Hi Amy, When i saw a few comments you made arlier, i didnt know if you were serious or being sarcastic i Hear what you're saying though,, and i agree with a lot of it. He is a total POS for continuing on after she went back out to the party.Total absolute disrespect for her,and made her look like a fool, with everyone at the party knowing what's going on in theret. I'm pretty new on here, but iv'e never seen them have a threesome beofre, and if not,so to do it on your wedding night is pretty bizzarre . Did he coerce her to do it? Does she do everything he wants her to do? Is he controlling like that? It doesn't seem that way, but If not, she was all in for it, so if she was humiliated, and i would be if this happened to me, which it wouldn't , because i would scratch the bitches eyes out before any one would be fucking my husband with or without me on my wedding night., she was to blame as much as he was. The threesome, though weird on your wedding night,, didn't bother me because it seemed mutual. I'm embarressed for her like you are,, she showed no self respect for allowing it to continue when she left.