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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Well...also because you are jugghead...and you know Betty or Big Ethel have never found you here. 👌 😉
  2. If #7 and #10 in some replay thumbs are any indication of current popularity...perhaps it could be an omen of things to come.
  3. I know what you mean. I'm nearly close to doing the same thing again as well my friend. The residence there is borderline of not being much more or anymore interesting as some of the other residences now. Not much sense in spending on anything that doesn't seem interesting enough to continue doing so.
  4. Welcome back jugg...been wondering about ya. No worries though bud...believe me...you haven't missed anything really worth missing. Been the same ole..same ole since the arrival of the newest resident. No where near as interesting as it used to be there imo.
  5. An old saying of whom almost everyone knows is..."Read between the lines". Everyone has their own opinions and views and are entitled to their own choices. Here are just a few : https://youtu.be/1g_r_j_i_6U https://youtu.be/3uSTOHa4Im4
  6. Different pussy anatomies : 🤔 🙀--😽....😾--😼....😿--😹....😸--😺....🐱--🐈 👌 😉
  7. 🗣 News Flash ! Breaking news everybody ! This is a WRLC news report : "It has just been reported that The Super Pink Moon that occurred last night was actually created for two residents of the project known as L & M" ! This has been a WRLC News report. Stay tuned for further updates and important and genuine news reports from WRLC. 😎
  8. Whatttttt ? You mean it's not... https://youtu.be/1g_r_j_i_6U ? I see I'm gonna have to have a talk with them girls. 😏
  9. Maybe he wants to see it sometimes to make sure it hasn't been altered in some way. 😏
  10. Did someone say "Malia..Malia..Malia" ? Oh..sorry..that was some kids watching a re-run episode of the Brady Bunch. Must've been "Marsha..Marsha..Marsha". 😏
  11. Welcome to the Grand Illusion...c'mon in and see what's happening...pay the price, get your tickets for the show. The stage is set, the girls start playing...suddenly your heart is pounding...wishing secretly you were a star. Don't be fooled by..the tablets..the tv, or the telephones...they show you screenshots, of how your life should be...but they're just someone else's fantasies. 😏
  12. Tickets..tickets..get your tickets here. Step right up ladies and gents. Step right up...don't be coy. Get your tickets for the next episode of the L & M show. Don't miss out on a chance to see the next enticing episode of the L & M show. 😏
  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you all for tuning in to todays edition of the L & M show. Sadly...it had to come to an end...but hope to have you all back tomorrow for another addition of the L & M Show. Goodnight everyone. 😎
  14. Well...guess I must have missed the episode of todays "Howdy Doody Show". 😏
  15. It was posted on the internet that with the slow down of movement around the world due to the spread of the terrible virus ... that the planet had stopped vibrating as much. I guess that could be considered somewhat similar as being something like the old claims and beliefs by some that the earth was flat and that if ships sailed too far ... they risked falling off the edge of the ocean or planet and that the earth was in the center of the universe.
  16. Hey pulo filipe...where did you go...oh I see now. You must be like a feline chameleon. Meeoow. 🐈 😺 lol
  17. You certainly would not want to do that and have that happen. Lol 😉
  18. Yes although very nice ... some of them certainly have appeared to be likely quite pricey. I noticed the poem evidently did not go through a database translation very well. In the original version..it rhymed. The translated version...not so much.
  19. Hey pulo filipe...why are you trying to break the cam lens in your avy pic...meeoow ? 😏
  20. Leora Leora..I do declare, I admire you lots..when you are there. And even some..when you do your nails, and whatever else..your day entails. I admire you when..you do your hair, and quite a bit..in your underwear. I admire you some..when you eat your food, and especially when..you are nude! I admire you lots..when you feel the need, for sensual self gratification..and must succeed! 😍 😘
  21. Very pretty and attractive from the waist up and very much resembles Kate Beckinsale in the face. Very slim to almost skinny from the waist down though. Still ... an attractive woman. Similar to how Leora's figure was when she first became a participant of the project and was for about the first couple of years until she blossomed into a more full figured and even more of an attractive woman as she has become since then.
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