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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I made perfectly clear that you were wrong about claiming that one of the two women's pussy lips had been parted by some of the other's fingers. It was likely just some more of your bullshitting antics in trying to make things seem as they were not. Why...who knows...perhaps it was that vivid imagination of yours...or perhaps it may have been your way of trying to impress other folks. Whatever the reason...I could care less. But you were blatantly wrong...just as you were a number of other times that you have been concerning similar matters with others at RLC. It's the same shit you used to do when you visited some chat threads at the sister site...that is...until so many noticed what you had been doing...and starting either shutting you down...or ignoring you altogether. Picking on you philo...hardly...just making clear that I know alot about your conspiracy theory and tall tale promoting ways. I have for awhile now...ever since you were known to put them out there over on the sister site. Now I see your up to some of your same old antics and ways here. As I said earlier...you do have a way with words that likely impresses some folks and makes some things you say more believable to them. But that doesn't matter to me. By the way...the correct words to have used in one of your statements would have been your, not you, and life, not live. Hopefully that's clear enough for you.
  2. It's already been brought. Maybe you actually don't comprehend plain English. But one thing you do do well philo...is bull shit...and quite a bit of it.
  3. You...a self insinuating Voyeur Extraordinaire not have a clue of plain English ? Why philo...I do find that hard to believe...because I know better. You have a very good clue.
  4. To think there are those who don't think or believe someone pays any attention here. Hmm...pulo filipe thinks otherwise. 😺
  5. Lol. Although I'm a man...I've never denied being part lesbian myself. I enjoy doing most things that us lesbians do. 😏
  6. Well...everyone has their own views and opinions and on this subject matter...this is just mine on a few points mentioned. Like some of the other project participants...L & T are about as boring as fuck as well unfortunately imo. Although I'm inclined to believe the fingering everyday comment was mentioned in a context of an exaggeration based on relating to how often something may have at a time occurred although it never actually did to that extent...it nowadays and for awhile now has seldomly been occurring...although the other has and of which I do agree on.
  7. I again will repeat something that has been said before philo. "You do have a way with words", and "You have quite a vivid imagination" as well my friend. I again reviewed the occasion both in normal view and in zoom view as well. What you described never occurred. As I've said to you in the past...you have quite a vivid imagination. Now I'll tell you something similar to what others have told you previously in the past as well, "It's not nice to project things occurring in some particular ways that actually haven't", although those weren't the exact words used. They were more like "philo...Stop Projecting or Promoting Conspiracy Theories or Tall Tales". Does that happen to ring any bells ? It's considered quite similar to those who engage in ruses or fallacies. Besides that...you...who seems to project yourself as someone who could perhaps be considered as some sort of a Voyeur Extraordinaire to some by being mainly interested in the overall meaning and ways of voyeurism...yet according to your comments you have made over time...it has seemed quite peculiar that it usually always seemed that you were quite interested in occasions involving sexual situations more so than anything else. I as well noticed some of the occasions you referred to concerning some of the project participants and residences of the past in some posts made on a page of the previous subthread of this topic listing...although I did not comment on any of it. I will say that some of the occasions you vaguely described...did not occur quite the ways you made some seem to have in those vague desciptions of some of them. There were others around then as well who noticed what more or less occurred during some of those occasions and some of your comments made concerning some of them back then as well...and a few still are.
  8. Yeah...I was wondering what occurred with it as well. The first part was part of a quote I made. But when it got repeated from someone else in their response to mine...that part of my quote appeared with your site name.
  9. There's nothing wrong with any soft tone occurring with anyone. Only not consistently over and over. We're different because we were all made different. As is if we were all created the same life would certainly be very boring...so it is when the same continuous scenario's occurs over and over again. Even more so...if it is known or believed to be make believe of some certain outcome that may never occur and almost certainly won't. Besides that...in knowing what certain ways one has projected for the better part of six years now...for that particular one to start projecting different ways that are likely quite certain to be ruse's or fallacies...raises concerns of that particular one's credibility of genuineness all along.
  10. Before I say to you what's been said to you by some others previously in the past, although I already observed the latest occasion fairly thoroughly, I never noticed anything such as that occur, so I will wait and observe again in the morning or as soon as replay is working around then or as soon as is thereafter philo. I have a decent computer with a decent zoom extension.
  11. If anyone cared to know...my advice to anyone would be to suggest to not get any hopes up of much of anything anymore different ever occurring there than has been lately and for awhile now.
  12. That's your opinion and it's ok...but like I said...everyone has their own views and opinions on anything. I mentioned mine on the subject and I will not be at all surprised that the same and similar scenarios continue on the rest of the time they are associated with rlc or I am.
  13. For any who may have lost the stream and may be interested in knowing what did occur up until now. They took turns draping their legs across each other while the one who had a leg draped across them...did some more enticing and oh so very lightly...as in barely at all...grazing of the other's pussy with barely the tips of some fingers. While this occurred...there was hardly anything visible much at all just as usual. All the while the tablet was playing something their attention was on as they were continuosly watching something while it was conveniently tucked down in between them once again. Eventually...they stopped and went to the kitchen table and were setting there drinking something and talking...just like always usually occurs. Then they returned to the bed to now continue watching something else on a tablet. When they get the server situation staightened out...it should all be available on replay. I as well lost the stream signal...but I was still able to observe by way of thumbs and some replay. Only thing was...on the replay it appeared to have stopped also...but if someone started it at the end of where it appeared to have stopped by the graph...it would continue playing on. Everyone has their own views and opinions on anything...mine happens to be that it was merely another faked b.s. session for cam attention. Only thing is...they didn't know there were any servers down. I would say that's unfortunate for them...but being that they are the fakers that they have shown to be...I won't.
  14. By chance by stationary pc are you referring to a desktop ?
  15. Well apparently two who have become the biggest unreal fakers of the project are at it again while their attention is on a tablet they have obscured between them...once again. It's obvious they believe everyone is quite naive or ignorant to the same continuous fallacies or ruses. At least one of if not the both of them does anyway.
  16. Off topic but have they got the beaches near you closed currently jugg ?
  17. Lol. Now come on juggs...lighten up a little bro. Even if I don't end up rescending my sub. cancelation notice...I'll still visit here some just to check and see what you folks are up to. 🙂
  18. The roommate was likely confused at times. It is highly likely that she was more informed after arrival on how the process works to be able to have any potential of any extra compensation. Afterwards...it was taking awhile for her to get over the high level of inhibitions that she noticably exhibited and still does to a noticable extent...but there have been times where she became somewhat less inhibited and knowing what the process is all about now...is most likely why. Then...when the one who was likely a coach and also an orchestrator of events starts behaving differently...she at first probably didn't know what to think...that is until she may have been informed that there may possibly be something occurring with another. But it was also noticed that she was complicit in the orchestrations as well. Now...the frequency of any solo performances has subsided to very little...while the frequency of orchestrated duo performances that has seemed to result in very little has usually been occurring instead.
  19. At this point in time...it may be unfortunate that it's likely that there are those who may feel that it wouldn't be a terrible thing if they were to pack up and go back where they came from or anywhere else.
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