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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. have a very good night fga and have a great day too and have a very good night and have a great day too and have a very good morning and have a great day too See you tomorrow πŸ– πŸ™‚
  2. As unfortunate as it may be to express this, but the people at rlc may likely only laugh at such an email before deleting it my friend.
  3. I agree with your point of view and opinion of the matter totally sexy girl. Bravo to you ! πŸ˜‰
  4. And I realize this as well Pep my friend. But the previous situations of needing or wanting to wait and do certain things when someone was either not around, glued to a pc, or asleep had gotten somewhat old and had seemed to be occurring a good bit less when someone was always around again as had been occurring at the previous residence. But, as I mentioned earlier concerning the recent developements, time will tell, and it likely won't take very long to realize whether things will be interesting enough to continue any effort of observations.
  5. Observations may be fixxing to become either quite boring with not much of anything of much interest usually ever occurring at the residence from this point forward, or perhaps could become even more so interesting than ever has been if anymore of any interesting activities or ocassions start to develope and occurring than had been previously at the residence.
  6. Now with the recent and somewhat surprising changes, there will likely be a change to the heading designation listings of the next 30 page sub-thread of the General Chat sub-threads in place here in this section of the forum for that particular residence. From here forward, other than the intriguing and attractive woman known as Leora, it will now likely include her new roommate Malia in the General Chat 30 page sub-thread heading designation listings.
  7. Well, since the unexpected and somewhat surprising recent change of her friend arriving and evidently joining her as a resident occupant, it is obviously now known why someone was noticed removing most of her personal belongings out of what was designated as a guest room, but has now been changed to a designation of Mahlia's room.
  8. Agreed, and another good descriptive way of interpreting very similar points of subject matter Scutus my canine friend.
  9. Perhaps at first for awhile just to to find out e, but imo, the ocassions that may have seemed more interesting to perhaps quite a number of followers, admirers, or fans as some refer to, may now not being occurring nearly as often, and may not occur even enough to stir or attract much of interest to many who some of the ocassions may have been doing so. Time will tell, and it most likely will not take too long to notice and know if so, or not.
  10. Although it may be an understandable issue of timing to many concerning some of the Christmas Tree's at various locations, the Orthodox recognition and celebration of Christmas in Rusky land and some of the populations of some of the former countries of the former USSR, is recognized and celebrated by many of the various populations at or around January 7 each year whereas most populations recognize and celebrate Christmas on December 25. Today being January 17, is only 10 days after the time of the Russian Orthodox recognition and celebration of Christmas. There have been known to be many who recognize and celebrate the holiday on December 25, to leave the trees and decorations displayed for as long as a couple of weeks, to even a month afterwards.
  11. Evidently, Malia is the project name for her friend that everyone who ever followed or observed her enough so in the past when she was still at the previous residence referred to as Emi. She apparently was a long time friend of her's since when they were younger and used to visit her ocassionally at the previous residence sometimes for several days at a time.
  12. I wouldn't think that mate. Imo and view, is that she would have no reason to be. But one thing is likely a certainty, and that's that now that her friend is now listed as an additional residence occupant, the ocassions considered of more of noticeable higher interest to many with just her, will now likely become occurring much less and only occurring a small percentage or fraction of what they may have been occurring at times. If anyone ever thought that there may have been droughts in any activities of a more personal and sensual nature and of more intriguing and higher interest previously, and that the last of which may have been over for awhile when the guy known as paul departed recently, although that may have certainly been positive hopeful and wishful thinking, that may very well be most of what it will continue being for quite awhile now.
  13. Ah ha. I understand your meaning now, and do certainly agree. πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ πŸ™‚
  14. So are you meaning here that animals do, or do not offer and give people affection. Because if do not is the meaning as stated, I have to disagree sexy girl. I have had the fortunate of having quite a number of animals over the years, a majority of which have been dogs (canines), and I can honestly say that there was not one who ever did not want to offer any affection to myself and other family members, and even some friends, as well as want and hope for some attention and affections in return as well.
  15. Gee, I'm sorry jugg, but I must confess, I am now a doubter. πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜ͺ 😒 😭
  16. Well if that shirt says Calvin Klein, I certainly do love that behind !
  17. Sure glad that's not anything like "ok now the gloves are off". πŸ€“
  18. Perhaps with some minds maybe. πŸ‘ πŸ‘€ 🧠 πŸ™„ 😏
  19. Right, and I was referring to the actual phone charging cord she had plugged into the outlet end of the power cord a little earlier while she was talking. It seemed stretched out all the way.
  20. That may have merely been some reminder rubs. 🐴
  21. Not sure but if so is it possible they may have been referring to a 🐒 ? 🐴
  22. I used to just call the little pooch "Scrappy Doo". πŸ• 🐴
  23. I don't know anything about anyone perpetrating anything concerning what the pooch was called, just that it always sounded like she and he were saying Yvonne or Evonne whenever they called her name, to me as well as several other friends who were subscribers as well back then. Whichever it was Yvonne or Evonne, it always sounded like definite pronunciations of n's at the end. But Yvonne, Evonne, or Eva, whichever, she is not with the lady currently and I'm sure she misses her.
  24. That charging cord sure seems stretched out. Perhaps someone could use a longer power extension cord.
  25. I know most folks have always referred to the little pooch as Eva, but I'm certain that the lady always, and even her companion every once in a while, used to call her Yvonne or Evonne.
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