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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I think Maya bated again, in the tub the other day, I briefly saw it, but it was already gone from replay by the time I had time to go back and check it out.
  2. OK, thank you for answer. They are not the couple I watch the most either, but their wierd relationship sometimes get my attention. You are right that Kitty and Smith are a immature (sometimes childish) couple, they have difficulties, but it is ups and downs. Julia and Eric I can't seem to unterstand at all, their game playing, their relationship in general, it only seems they lead each other into missery.
  3. Sorry for all the off topic discussion, I'll leave it there, thanks for your patience,... good night now fellows!
  4. I think you are wrong. There are a handfull posting onesided positive comments, then there is a few using every oportunity to criticice. For the rest it is a nightmare, no matter what they post, they will get accused by one of the sides, either for being a RLC agent, or HFB's boyfriend
  5. People don't want to post if they have to fight war for every post they make, fight for their right to have an opinion, I give up soon, loose motivation.. It is excatly such views that hurt the forum, thinking those with a different opinion should be banned, have no right to be here.
  6. This is the worst forum I ever visited, disrespecting all with a different view on something, no one seem to be able to behave like civiliced humans!
  7. Curiosity killed the cat ed, you can not tell me that you would not want to seek approval, and want to know what people think and are saying about you, it is only human nature as we all seek approval, and need our ego's stroked from time to time., I am sure the participants know of CC and read the posts. I wasn't saying they don't read, I was questioning the effect sneakeater described. The effect you described, if we say anything negative they will not do anything for us on cam, firstly because the great majority of the posts on here are very positive and encuraging, secondly because they have made a choice to live their lifes publicly on a voyeur site, and if they chose to go to a closed forum to read about it, they must tackle the critiqe. If the tenants are folowing the forums very closely, and care too much what is written about them, it kind of brakes with the whole concept of a voyeur site. I know it would be impossible to prevent, but it is not very wise by them to read. Anyway, it is not an argument to sensure all slightly negative opinions, and only post positive, even though I fully see the need for moderation, and removing of unserious content.
  8. Also a difference between us, I don't think this is a platform to comunicate with the tenants, even if they check the forum once in a while I very much doubt they follow that closely. The effect you describe, I can't see it is very strong, because the great majority of the posts on here are positive and encuraging. I also think, if they have made a choice to live their lifes on a voyeur site, I don't think they would nor should care or bother what some people on the internet think.
  9. We like different things CowArt! I enjoy many things on here, it can be big event, like sex, masturbation or a party, or it can be small, alittle smile, watch a girl cook, clean or do an every day core. I'm really no fan of acted tease shows and staged events. Then we also have a totally different way of posting! I watch what I like to see, but I never write love letters with big emojis and adress encuraging posts to the tenants where I share my dreams and fantasies. No, I come here to discuss thoughts with others, often about what could have been better, I'm also not afraid of speculating, sharing thoughts about what is going to happen, what is happening and what it means, what we interpret from it. I try to respect others views, but sometimes every slightly not all encuraging posts are taken as offence, only posted as to "insult" the all innocent tenants. I'm not seeing everything as lovely as some, I don't worship the tenants as engels, but can't we respect the difference! My life might be sad, lonely and misserable, but that is no one here's busines LOL, but the same could be said the other way, those posting hearts on here every day must have a misserable life, but it is of no interest....
  10. Do you understand their language? And their behaviour? It isn't just that episode, but it is the time! Later that night, for example, they were in bed, he was watching his phone, she moved closer to him, started touching his cock, when he answered the move by putting his hand around her sholder (just like cosy) she totally freaks out, on verge of crying. To me they don't make sence at all, to the point I at times think she suffers from serious pshycological problems. I undestand they must be playing some kind of game with each other, it is like they love to tease each other, but it always ends with her getting angry/nearly crying, puch him away, leave the room and slam the door. It is like she loves to tease him, but suddenly changes her mind the second he starts to show interest.
  11. Why do you think that happyone? I don't think Nicole is even slightly into girls. Straight as a iron bar.
  12. Out serching for a new boy, it might take awhile, she might want to test how long they last before bringing one home... LOL
  13. Julia and Eric is the wierdest couple I ever saw. Some people have accused Eric for being a bad man, not paying enough attention to his woman, but those people should see this (go to replay, today at 12:00-12:10, or just PM me). It is not Eric, it is Julia! She must have some kind of pshycological issues! It is almost the same every time, she tease him and practically take initiative for sex, but as soon as he makes a move, she gets very angry, push him away and leaves!
  14. I agree! Maybe the most real party I ever saw in Barca. That is for sure! No one is even close, and it is real, when Nicole brings a guy/lover, it is because she likes him (and wants some), not like any of the other guys we have seen wich is just brought in to make the situation a little bit less boring, but just a staged tease
  15. I have little doubt the usual events we see, the body painting parties, the just dance parties, the massages etc, are all arranged, but this actually seems more natural, so if it were stage RLC has done it amazingly, but this seems not to be, so you're right, instead I shall thank Nicole
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