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Everything posted by Raul399

  1. Потому что глава, в которую ты идешь... укажи пальцем... ха-ха-ха.
  2. Я рад тебя видеть... ты выглядишь очень красиво... Мне плевать, что вы с этим разбираетесь... Мне нравится смотреть на вас... Мне не нужно, чтобы вы что-то делали, просто чтобы увидеть вас счастливым....
  3. моя запись была с саундтреком... ха-ха-ха.... эта песня - одна из моих любимых... и эта серия тоже... ха-ха-ха!
  4. JIMBO4 Thanks for understanding what voyeur means. I have always said that I am a voyeur ... I do not consume pornography ... I have never masturbated watching a video of Leora, for me that is not exciting. I am excited to see her every day, listen to her comments with her friend, know what she really thinks and, of course, if it is exciting to see her masturbate live. I want to think that she reads my comments, and when I have commented I have always been respectful to her ..... I try to seduce with my words, (I don't always succeed) My gif I select them a lot so that they transmit sensuality, and I almost always look for white and black, (I like it) I will continue a few more days, until next week my membership expires ..... and if I think it is appropriate to continue commenting, in this chat, for now with a greeting and goodbye ... it will be enough to comment .. lol We all love Leora, and when you love a woman, you always want the best for her ... I don't know what my decision will be, if I will continue or disappear forever from RLC ... I have a week to think about it ... Whatever my decision, I wish all the best in the world to her, to this woman who has made me feel so much, through a screen ...
  5. and as I am a gentleman... this has been my last comment in this forum...
  6. I'm not a child of 20.. 22 years... I am a 41 year old man... with a university education, and if you read my comments, you will notice by the way I write that a man with class...
  7. By the way, the photo I sent from Paris... is real..... it was my girlfriend and my daughter.... a fat or poor man can't have that girlfriend, and take her to beautiful countries.
  8. I think you should continue studying more... hahaha or maybe it's the translator who doesn't do his job well, anyway I've left it in Spanish, I think you read Spanish very well, by your way of expressing yourself I imagine you South American.... I never said it was Leora's fault, My fault... for believing that she would make me a special gift. That's what I mean by the special ingredient..... do not make bets with a money that does not have .... because I would lose ... I am one of the few people who have put a real photo, I do not mind showing my body ... quite the opposite ... this enchanted with my body ... my business is sports nutrition... it is logical that I have that body and do not feel ashamed to show it. I advise you to continue studying and thus learn to understand a text. or rather learn to read ... I've always been honest, when I didn't like something about Leora I said it, and when I liked it I also said it. Now the problem is not Leora's, it's just mine...
  9. after three hours talking about passion, sensuality, ..................... she screwed up like another day, in her masturbation there was no special ingredient ... it was a normal masturbation, I was disappointed because I expected something more from her, I had lost two hours of rest, that has meant that this morning I did not go to the gym, that my head hurt all morning for lack of rest, that this afternoon I am at home, when I should be working. I don't blame Leora, I blame myself for being an idiot, nothing more ... I hope you understand now ... despues de tres horas hablando de pasion, sensualidad, ..................... ella se martubo como un dia mas, en su masturbacion no habia ingrediente especial... fue una masturbacion normal, yo me quede decepcionado porque esperaba algo mas de ella, habia perdido dos horas de descanso, eso ha implicado que esta mañana no haya ido al gimnasio, que me ha dolido la cabeza toda la mañana por falta de descanso, que esta tarde este en casa , cuando deberia estar trabajando. no culpo a Leora, me culpo a mi por ser un idiota, nada mas... espero que ahora lo entiendas...
  10. I have to apologize for that comment. For 3 hours, I wrote, thinking that she read me, I felt that there was a complicity between us, she reacted to my comments, (what a fool I was at the time). Leora was just pretending and letting time pass for American friends to take action. (I imagine they are script demands) It was all a mistake of mine, because I thought she was a normal girl, who lets herself be seen on the internet, and for a few moments I thought there was a connection between us. She's not a normal girl... she's a sex worker, and she has to do what she does. Example ... a cook cooks every day the dishes of the menu exactly the same ....one day to that menu adds a special ingredient to a regular customer, the customer goes away delighted and satisfied, the next day the same customer returns and asks for the same menu, that day the menu is exactly the same as every day, there is no special ingredient ..... no fault of the cook, he does his job as always, as every day, it is simply the fault of the customer who expects something special and does not happen. She is a professional, she is a good sex worker, today the best of all rlc. The fault is mine for believing I was a special client... and I am not, when you are a worker you are always kind and smiling, so that the client feels satisfied ... is that simple. From mistakes you learn a lot... and I have learned the lesson... Now I retire from rlc and cc, for a season... I wish you all peace and enjoy life... To you Leora I wish you the best in this life, I hope you are happy ... kiss tengo que pedir perdon por ese comentario. Durante 3 horas , escribi, pensando que ella me leia, sentia que habia una complicidad entre nosotros, ella reaccionaba a mis comentarios, (que tonto fui en ese momento). Leora solo estaba fingiendo y dejaba pasar el tiempo para que los amigos americanos entran en accion. (me imagino que son exigencias del guion) Todo fue un error mio, por pensar que era una chica normal, que se deja ver en internet, y por unos momentos llegue a pensar que habia una conexion entre nosotros. Ella no es una chica normal... ella es una trabajadora sexual, y tiene que hacer lo que hace. Ejemplo... un cocinero cocina todos los dias los platos del menu exactamente igual....un dia a ese menu añade un ingrediente especial a un cliente habitual, el cliente se va encantado y satisfecho, al dia siguiente el mismo cliente regresa y pide el mismo menú, ese dia el menu es exatamente igual que todos los dias, no hay ingrediente especial..... no es culpa del cocinero, el realiza su trabajo como siempre, como todos los dias, simplemente es culpa del cliente que espera algo especial y no sucede. Ella es una profesional , ella es una buena trabajadora sexual, hoy dia la mejor de todo rlc. La culpa es mia por creer que era un cliente especial.. y no lo soy, cuando eres un trabajador siempre eres amable y sonries , para que el cliente se sienta satisfecho... es asi de simple. De los errores se aprende mucho... y yo he aprendido la leccion... Ahora me retiro de rlc y cc, por una temporada.. os deseo a todos, paz y disfrutar de la vida... A ti Leora te deseo lo mejor en esta vida, espero que seas feliz... besos tengo que pedir perdon por ese comentario. Durante 3 horas , escribi, pensando que ella me leia, sentia que habia una complicidad entre nosotros, ella reaccionaba a mis comentarios, (que tonto fui en ese momento). Leora solo estaba fingiendo y dejaba pasar el tiempo para que los amigos americanos entran en accion. (me imagino que son exigencias del guion) Todo fue un error mio, por pensar que era una chica normal, que se deja ver en internet, y por unos momentos llegue a pensar que habia una conexion entre nosotros. Ella no es una chica normal... ella es una trabajadora sexual, y tiene que hacer lo que hace. Ejemplo... un cocinero cocina todos los dias los platos del menu exactamente igual....un dia a ese menu añade un ingrediente especial a un cliente habitual, el cliente se va encantado y satisfecho, al dia siguiente el mismo cliente regresa y pide el mismo menú, ese dia el menu es exatamente igual que todos los dias, no hay ingrediente especial..... no es culpa del cocinero, el realiza su trabajo como siempre, como todos los dias, simplemente es culpa del cliente que espera algo especial y no sucede. Ella es una profesional , ella es una buena trabajadora sexual, hoy dia la mejor de todo rlc. La culpa es mia por creer que era un cliente especial.. y no lo soy, cuando eres un trabajador siempre eres amable y sonries , para que el cliente se sienta satisfecho... es asi de simple. De los errores se aprende mucho... y yo he aprendido la leccion... Ahora me retiro de rlc y cc, por una temporada.. os deseo a todos, paz y disfrutar de la vida... A ti Leora te deseo lo mejor en esta vida, espero que seas feliz... besos
  11. " I sincerely expected more from you .. " Fucking unbelievable... That comment was made when I finish the second masturbation, then I don't know if I was naked, dressed, covered, or with a burka, honestly at the time I wasn't seeing anything at all. ese comentario, se realizo cuando termino la segunda masturbacion, despues no se si estaba desnuda, vestida, tapada, o con un burka, sinceramente en ese momento yo no estaba viendo nada de nada.
  12. I completely agree with you... we are voyeurs... "voyeur" (from the French voyeur). They seek sexual arousal by observing naked people or engaging in some form of sexual activity; however, it does not imply any further sexual activity on the part of the voyeurist. It seems that the powerful Yankee dollar has won the day, because she entered into a routine that is onerous for Europe but tailor-made for America. that makes us pornography consumers, we have to go to watch the videos (replay) ... if I want to see pornography do not pay a membership, I access a porn site and choose what I want to see, (porn a la carte). For my part I have already made a decision, I have canceled my membership, I will continue for a few more days, until it ends. estoy completamente de acuerdo con usted.... somos voyeurs.. «voyeur» (del francés voyeur). Buscan obtener excitación sexual al observar personas desnudas o realizando algún tipo de actividad sexual ; sin embargo, no implica ninguna actividad sexual posterior por parte del voyeurista. parece que el poderoso dólar yanqui ha ganado el día, porque ella entró en una rutina que es onerosa para Europa pero hecha a medida para América eso nos convierte en consumidores de pornografia, tenemos que ir a mirar los videos (replay)... si yo quiero ver pornografia no pago una membresia , accedo a un sitio porno y elijo lo que quiero ver, (porno a la carta). Por mi parte ya he tomado una decision, he cancelado mi membresia, seguire unos dias mas, hasta que finalize.
  13. hello, I would like my name to be deleted from the special chat....
    I'm going to take a break from RLC and CC, 
    for a while I'm not going to say anything...
    Thank you... a hug.

    hola, me gustaria que mi nombre fuese borrado del chat especial....
    voy a tomarme un descanso de RLC y CC, 
    por una temporada no voy a comentar nada...
    Gracias... un abrazo.

    1. Amy3


      Good luck!! 🍀🤞🌟🧧🌠

  14. I sincerely expected more from you .. Good night have a good rest
  15. 2 hours .. What a way to tease me .. It's the first and last time I stay at this time .. Come on don't fuck me that this has been a surprise ... How silly am I writing for hours to see that ...
  16. You make me very horny .. I can't stop looking .. My penis is very hard wants to explode
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