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Everything posted by scutus

  1. Since we are discussing virtually every possible subject. Regarding the vertical abdominal scar Malia has. Plus the deep circular scar. Which indicates the very real possibility of a major abdominal infection. Which necessitated the long vertical incision to access the problem area. Which also contributed to her slightly rounded abdomen. The deep circular scar suggests the possibility of a drainage tube having been utilized. The normal C section incision, is a horizontal one, made near the top of the pubic hairline. Which Malia does not have. I am not saying that she does not have a child. I am only saying it was not delivered by C section, if she does.
  2. He was absent from the apartment for, two weeks as a reservist. I am sure he had to be in active service for a specified time. But, that would have been before they became part of the RLC project !
  3. There is more than enough speculation posted in the forum. A little accuracy once on a " blue moon " differs with the norm ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Actually, Pulo is 50% correct. Paul was in the army. Leora, was not in the army. But she did work as a security officer, at the nearby technical institute, to the second apartment, where they lived in Krasnoyarsk. She wore a uniform, that could be confused, as a military uniform.
  5. It is OK Jugg, But watch out for " The Perils of Pauline " !๐Ÿคฃ
  6. Did it come out before "Gone With The Wind " ? How about " Front Page Farrow ", or " Fibber McGee and Molly " ? Both of which are not movies. But are before TV !!๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. Hello Jugg, just asking, did your herd of horses shrink. or did you leave a couple over at Kitty's ?
  8. Are you sure it is jimbo, maybe it is state, or his shadow with a pathetic sick sense of humor. ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. Everything I posted regarding what Leora left the apartment with was/is factual. Based on your name, I am not so sure about the credibility of what you post. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. You choose your entertainment, and I will choose mine. But, please do not concern yourself with how I spend my money. It is not coming out of your bank account, if you have one ! Your opinion of the tenants of this apartment, will always differ from mine !๐Ÿ˜
  11. Quite frankly, most of us have heard your broken recorder enough times to not really care, " WHAT YOU THINK " !๐Ÿ˜ The only real question, is " When will you figure out, that you have wore out your welcome " ??
  12. Regarding what was posted pertaining to an item that Leora left the apartment with at 17:50:06 earlier today ! The vibrator was " NOT " taken out of her bed side table as was posted ! Everyone who has replay can confirm my findings. Using cams 8, 9, and 11 at 17:49:42. Using cam 1 at 17:50:03. One can see that the only thing she had in her right hand, was her phone. She had her mask on her right wrist. In her left hand she had the two small boxes that she had picked up from the table in the living room by her purse. One being white, the smaller being a tan color. She had carried these into her bedroom. When she evidently did not find what she was looking for in the side table drawer. She had taken her sun glasses out of her purse, earlier.
  13. Brokki, Leora DID NOT carry the vibrator, and lube out of the apartment. I will challenge everyone who has replay to see the truth. I have looked at the action that happened at the side table in her bedroom 17:49:42 using cams 8, 9, and 11. Nothing was taken out of the drawer of the table ! You are correct, It did not happen ! Evidently a certain poster, whom I have on my ignore list, needs a new pair of glasses, or he just had the need to " Stir The Pot ". IT DID NOT HAPPEN ! The only black item Leora had in her right hand, when she went out the door at 17:50:06. Was her phone. She had her mask on her right wrist. In her left hand were the two small boxes that she had picked up from the table in her living room, which were sitting next to her purse. The larger of the two, was white in color, the smaller one was a tan color. AND, there was not a vibrator sticking out of any of her shorts pockets, anywhere.
  14. I stand corrected. By the color of it. It looks like borscht soup !
  15. My guess is that it is tea, from Starbucks !
  16. FACT : Now, let me tell you my secret !! I was not in the forum when you made your first post. Bemoaning Leora and Malia's absence. Fact : Your attempt to use reverse psychology, does not impress me either ! You would not survive two days, on a used car sales force. Fact : Leora , and Malia control their activities, as they see fit. Like it, or do not ! Fact: Leora, and Malia do not control RLC's doctrine. If you have an issue with the RLC doctrine. Take it up with RLC management. I will respectfully add this opinion. Deriding an RLC tenant, accomplishes nothing. Other than to pump up your self centered esteem, and exposes your true personality ! ๐Ÿ˜† Regarding what you " FEEL " ! Did your feet feel the floor---------------? That might just be a more suitable concern for you, rather than, what you think I need !
  17. Fun ?? I was enjoying the peace, and quiet. Until evidently the Real Life in B2 became so boring, that you felt the need to leave, that so exciting party, there ! Only to bemoan Leora, and Malia enjoying their party, with their close friends. Who, are not associated with the RLC project. Unlike the B2 party ! Please go enjoy that so very realistic event. I will watch the two lovely young ladies, who are enjoying their, ( Let me check, yes they are talking, and their movements are not robotic,) Yes they are "real " and alive !๐Ÿ˜
  18. I cede my" best joke of the year "to you. YOU HAVE TOPPED mine with your opening statement !๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ I M O !!!!! If it does not bother you ????????????????????????????????????? Hmmmm!!!!!!
  19. REAL LIFE HAS RETURNED TO THE APARTMENT. With both being very happy !๐Ÿ˜Š
  20. I have one very simple question to ask. Other than the Linda and Timor apartment. Being the only vestige of REAL LIFE since the 2019 exodus out of Russia by RLC. WHY NOT ASK RLC why they still have the REAL LIFE 24/7 clause ?? WHY NOT CALL THE PARTY HOUSES, that is WHAT THEY ARE , or MARTINA's and MASHAS EXPERIMENT ???? OH, THAT IS " REAL"!! IT IS NO LONGER the fall of 2012 when RLC started ! It is rather naive to NOT recognize, that 95% of RLC's current format. Does not match what it was in 2012. The only thing RLC has not changed, is their name ! Enjoy it for what it is. Or ignore it ! It is each individuals choice. If it is the " CASH " that is bothering you. You know how to resolve that issue. Leora, and Malia do not have control of that.
  21. Don't let me stop you. But, be advised that you will not see me over there, mumbling and grumbling, about that which I have absolutely no control of !!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ However, I do rather enjoy the way, it seems, that Leora's, and Malia's absence from their apartment, gets under your skin ! ๐Ÿคฃ
  22. There he goes thinking on his own again !!! He will figure it out one of these eon's !๐Ÿคฃ
  23. I am reasonably sure that one of the GOV, or COV apartments are empty tonight also . It seems that it takes at least two of the apartments tenants to be able to create a party in that part of the world. Is It true that Charade's is the action you are missing out on ! Tsk ! Tsk ! ๐Ÿ˜†
  24. There he goes, trying to explain his thoughts, of WHAT HE THOUGHT HE HEARD!!!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ You are excused. Hustle yourself to the party that you have abandoned !
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