost two weeks ago now that had me believing I could have been wrong in several ways concerning them, I did go back and observe that occasion several other times. Afterwards, I already knew I had been wrong about anything of such ever occurring of which I adamantly admitted to here in this thread more than once. But after reviewing the situation on multiple occasions, I realized it after all was merely another performance. Of course that was merely my perception of the occasion of which formed my opinion of such, and everyone has their own perceptions, ideas, beliefs, and opinions concerning any matters.
  15. That is in fact what quite a few in essence mean, when referring to a number of the project participants. That and having agreed to be a participant in living in the presence of cams whenever any of them are there. After all...a number of them do engage in performances ever so often, and some even more often so than others. Otherwise, other than matters of resident/residence cleaning chores ever so often...there is not much else that is actually work in the literal sense or meaning. Perhaps something some of them may be on vacation from...is actual and genuine work.
  16. As far as the first part New...although it may be well intentioned or meaning to get a point across...I was around observing very often before then as I have kept my sub. current since she returned to the project at the current location, and that my friend should be considered an exageration for sure. As far as the other...it's likely your right and I do agree.
  17. Should have just left the door open. After all...it's just another performance from someone who's gained somewhat of a reputation as being somewhat of an actress in that aspect...one who when notices more negativity concerning her than she cares to notice at times...decides it might be time for another performance at some of those times.
  18. I must give credit where credit is due and that was well thought out and my response to those words of wit is...you got that right.
  19. I certainly do Joe my friend. Her and her bf that she helps support financially back in Russia both do. They know some English as well. She's been heard singing along to parts of some songs that were in English...even recently some I've heard her as well as in the past. She does mainly to see what gets mentioned concerning her and him still...but likely more so her now that she is at the current location to give her some idea of how or what some or any potential observers may be thinking of her at that residence because he is seldomly mentioned anymore, and he still does mainly anymore in attempts to know what may be going on with her. She once got an attitude about some things that were mentioned in a similar thread related to them at a previous residence they were both in concerning them...and gave one of the cams the bird. Besides that...it was pretty certain that she previously had registered on the forum here and was responding to some posts every now and then...that is until someone gave her an attitude enough that she closed out the registration and deleted her posts. Then later...it was believed that she again registered and tried to remain more anonymous and only responded defensively to some negative posts about her and him until she eventually soon after quit again. If I was to research enough...I could probably locate the username she used the first time. But...I really don't care about it anyway.
  20. Something was mentioned here not long ago that perhaps the two were merely behaving as two previous project residents known as K & K did for quite awhile and after several years...had become known as two of the biggest put ons and teasers of rlc. Well...perhaps that is true as it seems what took the other two several years to accomplish...these two are managing to accomplish even more of the same in merely 3 to 4 months. Quite shrewd is the one who once used to be considered by some as one of the most intriguingly interesting out of all the other project participants.
  21. I knew I wasn't the only one noticing it e. Also, because of such and including some of the points of my previous post...I'm glad I never decided to rescind my cancellation notice like I actually had started considering doing. When it's over...I'll be done with rlc. It would take a good bit to convince me otherwise at this point.
  22. Well perhaps she actually may be jimbo. I merely expressed the fact that she had been observed using plugs on a number of occasions in the past when in fact she actually wasn't at the time. Besides...I do believe it was mentioned here as well before on a several of those occasions when eventually...other events proved otherwise.
  23. After some substantial consideration...I will elaborate on my current opinion of a particular subject matter that occurred at the residence a week and a half ago now. For awhile previous to then...there had been a number of observers who had mentioned that some particular situation would never occur with the two residents. Addionally...there had been a number of observers who had been mentioning concerns of how a number of situations that occurred with the two residents had seemed to have been more performed than actual spontaneous genuine actions of various situations that occurred with them. I happened to be included in those number of observers. Yet surprisingly...when some particular situation did actually happen to occur...I was the first to admit on here that I was quite wrong concerning such and that I...like a number of others...very well could have been wrong concerning a number of situations or occasions that occurred with the two previous to then that may have not seemed to have been actual spontaneous genuine occurrences...and appeared to be more like performances. I have now reviewed the particular occasion that occurred a week and a half ago multiple times and have noticed even more so how some of the events of the situation unfolded...and although I admittedly was wrong about such a particular situation of such ever occurring...I now believe the occasion was performed as well. Of course it's only my perspective and opinion concerning such...but to my peers, associates, and friends...I've many more times then not been considered a good judge of character when it comes to someones behaviors and actions that I've had opportunity to observe.
  24. Well, I suppose I could have called them by what lots of folks do and what they are actually called...but I simply just called them what they are. 👌
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