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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Appears it may be time to close this sub-thread and move on to the next already established.
  2. Although it was evident she was always quite appealingly pretty over the time she has been involved with project, the intriguingly interesting woman has certainly developed into quite an even more attractive woman ! Especially since around the second to third year of her being a participent in the project ! I certainly do admire her charms and captivatingly appealing good looks !
  3. Oh, I see. So perhaps that may be what Big Ethel meant when she mentioned something about "her jugg and a kitchen table". 😏
  4. Never thought a kitchen table was much of an interesting place to set or lay on at all let alone an extended lengthy period of time. Especially when there are definitely other various furniture nearby in a residence that is what it's actually made for and so therefore is certainly much more comfortable.
  5. That is completey false and untrue. The majority of member visitors to these designated general chat threads do not care for the lewd and vulgar childish pic/gifs in what's supposed to be a general chat thread coming mainly from you and the other adolescent behaving poster. What's wrong, you feeling you need company to continue posting your b. s. here in an unappropriate thread ? I'm fixxing to contact StnCld and admin. about it and see what they think and have to say about it.
  6. The pics/gifs in the general chat threads you two with juvenile adolescent mentalities have gotten very old. What's the problem, not enough attention or like points in a pic thread created and designated for such subject matter, or just simply too much of juvenile adolescent mentalities.
  7. Who knows, he may have been packing like that for a trip nearby knowing what some know of him.
  8. Highly likely not gonna happen. Oh, and did I happen to mention at least on a couple of ocassions that the visit was gonna be longer than just a week ? I thought so. Also, that it's very possible that if someone only obtained only a 180 day, (6 mth.) visa, that a date very soon approaching will hit that date, and that the visitor may very well gonna be around until that date and leave at the same time to return with someone else.
  9. I have been noticing the recent dialogue ocurring in this thread concerning subject matter of some individual which has been argued, fussed, debated, and discussed about on many ocassions both recently as well as in the past. I also have been involved in some of the various dialogues concerning such matters on multiple ocassions over quite a span of time now, and after quite lenghty observations as well as some surprising enlightenments into some of the matters, I will share some of my knowledge and views on some of the subject matters on tomorrow while on my pc. I feel there may be too much to mention while on a phone.
  10. All for cam hits and time acumulation my friend. Sorry dude, there's many that can get that checking out plain old porn.
  11. It is imo, besides it being they're personal business, that they should do whatever they want and have they're space and time together, especially since they have been apart for as long as they have, and perhaps not be criticized for doing so. But if it continues much longer than another week, my time of continuing to pay rlc will most likely come to it's end around then. Then again, it could very well be a possibility of them prehaps returning together to they're home land shortly after that time anyway as a 6 month milestone will have been reached.
  12. Something else, is that it has pretty much for the most part always been apparent that someone conducts themself a good bit different whenever someone else is around. So, just another cause of disinterest for the most part at times such as those to me.
  13. Bottom line of my perspective and view and opinion of the situation jugg is simply, I have no interest in observing him. It might perhaps be different if he was somehow different in his ways and interactions with her. But he does not, and never has, so my interest is only in her. I had submitted a sub. cancellation notice shortly before the shutdown because of similar issues and turned out to be a good decision because of the shutdown as well. After discovering her return at a different location by herself, I resubbed again. If, or I should say when, the situation changes to where issues lean that way again, or someone simply departs the project, I will likely cancel for the last time.
  14. I hear you and our mate from the land down under Snoop. I had gotten disappointed and discouraged enough the way the situation had returned to at the previous residence after someone had quit or gotten terminated from regular employment and started always being at that residence and had once again become a shadow, that I had submitted a cancellation of subscription notice shortly before that part of the project shutdown in that country. I more so likely than not would not have ever resubbed., even though someone had returned at a different residence if in fact the shadow was still being involved everyday in the situation. But someone returned and was there by their self and without any shadow for 5 months and rightly so deserved some company that they care for and about, especially around the holidays. So the recent visitor may be just that, a visitor. Just my view and opinion though, and everyone has their own of which many are different.
  15. Guess that may be the way it may be when someone may be involved with a Paulette mate.
  16. Perhaps only maybe another week or so before much of any actual interest to many may occur. Then again, it could perhaps turn out being the end of another tenant lease, if a certain tenant's visa was only that of the 180 day (6 month) length, as a day not far off approaching this month will eventually hit that mark.
  17. He will, and he will be back visiting and posting here. He will become sneaky braul.
  18. He may be bro raul, but he is also braul. He, raul, who constantly posts Brad Pitt, is henceforth known as braul. 😏
  19. Good night Grandpa....Good night Grandma....Good night Daddy....Good night Mama....Good night Johnboy....Good night Mary Ellen....Good night Jason....Good night Erin....Good night Ben....Good night Jim Bob....Good night Elizabeth
  20. Lol. Well, not exactly, but when it gets right down to it....it amounts to about the jist of it jugg.
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