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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. "Yes luv ... all the pink was quite nice today and especially the pink of the little kitty and one of it's little friends ... only that the little kitty's nearby neighbor seemed to have felt ignored and left out again"! πŸ“² Oops ... sorry guy's. I forgot about you guys still being there. πŸ™‚
  2. Today in the Republic it may be known as Prague Pink Day.
  3. I once used to have a nickname. At times I used to be referred to as Inspector Clitso and never was slapped by any pink. πŸ™‚
  4. Yes...and that is Inspector Clouseau getting slapped by the Pink. Lol πŸ˜„
  5. 😯 Unless it is staged...that is certainly a concerning pic. If it is not staged and is something that actually occurred...then it appears to have evidently been certainly unfortunate for the person. For although there appears to be no apparent blood loss exhibited from the person...it does appear to be a bloody meat clever in the person's right hand. πŸ€”
  6. Yes braul...but judging by some thumb screenshots before the current certain part of more of the same began...some of the views before did appear to look quite nice.
  7. More playful teasing...but she's certainly not shy about it.
  8. Filipe...did you roll around alot while dreaming again while you were asleep ? Lol. 😹
  9. I believe at times perhaps the skunk may use tampons to alleviate the stench long enough to sneak in here and attempt at being a smart ass in wise cracking on or insulting other's post comments. The skunk really should be careful...or it could end up where it belongs...in a trap. ☠...🀭...🀨
  10. Do not fool yourself there skunk...your species kind does not possess a percentage of the intelligence of we human species. As far as using a tampon...it would really be great if you used one instead of always having a stench lingering wherever you may go.
  11. There you go again skunk...thinking or insinuating you may know so much about something because of something you may have read on here. She...like many women...have been known to insert a tampon for none other than to gaurd against any potential leakage if preferred over a pad or none are available at times whenever a period is not even around yet. As far as your immature nonsense such as above...perhaps a forum for kids would be more suitable for you and that type of b.s.
  12. That's a fat cat...but he is not the fat cat Garfield's twin brother jimbo4...he is right above and to the left. πŸ™‚
  13. I do not recall ever stating that sexy girl. I have known for a long time about the potential extra bonus compensation option or opportunities that the tenants are offered. If I recall...I understood you as saying that the tenants were offered an extra bonus compensation for having sex or performing sexual activities. Also if I recall...my response to that was that the offer or opportunities of extra bonus compensation does not just pertain to any of the tenants to only perform any sexual activities in order to receive any of it. It is based on and what ultimately determines how much of any bonus compensation any of the tenants may receive...is a combination of an amount of cam viewer attraction or cam viewer hits, along with an accumulated amount of cam viewer time. That doesn't necessarily mean that any of the tenants have to perform any sexual activities in order for those two conditions to occur...although it is more likely then not that the tenants cams would likely attract more viewers to the cams and have more cam viewer time accumulation of some cams by engaging in and during some sexual activities rather than just some other non sexual activities. But, since it is based on amount of cam visits combined with amount of cam viewer time spent on cams...some of the other non sexual activities that captures cam viewers interests also factors into it all at any certain time of calculations. Sorry if I misunderstood you...or you misunderstood me.
  14. πŸ–•...and your claim of whining...and you got that right...each to their own there cupcake. Furthermore...you complain or critcize almost every time your on here...only mosty about or to other members or visitors of this thread instead of some tenant there cupcake. I can name 2 or 3 right now. Actually...at least 4. Oh wait...you've bitched and complained about some tenants in some of the other apartments on numerous occasions in the past too there cupcake.
  15. First of all...I haven't been watching them live and in real time for a good little while now. Only keeping up with what has been occurring by mostly the thumbs. and some replay clips of that residence. Although that residence and one of the tenants there has always been the main reason I ever became interested enough in rlc to even subscribe...of which was quite a long time ago...since the arrival of the roommate at the current residence and imo things have changed there to a point of becoming much less interesting than was before that...things have imo become a good bit disappointing. Second of all...since not long after the arrival of the current roommate...I began seeing more clearly what the more likely genuine reasons were and likely are for most anything of interest to ever occur there anymore. So...unless there is anything of what I consider very significant interest ever occurring there anymore between now and an end of my sub...I will not add to any cam viewer attraction or accumulations which is for their extra bonus compensations. Third and lastly...you need to re-read the first paragraph of my post of which you responded to trying to be a smart ass also...it didn't just pertain to the skunk...it also pertains to you and anybody else who thinks or claims somebody is or may be whining...and as in the last lines of the first paragraph...I frankly could care less and don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks about what I state in this thread that is obviously not to your liking. Furthermore...if you think the latest edition there is lovely...perhaps you may want to look again or a little closer...or maybe with some glasses on. πŸ€“
  16. She rubs her pussy a little bit and there are those who obviously think it was the best thing ever...when it was certainly not even close to some of the other similar occasions previously that was clearly and obviously alot better with her. It was around the 3rd time in as many weeks of which the last two were more or less quickies and even one if not both were without lighting although they appeared to have been still during the day. There were perhaps only two reasons why it even occurred today and one of those is only a possibility while the other is very likely certain. While only teasing before the actual pussy rubbing even began...maintaining only the #1 thumbnail screenshot of the live feed thumbs. instead of multiple thumbs. in the live feed thumbs such as used to be...for a good part of the day because of some teasing...and no higher than #54 in the replay thumbnail screenshots of the same time frame...is likely a strong indicator of popularity diminishing and likely because of more catching on and becoming aware of as to why those type of occasions mainly are occuring there anymore. Like I've been stating and as it is known by some others...it is very nearly clear that the main reason anything of even half assed interest occurs there at that residence anymore...is for accruing cam viewer attraction and accumulation for extra compensation other than the bi-weekly or monthly subsistence living allowance that all the rlc tenants receive. The other reason could perhaps be that maybe she was frustrated and horny and really wanted to experience some personal sensual enjoyment until achieving an orgasm and in turn relief and satisfaction. It was thought and believed for a long time by some that the second reason mentioned was the main and more likely reason that those type of occasions or situations occurred with her. It may still be believed to be that way for some...but for others...it seemed to change and start becoming more clear that the first of the two reasons mentioned was and more than likely is the main reason why those type of occasions or situations occur anymore...of which it started becoming more clear a short time after the current roommates arrival.
  17. She didn't do it for me...and I'll bitch, moan, groan, and whatever the hell else I want to do and whenever I want to do it. So you really shouldn't concern yourself about it...because frankly...I don't give a damn and could care less if you did. Also.. maybe you can come up with other more mature dialogue instead of that panty drawer crap you often do. Maybe that would be more interesting to read then that immature shit.
  18. Currently, the residence has been maintaining the #1 thumb. out of the live feed thumbs for awhile...but not multiple thumbs in the top 5, 10, or even 20 or more like usually used to be. As far as replay thumbs...a 54th spot is way down on the list.
  19. Noticing by the live feed thumbs...the interruptee...who always condones the interruptor...had once again become a teasor for a bit while the interruptor has done what she usually does...which is nothing, other than interrupt that is...with exception of other than nap mostly off and on while they were supposedly watching something on a tablet...but nothing of interest imo. More of the same lately and for awhile now...mostly teasing for cam observer attraction for benefit of extra compensation. I for one will not give that residence the benefit of even more added cam viewer accumulation as long as the ways it has become continues for as long as the rest of my current sub. continues or lasts.
  20. Once again...never fails there anymore...the interruptor makes her presence known...and the interruptee condones it. Aside from the terrible and certainly unfortunate illness attempting to spread around the world and harm and even take peoples live's...and the very negative effects on the financial markets, corporations, i.e. businesses or companies, as well as in turn individuals...it as well...is likely a substantial part of reasoning of why the residence usually referred to in this thread...has had it's popularity somewhat fallen off and deminished as well as the project overall unfortunately. Many businesses, corporations, or companies have already had to shut down and many likely won't be able to recover enough to restart because of the financial burdens and stress. Many individuals have had either reduced...or even more so have had lost incomes because of such. So it may not be so wise if any or some of the projects participants feel or believe that recently and now may be good times to scale back or refrain from occasions that would potentially be considered quite more intriguingly interesting than what has seemed to have been occuring there recently. It stirs a curiosity as to how long rlc may be able to "weather the storm" so to speak...and especially if in fact a residence that may have been one of...if not the most popular of the so called project...is no longer...and mainly because of the deminished and declination of times of more intriguing interest at the residence.
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