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Everything posted by itsme

  1. The anus was made for "that time of the month".
  2. Another one for Squirrel.
  3. Gotta love these. Anyone know if tattoos were popular on pinup girls in the 40's and 50's? They seem to be fairly popular on "modern" pinups.
  4. A few pinups I found.
  5. "http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmzd7a_how-to-milk-a-woman-s-breast_redband"
  6. This video is pretty interesting. Looks like the Ukrainian Army is actually considering fighting back.
  7. WTF, that looks more like a baby elephant :o Is that a post op? That's what is referred to as a blown out pussy. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=blown%20out
  8. Tawney is on again with 4 other girls. http://camcaps.chaturbate.com/tawney/
  9. itsme


    You're the most talked about squirrel that I know. In fact I think I recall someone writing that they missed you when you hadn't made a post in awhile.
  10. I found an article about it on CNN: "The bill would make photographing or recording video under a person's clothing illegal, according to a statement from the office of Senate President Therese Murray." That is broad. What if you happen to take a pic of something and woman wearing a skirt happens to be sitting in a position where here snatch is exposed is that now illegal? Or does it simply mean you can't stick a camera up a woman's skirt? If so that still leaves a fair amount of leeway. http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/06/us/massachusetts-upskirt-ban/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  11. Figures they'd change it. I wonder how they worded it. Hastily created laws like this tend to be far reaching, and don't take into account unintended consequences. I also wonder what the penalty of this is. I can see then making it a sex crime to take a picture up a woman's skirt, next thing you know women are going to be purposely flashing for pics to get guys in trouble.
  12. I think the issue is actually the lack of a law. The current law basically says it's illegal to film women who are nude without their consent. But, the court said these women weren't nude so according to current law its legal. The guy was taking upskirts of women sitting on a trolley. In some ways I think it would be hard to define a law that outlaws, since you'd essentially be saying its illegal to take a picture in public, of something that is publicly visible depending on the angle.
  13. Have any pics from her shows?
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