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Nari Dog

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Everything posted by Nari Dog

  1. Thanks, for what I have seen of her body language over the past 30 minutes there is no need to see the archives.
  2. G'day Naga - what NICOLE is back on the scene. You bloody little beauty.
  3. Thanks, don't think I have seen her smile once. Such a dead pan looking shelia. For a while there I thought that silver top was Misty, but checked her apartment and she is still in bed.
  4. Only been watching this apartment for about a month, so which one is Rapunzel? Blue top or light brown with roll neck?
  5. Corrected the spelling to VH TV. That's better. Just drawing attention to the best bum on this site.
  6. Go to Misty's apartment, camera 2 for what is what we are talking about.
  7. Don't know what started the argument. Misty, her BF and Anastasia were in bed, seemed to getting ready to go to sleep. There seemed to be a problem connecting phones to charges etc., a with a Bluetooth speaker. Misty seem to wanted them to stop using the speaker. Not understanding the lingo, things then started to go pear shape. Shouting soon followed then tears. Misty crying and BF arguing, Anastasia tries to sort out it out and leaves them to it.
  8. A lot of tears and shouting in Misty's apartment. Not a happy scene.
  9. OK, been out for awhile and missed what has taken place. Who is bed with Anastasia? Seems to be making love with her bum under the covers. Who is in the bed in the living room? Misty or Nyusha?
  10. Didn't last long, things have gone pear shaped for her. Sorry to see her so sad.
  11. Looks like Anastasia is pretty pissed. She didn't seemed to feel the cold when out on the loggia, then went for a leak and looks like crash for the night. She sure had a struggle to get a blanket.
  12. Agree but the camera itself is down on performance.
  13. I don't know what she has done but rearranging the drapes seemed to made some improvement.
  14. Misty's camera 1 needs to be taken to the dry cleaners.
  15. Ronny has some interesting scratch marks on his back from previous encounters.
  16. Welcome to her favourite's club. BTW there is a pecking order in here.
  17. In the meantime, Ronny having carnal desires with Nyusha.
  18. The male visitor is sharing the double bed with Anastasia. He is pissed as a fart. Time 06:34.
  19. Wars have been fought over well shaped bums like Anastasia's. The only other one that matches hers was Nicole's from RLC.
  20. Is Anastasia pissed? When she walked out into the hallway, there was a moment when she missed the doorway and walked into the wall. BTW Misty looks a bit happier now.
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