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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I did, in their personallity! Both are abit socially awkward, in a cute way, yet very exhibitionist in a sexual way.
  2. Do you remember @vlkvlk111, I said Oksi kind of reminded me of Bea, and now we have them here together.
  3. Welcome back: BEATRIIIIICCEE 💖 I've created my own thread, so not to spam the main thread.
  4. It is not that puzzling. Same reason Maya is still there. I don't think RLC would kick anyone out, for almost anything, unless they want to leave the project themself. After watching RLC for over 2 years, I think that is their policy and practice. And I see good and bad with that too. It is certanly not good if the average is to sack most tenants after a month or two either, like at VHTV.
  5. @Alladino To be fair, I do think Kristy is a pretty good tenant. She spends almost all her time out (working, dancing), yet she stands for like 90% of the action in this apartment. She has sex with her boyfriends, she invite friends, and arrange parties. As moos points out, Kamilla and Kaley might have a real life too, but I agree with you, the part of it that happens on cam is even much less interesting than my own misserable life. I think all those who can claim that Kamilla still is of any interest, are mostly those who remember her from 2.5 years ago.
  6. Of course, even though I think B4 is due for some changes, I am happy to see Anita back now after she hurt herself pretty bad, hope she heals well, and get well soon! And kudos to Dalia, who stood up for her friend, and helped her. But I'm sad to see Salma leave so early, that girl has personality, and I liked her. ❤️ Hopefully she might return some time soon I hope.
  7. Thank you, my friend! All piss well! Yes, I think you have explained this theory to me in PM before, and it is a good one. Equally good as mine. The problem is that there is no way of prooving or falsifying any of our theories. It is just our opinions formed out from our perspective. My view will always put Kira in the best light, and maybe often be unfair towards the other two, as Kira is the one I have strongest feelings for in this relarionship of three. But anyhow, I admit that they do mostly function exceptionally well as a trio too, and I do like to see them all three together too! And I do think they will sort these things out, and things will be fine again this time too, as they always do. But to answer your question more directly: No one "steel" a partner from anyone! It is two people that choose to be together. And Nina chose Kira.
  8. Yes, Katya is good looking, and she seems very friendly with everyone, and fun too. ❤️
  9. Please agree to dissagree @Ridgerunner and @Alladino, the arguments are getting repitative!
  10. As everyone else here, I can only speculate! You are right, we know very little, and their situation are likely way more complex than we will ever understand. And yes, there have been very few open arguments with DE directly, though very many of N&K's fights seem revolve around the name of DE. And DE has on several occations, after some of the biggest quarrels in the past, dissappeared for longer periods of time, only to return a month or two later, when things have settled down.
  11. And that is part of what I love about RLC! We get to follow their real life! We get to see when they are happy, or angry, or sad and crying, we get to see when they are fighting over washing the dishes, when they are tired, and just chilling on the couch, or when they are dirty, and horny, and making love. It's all real life!
  12. But maybe I'm prejudging. Like @le5b05, I always meant that DE mainly was trouble in N&K's relationship. I have never quite liked her. She seems like a two faced bitch to me! Sorry!
  13. Nina just got home, and the fight has started up again!
  14. Thank you very much @likidamber for the translations! Yes, this was a bad one, maybe one of the most worrying fights I've seen from N&K, and I've seen really really bad ones. Just my gut feeling: As very often, I think that this fight too was about Nina and DE being too close, and they keep secrects from Kira, wich Kira has never really accepted. I feel Kira has given an ultimatum on countless occations, and said that I don't put up with this anymore! But in the end, Kira always let herself persude by Nina telling her that it isn't so, or that she will try to improve, and that everything will be alright. What was abit different this time, and that got me alittle more worried than usual, was Kira's attitude. I don't think I have ever seen her so stone cold, and not caring.
  15. I do really like the concept with roommate apartments, and I kind of wish that RLC would add more of them, but it isn't going to work very great if it is only going to be occupied by tenants like Kamilla and Emily.
  16. Yes, of course it is! As I very often use to point out myself! In fact, you might've stolen that phrase from me...😏 I have no reason to say anything about Karina, she is still very new. And I haven't really watched the others that much either. But Sera and Amira seem to have fallen into a pattern, they go out alot, and they do candle light massages, wich is also just as much a show as the porn shows in my opinion. The real life is good, but here I miss some enthusiasm and personallity. And if @MASTERMASSUER's info is right, if their attitude is to do and show as little as possible, that's NOT GOOD, and I'm not sure it can be called real life either.
  17. Yes, I do kind of agree, Naga, in pricipal, but B1 right now is not good! B4 isn't very good right now either, but B1 is just as bad. They are kind of "taking the piss", like you use to say, and whatever that means. Atleast if this is true, then it was even much worse than I thought:
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