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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. pulo filipe are we really supposed to think that may be you undercover wanting to see someone with some pink bunny ears on somewhere...or some beaver trying to impersonate you ? 😸 Meow 😹
  2. Ok braul. It's understood it's not supposed to be scripted like some of the famous movies you've played in but instead is supposed to be based on genuine real life occasions. Only...it's not always...and sometimes not even close. That's all.
  3. Old Smutly...what a character. A quite funny one at that. 🙂
  4. Regardless, 29 years is a reference of measurement of time. Everything we humans do is based on time unfortunately. Whatever the cause or reason has happened in time so in my perspective...it is related. You are certainly right concerning someone should be in their prime though jimbo my friend.
  5. It has appeared that she apparently seems to not care. Evidently...her head has become too big for her.
  6. Thumb screens don't give credit as do actual cam observations and one can usually tell if anything of any significant interest may be occurring or not merely by some screen shots.
  7. It has appeared that old man time is slowly but surely catching up on a behind.
  8. It would be quite hilarious if the roommate was to all of a sudden snatch that phone out of her hands and go to the balcony and toss it. But she's too submissively nice and wouldn't never do anything such as that. Besides...she's complicit in some performances there as well.
  9. But of course jugg...and why would you not...The Le Whisperer has obviously always been an encouragement to her agenda. 🐎 😉
  10. It seemed that was one of various things she did seemed to do well. Although it also seemed that the materials used was acquired in kits. I had noticed that she usually referred to some paper that sometimes seemed to be included in a kit...or her phone of all things intermittently while she would assemble them. I never thought much of any of them though...because to me they appeared to be mainly in resemblance to stick figures or the most basic of doll figures.
  11. Well...such as Joe recently and a number of other disappointed and discouraged subscribers it is certain...have either already cancelled subscriptions...or are either in the process of or intent of doing so. I put in a notice awhile back to not have my subscription renewed at the end of the current period already payed for. More so lately than not though...I have been considering contacting the pay services provider used again...to see that if cancelled a month or more prior to then...if they would be willing to return a portion of money such as they did after the shutdown of the Russia residences. Imo...it has seemed just not worth it anymore. Probably time to move on from being involved in it financially anyway. One can pay to observe performances many other places...some that may seem more genuine as well.
  12. Yes...it seems that perhaps some days of some higher and more significant intrigue are now past. A cat seems to be out of the bag so to speak...in more ways than one. Apparently its a development that seems to make alot of times past seem quite trivial and not so worth while now.
  13. Well why then...did you accept the money when I, as a producer, made those vids you participated in braul my friend ? 😎
  14. Sorry to hear of that mate. Been wondering about you. Hope everythings turns out good for you Aussie. I'll be mentioning something to the big guy upstairs on your behalf my friend.
  15. That's about the jist of it jugg. You are welcomed to join my Leora and RLC syndrome withdrawal meditations. 🙂
  16. As unfortunate as it may be, I agree Joe. But there was also even more phone time towards the end of the ruse and even more tablet time before going to sleep. I guess it's regrettable that some others in the past who had thought and expressed that half to a majority of her masturbations over time seemed to have been faked as well anyway were not given alot of credit or belief...because since she managed to get her friend there now as her roommate...her intentions have been becoming clearer and her true colors have been becoming exposed so to speak. Perhaps if some of those others had been taken more seriously and somewhat believed at the times...alot of money could have been saved or spent elsewhere on things perhaps more useful.
  17. It nearly couldn't be helped in noticing...other than some other acting...she's been acting as giddy as a school girl so to speak.
  18. I noticed a behavioral difference awhile back and started noticing how much of certain situations were even more so seeming less genuine and put on than ever before. Perhaps that is what it may have been. But the performances are certainly noticed to be just that and not actually genuine. Imo chances are going forward...to some...she will not be considered much more better or interesting much longer in regards to some of the others now...possibly already isn't by some who once may have. To some, some of the others may actually be considered better or more interesting now.
  19. The two look like two zombies in the twilight of the infrared of cams #9 & #11. It's not a good look for them.
  20. You as well huh. Figured I probably wasn't the only one.
  21. Just because folks that may live under some cams views 24/7...that's hardly to be considered performing in the sense you make it sound philo. Those people get the bills free places to live along with cost of living compensations and have the added perks of potential extra compensations based on amounts of cam observations. But I'm sure you realize that. Although it would be difficult to believe that you not once ever set and observed her for hours while she was behaving like she wanted to get herself off but then all of a sudden...she stops and started doing something else and you were never disappointed in any way. C'mon Man !
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