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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I'm certain she does. But it more likely than not was not a wise idea to attempt to take her somewhere as far away as where she went, not to mention the situation may have not permitted it.
  2. Well of course jugg, just so then "Nurse Leora" would have to care for you. You ole sly dog you. ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Perhaps. It is possible that her immune system's tolerance level to someone may have dropped after not being around them for a good while, and if so, that perhaps something was contracted somewhat easier than what may have once used to have been.
  4. Well it seems that perhaps not much of any activity of any subject matter of higher interest may be in the cards to occur today other than just more tablet watching and chit chat on a phone.
  5. It would certainly have to be quite interesting to have any opportunity to taste any of the flavors of those ice cream cones, and especially to get to the back end of several of them ! ๐Ÿ˜‹
  6. Good night bud. The night is still young here my friend. Enjoy your night as well.
  7. What about some ice cream cone panties ? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Not so sure about that if taking into considerations most of her facial expressions and other body language.
  9. Ok then, that explains it. And yes, I am still visiting here on mobile while I'm visiting at someone elses place
  10. Where is a skunk gif then braul ? If you're referring to the skunk avy./pic. of pepe la pew and his gf, it is stationary and does not move at all. So then how can it be considered a gif ?
  11. Well, I'm not gonna guess and if I ever noticed any skunk gif in any thread similar to the subject matter this one is supposed to be about, it may have been one of an animated creature and was done for humor in response to some other post and would have perhaps occurred a very long time ago.
  12. Skunk gif ? What skunk gif do you mean ? There's not been any skunk gif in this thread in quite a long while to my knowledge.
  13. It certainly would seem that way. Also it has seemed that she seems to somewhat easily contract illnesses from him. Sorry for the long drawn out dialogue and not print that well Pep, but I get the formatting screwed up sometimes trying to type on a phone instead of a pc.
  14. On a different note, somewhat of a curious thought came to mind recently. It is known that the intriguing woman of the current residence returned to the project at the current residence around the middle of August of last year after the multi month hiatus. Although It had seemed that there may have been multiple ocassions when it may have seemed that she may have been a tad under the weather, such as perhaps on the verge of developing a cold, and several ocassions where it may have seemed that she may have been experiencing some abdominal discomfort. Fortunately none of those other ocassions got her down ill enough in any way to have necessitated a lenghty bed stay as it seemed this latest experience did at around the better part of two to three days. Perhaps it could be considered somewhat strange, or merely just coincidental that she seemed to have developed a worse illness a short while just after the visit of her recent guest. If past ocassions at a prevous residence are recalled correctly, it seemed that she became ill on quite a number of ocassions soon after it had seemed that the former residence companion started seemingly showing some simptoms of being ill, which was the recent guest visitor at the current residence.
  15. Perhaps anyone being ill in any way and being fortunate enough to be privileged to Nurse Leora's assistance in any way but not accept it, could perhaps be considered either somewhat crazy or rather foolish my ole white striped friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. It would certainly have to be quite unfortunate to be someone who may be quite a lengthy distance from where they may be originally from and where any close friends or family may still be and to become ill in any way, whether or not it may be only mildly, but especially in any more of any serious way. I certainly hope, wish, and pray that the wonderfully spirited woman of the residence usually referred to here is not in any way ill, and especially not in any serious way !
  17. Although it could be considered that the intriguingly interesting and certainly attractive woman of the residence may be choosing to try and get some extra rest for her admirably appealing good looks, (or beauty rest as it has been and may still be considered by some), it is highly likely that the gorgeously attractive woman may not actually be in need of any extra rest for such, but more likely that she simply chooses to have some extra rest at this time.
  18. Aussie mate, I hardly think jugg may need any counseling for some quotes made online that he feels may have been mistakes. But, certainly good of you to be concerned for him or anyone like that mate.
  19. Oh my dear, sweet, beautiful woman, how uniquely special it would be to give you company whenever you so desired !
  20. Aye aye juggster. Perhaps you may be going a bit far with it. But not wanting to participate and contribute your views or opinions here in this thread is totally up to you and no other bud. Your input will be missed. An old saying which I'm certain you've heard as well on many a ocassion, ya got to do what ya got to do bro man. ๐Ÿ˜ One other thing jugg, is if you feel that way, I can say with certainty that what you stated here is likely enough to be accepted by her as an apology. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  21. Oh how having any privilege of being associated with the wonderful and special woman enough so to give her some company at times would have to be certainly special and joyful to say the least !
  22. Hello to the wonderful woman who is certainly not only intriguingly interesting, but also a quite attractive and special woman as well ! Wishing her and hoping she has a very good 2020 year !
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