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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. One of several various possible scenarios, is one that even if the recent appearance turns out to be more of a short term than longer term visit, and not involve any intention to remain longer term, even if it may only be a week, it will run into coinciding with the usual visit of a certain aunty. If it may be two weeks, then perhaps her visit will occur also while the recent visitor is there.
  2. It may perhaps be likely that a certain bonus part of compensation will possibly not be as it may have been being for someone unfortunately.
  3. Appears it may be a lengthy enough hiatus of not much of any interesting occasions occurring at the residence. Good time to take care of other things it seems.
  4. Why jugg, violating the Prime Directive again ? C'mon man. Although the idea of moving the webpage is quite good. Lol
  5. Well folks, I would like to clarify several issues of subject matter of which I have noticed since my earlier participation in the chat here. First of all, I have on a number of ocassions expressed my sentiments concerning the guy who recently arrived at the current residence. The issue of my not having much in ways of regards or respect for him, is as it was after observation of the guy for quite a long while at the previous residence. Therefore, it is imo, unless the guy has made some serious and diligent mature changes, my perspective on this will have not changed. Although regardless of what I or anyone else may believe or think, he is the person that is her choice to be involved with in somewhat of a relationship. It has been noticed that various subject matter has been mentioned recently concerning speculations as to whether the guy was going to arrive for just a visit for the holidays or not, and even as to whether or not he may be going to now be remaining at the current residence for a longer indefinite period. There has even been some dialogue expressing what someone apparently was informed by some aquaintance who may understand a language enough to perhaps have some understanding of some of the intriguing woman's thoughts not long ago. Although the dialogue that was mentioned seemed quite convincing in seeming like it may have perhaps been something that was repeated that may have been said in a conversation, it may not be completely accurate and therefore is still to be considered speculation. I as well, have good a friend who like myself, have been at several times, longstanding subscribers of the project, and very close to mostly because of interest in the intriguing and attractive woman usually referred to here. My good friend knows the language quite well, and it was from him that I was informed that they were never really married. He overheard it being said on more than one ocassion in different conversations between her and her friends. Since they were never married, there would have been no actual need of any divorce even if a relationship had in fact ended, or nearly ended. As I mentioned previously, it is good to notice that the interesting and attractive woman has someone that it has been known that she has cared for, there with her now and giving her some company, and especially at this time of the year during the holidays. She has been alone for over 5 months now, and rightly so deserves to have some company of someone she has interest in and cares for. Also, as I had stated previously before the shutdown of the residences cams which were a former part of the project in their home country when he had decided to quit or got terminated from the regular employment he had and was constantly at the residence from then on until the shutdown, as much as I have liked about and found interesting in her, that if it did not change, that I would unfortunately feel obliged to cancel my then subscription, which it did not change, and I did cancel and not long before the shutdown occurred. The residence designation has not yet been changed. I haven't been in contact with my friend who knows the language quite well to perhaps be informed of what has, or has not been said recently. If the residence designation is changed by designation and name, then I will know that he had evidently acquired a longer term visa such as she had, and that therefore some of the dialogue which has been exchanged recently will apparently be accurate. In the unfortunate event that the part of recent dialogue concerning that part of subject matter turns out to be accurate, as has been mentioned by several long term and dedicated subscribers already, I will certainly end up cancelling my current subscription, and for quite likely, the last time. As I have mentioned in the past, although there is no doubt that I have had a profound interest in the intriguing and quite attractive woman, and certainly do not mind contributing to any financial support of the project to be privileged enough to continue to do so. But almostly certainly not if it means returning back to the ways things had returned to yet once again at the previous residence just because he did not want to continue to maintain any regular employment. In other words, I would not at all mind it for her, but I will not continue to contribute to assist in financial support of the project if it means being associated with or being part of any financial support of him if he only wants to hang around an apartment and only do side jobs. So, as an old saying goes, "The devil is in the details", of which most of all curious minds will be enlightened in the very near future. Although I will not claim, soon enough. The clock continues to tick, time continues on, and subscriptions continue to be active and paid, for now. So, we shall see how things turn out.
  6. Things have been good my friend. Other than it being this time of year and the holidays, been about par for the course usual. How about with you bud ?
  7. Anyway folks, it is imo, that chances of much of any ocassions of more substantial interest occurring over the next week or two, or perhaps longer if considering that in a couple of weeks it may very well be time for a certain aunty's visit as well, may be quite slim or in the lower percentile. It may be likely that a good bit of site seeing will be done there.
  8. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.๐Ÿ˜„.๐Ÿ˜†.๐Ÿ˜….๐Ÿ˜‚.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ LMAO Funny stuff jugg.
  9. Well, you know the old saying about that jimbo, "It's nice to dream" ! ๐Ÿ˜‰ For I know that even if I was to ever travel over to that land, the chances of me, by myself and without any investigative assistance, locating that particular person would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Besides that, if I did, it would not matter as long as she has feelings for another of which I would never really want to interfere in. That is, unless she is outright being mistreated by him. ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  10. "What you talkin' bout Willis...er...ie...jugghead." Never claim "you all" in a statement of such subject matter with any intention of yours truly being included in that "you all". I can get on a plane and be there in a matter of a day or so and perhaps prove that theory wrong if I so desired.
  11. You certainly always have a keen perception and view of situations in life and a way with your words and statements in expressing them jimbo my friend. Of which I agree with very nearly all of. Cheers and here's to you mate. ๐Ÿป Have a good and Happy New Year ! ๐ŸŽ‰
  12. Of course not, as that was obviously evident with the ocassions of staying in contact with him by both regular phone calls, and by way of video calls which I believe many of the youngbucks referr to as facetiming in apps such as Skype. But also many of the regular and larger service providers now have it available in some of their packages or plans. She would not have cared to attempt to remain in contact with him otherwise.
  13. Also, it is likely that it may only be a visit which may last for a week or two or perhaps even longer, but I'd wager that his visa was not for as long of a period of time and the designarion for that residence has not been changed as of yet.
  14. Have you read much of any previous posts yet jugg ? I haven't noticed any yet that would cause anyone to think that for certain.
  15. Well although I have not always cared for some of the ways of the guy, he was, and may very well still be an important significant other to her. Also, although he may be around for at least the next couple of weeks if considering when they recognized and celebrated the holidays this time of year back in their home country, I have experienced a somewhat sense of relief and feel quite glad for the wonderful woman that she has someone that she cares for to give her some company and share the holidays with. It has always been really nice and good to see when she is in good spirits and happy and certainly still is ! From a different perception or point of view, of course I would really feel like the most fortunate man in the world if I had the fortune of having her considerations, affections, and desires. But, then again, if I did, she would likely be living and traveling with me and would not have any time for any rlc which would be unfortunate for many, although quite fortunate for yours truly !
  16. Lol. Why no, of course not. Did you not notice that I had found his last post and was only responding to it ? But ocassionally I have been known to do that, but only every so often so far. Lol
  17. Sorry for the news my friend. That's very unfortunate. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Although I might get ill also if someone wanted me to try to eat squid jugg. ๐Ÿคฎ
  18. Well congrats on your retirement Scutus. Or perhaps it could be considered semi-retirment if there are enough home projects beckoning. Either way, congratulations and have a good and Happy New year !
  19. I hear ya bud. Hope yall have a great night and Happy New Year jugg !
  20. Or perhaps if our ole friend jugg hits a bump and spills his drink while in his cushioned roll around office chair while attempting to type in a last post of 2019. ๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. Well alrighty then Mr Stone. I figured that. I know usually we've been closing each gen. chat sub. thread at 30 pages and starting the next sub. thread of 30 pages. But, I figured it would be better to just keep going in this sub. thread as well since we are so close to a New Year and figured that was why it was changed. Have a good New Year !!! ๐Ÿป
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