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Everything posted by scutus

  1. I got rid of " two legged bosses " 2019_12_31. The only one's I have now are my avatar, and her running mate ! πŸ˜‰ I get the same sound, that we have heard in the past from Eva, that my avatar makes, when she has something to say !😁
  2. For your information " That Stunning Lady " is plainly visible on the 32" curved monitor on the left side of my computer table. While I use the 27" flat screen monitor, and the separate pc to do my work. Which I just finished ! I have Leora on cam 1, at this instant ! Is she going to stay in the kitchen, or, never mind I just switched to cam 4 ! There are times that being a bit " cross eyed " is not a handicap !😊
  3. I will continue to observe Leora's " magic cleaning treatment " on one pc. But, I have work that I need to get done, using this pc. Let me say that Leora's new glasses seem to be creating the need for a more thorough cleaning procedure. Much to our enjoyment ! I am sure that Leora will give you plenty of positive material, to post about ! 😊 See you later !
  4. However, if frontal contact with Leora's breast's is not enough to warm ones body. May I suggest close contact with her lovely swiveling buttocks, while standing behind her. With her breasts in ones hands. I believe that would be totally sufficient to raise any " living bodies " temperature !
  5. That sounds like a voice of ones experience ! That method of doing toast, is a unique maneuver, that I had never tried. πŸ˜‰ Leora's nipples would go a long way toward keeping one warm !
  6. Thank you Pulo. But, I find the elliptical actions of Leora's nipples much more to my liking ! 😍
  7. Kind of like some of the " Octogenarian's " that are here ! πŸ˜‰
  8. Had it had vacuum tubes, USA. or valves, UK. The 98 volt battery that was used in the USA, to provide necessary power. Would have been bigger, than the boom box !
  9. It is impossible, not to notice that Leora's nipples, are challenging the quality of the fabric, that her shirt is made of ! 😊
  10. I don't have a clue. I have never had one to disassemble and check out it interior components, or their functions. But, I can almost guarantee that it does not contain any of the multiple pin tubes, that my radio had in it. πŸ˜‰
  11. There is no reason to be sorry. You were born after those shows went off of the air. Those shows were as popular on the radios, as Leora is in this thread. Some chose to listen to them, others did not ! If you grew up always having a television to watch ! You would have never heard of any of the radio programs that I have mentioned. Another favorite was, " Fibber Magee, and Molly " ! But no one suggested that they should be taken off of the air ! They were a pleasant diversion to the events that the world was going through at the time ! As Leora is, in my opinion, currently. This day and age ! It is ones choice to watch, and enjoy, her activities !
  12. Yes, that is a combination cassette player, boom box ! But, I bet you have never heard " The Great Gildersleeve" played on it ! Or' " Front Page Farrow " !! πŸ˜‰
  13. Would you care to enlighten us, by providing all of the user names, that other users, in Leora's thread have had ! Since you are so full of information !
  14. Thank you, my post was intended to separate the juveniles from the adults, who post in this thread. It worked, It is likely that those born in the late 70's barely know what a radio is. Let alone to know what the regular shows that were on radio, prior to the advent of the TV.
  15. As usual Tubby, you and I will continue to disagree ! You call them what you want to, and I will call them what you want to !!😁 But, I wish to inform you that you need to go back to the Leora-Home Activities Page 68. Or you will miss out adding your 1/2 pence contribution to the " deriding" of Denis's arrival in the apartment ! I am sure that you do not want your opines to be left out !😏
  16. Boots NO!!! High top trainers ! Look closely at cam 8, 😏 12:57:10 !
  17. I find it interesting, that no one in the Leora-Home Activities #68 thread, from pages 1---9, found it suitable to comment on how very lovely Leora looked in her choice of attire this morning. That very sleek form fitting, (evidently a new purchase), black dress that she chose to wear, along with the black panty hose, very professionally enhanced her natural beauty. 😊 In turn Leora's natural beauty and form did a marvelous job of contributing to the results, that I am sure, the designer had in mind. With that outfit she could fit very comfortably in any of Prague's elegant luxury restaurants, or theaters. 😊 Her choice of shoes, in this case, black trainers, to match her outfit, are for her comfort. Which in my opinion, is a smart choice. High heels may very well be more stylish. But, I do not think that she will be criticized by anyone, other than a possible poster, who does not walk in high heels!! Uhmm? Perhaps he does ! 😏 Also, in my opinion. I respectfully submit a possible new name for the Leora -Home Activities. To include the wording. Sarcastic-Belittling-Innuendos Only Please ! Basing it on the current trend of the posts that are directed toward Leora ! I wonder, do they critique their own personal activities, with the same enthusiasm to deride themselves. As they find it amusing to deride another human being. Who in this case is Leora. Living her life as she sees fit ! πŸ˜’
  18. Zeus sent me, not that I have not been here, or to all of the other apartments before. He suggested that you might need some "logical" guidance !!!😁
  19. Oh yes Aphrodite's student has spoken again, invoking his thoughts. ☺️
  20. In all fairness. The recent cooler temperatures in Prague, most likely have been the primary contributor to the bugs absence. With the windows also being closed the majority of the time ! πŸ™‚
  21. Simply stated, it is more of ddhm's posting his, created non existent, facts. To make it appear that he has more info regarding the tenants lives. I challenge him to document any information regarding Ekaterinburg, that can only be found with what has been presented to us, her viewers, via the cameras, and speakers inside the apartment. Of course he may have a fellow contributor providing him information, that contributor has a record of getting himself banned on a somewhat regular basis. But has mellowed out a bit recently. 😏 For what is known regarding Leora's last location. Which can be substantiated very easily following the previous address of her apartment with her being a part of the RLC project. That city was Krasnoyarsk.
  22. So very similar to your posts !!😏 Leora has her looks in her favor. Your machine has its needle, stuck in the same old, same old groove !
  23. If I am not mistaken. The dolls were made by her to be sold. Yes she kept a couple of her favorites, on the shelves in guest room. But, there were also four unused wooden shipping boxes with the dolls logo on them by the window in the guest room. It would be my guess that at the time following the exodus of RLC from Russia. That the dolls became a commodity, and were shipped to a central location that merchandised them. What, and where did the balance of hers especially, and Paul's personal possessions wind up at ? She certainly did not bring all of her possessions or clothes, to Prague. I do not think it was because of lack of interest on her part. But, it would not surprise me for her to have either given the many clothes that she had, for example, plus things like her easel and paint supplies. Either to a charity organization, or to someone who was involved in her kennel operation for homeless dogs ! We know nothing of what transpired in Krasnoyarsk, following 2019_06_18, the last day the RLC cameras functioning there, until 2019_08_15 when Leora again made her appearance via RLC"s cameras in Prague. Nor, do we know how much the COVID has interfered with her plans that she may have had at the onset of her tenure in Prague !
  24. There also is a possibility, that RLC does not want to be charged for repairing the walls. Plants, artificial, or real, are not out of the question. It simply comes down to Leora's choice, regarding plants.
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