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Everything posted by ed2

  1. They are simply not very passionate people, and that's exactly why I weren't at all optimistic about their return.
  2. My princess moving to the castle? Honestly, I had prefered if Gina had gotten her own apartment instead.
  3. B5 is literally the worst place to do anything, especially to have a party, but even the showers have a very bad view in there. I wish RLC would move, or atleast encurage all people who like to party to go to B4. And then I don't necessarily mean sex parties. Just playing loud music at night can irritate the neighbours, but for all this B4 is alot more suited.
  4. OK. Sorry then. It will be posted many times, but probably more often by Noldus then by me.
  5. Sorry, I don't mean to attack you, but you have already said that you never have and never will like C&C. Do you have to comment on it every day? Because I don't really think Monica and Amira are anything but wasted space, but I don't post about it every day.
  6. Why do you think you deserve to be treated with silky gloves? Why shouldn't we be allowed to confront you? Why should we just skip your posts, when you obviously does't apply by these same rules? If you had just presented your view on this, and then skipped everything you didn't like, then no one would have any problem. Instead that's actually the only thing you come here to do. You take our posts, confront us with how stupidly liberal we are with our ignorant heads stuck far up our dick-loving asses, before you go on to judge situations that you never watch, nor would have any interest in watching if you could. But you still know it better than us, who actually did watch it. If that isn't hypocracy, I don't know what is...
  7. Nice. 😍 Maybe if they stick to this more often, then I can even grow to like Lorraine. But I just can't stand the rest of the wierd things they come up with, like in B2 the other night.
  8. Yeah, I admit, I'm not actually a meber of CC, but I still know this way better than you, because I have a source, let us call him Piper, and he tells me everything that gets written on CC. And I used to be a faithful member of CC up until about 3 years ago, so it's a fact that I know this alot better than you. You conservative minded buttcheeks just live in glass-tinted shithouses and can't accept a honest and frank opinion. Denying this is the same as surpressing free speach. Stop bullshitting, Harley.
  9. Harley hasn't been a subscriber since over a year before B4 opened, and he had never liked this immoral whorehouse, though how would he know. Now when the couples were added, the atmosphere was suddenly great when there was just the girls in B4. Again, remember, this comes from someone who hasn't subscribed since over a year before the villa opened. This isn't only hypocracy, it's delusions. He has lost it, he's beyound a joke now.
  10. This camera angle is actually great! Almost all cameras at VHTV are from a high point, looking down. But this is a flatter angle, wich makes for a much more natural view in my opinion. 👍🏻
  11. It's online, and it's in viewing distance from my home, that's what matters.
  12. Not really, if you have ever watched someone like Megan or Sofie, they hardly did anything that wasn't a show in this way or another. And you all know I love drunk and/or drugged people.
  13. I don't have to get used to it, because I don't watch it. I only watch B2 when Milena is alone in her bedroom or in the bathroom. Growing bigger every day now. Beautiful! 😍
  14. Isn't it quite ironic then, that it took over two and a half month before some of you all even noticed that they had changed the name.
  15. I disagree! The best approach to solve this problem would be to move girls like Megan hundreds of kilometers away from RLC. It would be better!
  16. Stella definitely did shows too, like almost everyone. But she could have a lot of more and less genuine moments inbetween all of that. Here and there. When she got drunk during the parties, or when she was with her boyfriend in B3 and "boyfriend" in B1, it was all alot more real for her. And it was quite easy with Stella, you could see when she wasn't really into it. The same is the case with Nicole.
  17. Disappointing, but surely not unexpected when girls like Amira, Monica and Lorraine get together.
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