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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I've seen sign in Desiree and Raul, they don't seem to have too good relationship these days, and as you say, also Leora and Paul, but I haven't noticed anything at Zoya and Lev's
  2. I agree, the blocking of a cam is very rarely intentional, and often caused by a stupid placement of the cam by RLC. They obviously has not learned. Look at the pretty new apartment of Taya&Will, a labyrinth of blindspots and mostly bad angles. Wonder what they were thinking when they placed cam #10, it is doomed to get blocked by a pillow or something.
  3. A joke bro... the seizures was horrific, but I must admit thecatfight was epic, not what floats my boat, but a glimp of real life, no one got seriously hurt, then it would have been different...
  4. I agree to most of this, getting that palace is just a dream though (big rooms usually means bad angles), but this other thing has been my opinion all along, RLC must start to bring in fresh new girls, and stop recycling old girls who has lost most of the motivation, spirit and exitement they once had!
  5. but.... the best moment in B1 or B2 ever, was the great catfight LOL Well, I'm not complaining about that, nor about the NV not being perfect, nor not getting the perfect angles, just complaining about the intentional hiding,staged shows and the lack of anything genuine. On that matter Helen outdo them al, you wil hate me for this, but even "your" Nicole!
  6. Yes, wonder if the other girls should feel ashamed, Helen has done way more in one week, than Lola and Polya in 2 months, and Gina in soon to be 5 months
  7. No one posts in this thread? OK, they might be a bit boring, Raul is a lazy lover, but Desiree is more active. I'm no found of tattoos, but other than than that I like her looks very much, but then I like fuller/fat figures. I caught a very nice dildo bate by Desiree this evening, about 18:20. I hear she bated with two dildos the other day, anyone caught that?
  8. I read alot of speculation on rlcfan recently, about their relationship, I saw it being speculated a couple of months ago, that they might split up, now it is my thought too, that they are splitting up and leaving the project.
  9. Both seem to go, we do not know if they'll get a new apartment, or maybe they are both leaving the project alltogether.
  10. Doe-eye brought got them a new baby kitten, seems N&K are keeping it? I usually don't like pets in RLC apartments, just irritating when they trigger motion detector, but I must admit, it looks adorable!
  11. Belle had a half moon on her neck lac, so she might be muslim? Hell, even I pray, though I'm an atheist, I don't believe in it.... religios people are as nice as others, I was just trolling with harleyboy
  12. I believe in sience and reason, every religion has some good in it, morality, nice stories of how to be to others as they sould be nice you, but that doesn't make their god any more true. Wich god should I believe in then, Jahwe, Allah, Wothan, Ra, Zews?? All life must have some rules to live by thestarider, but it can be independent from religion. and not just based on a fear of burning in hell
  13. So you think praying would work if she had strong enough faith in some goast lord high up in the sky, and lived her life like it is demanded in a 2000 years old book of farytales.... LOL
  14. Yes, now we're speak the same language, but you compare the shows to an empty apartment, then I see why you prefer that. They will go out many nights anyway, the fake shows doesn't change that, no, but I see the fake tease shows as a thing they do instead of having a real party or a real bate on cam, not as an alternative instead of going out
  15. Would almost think they were on vacation ..... Exept the stupid shows! I'm strange but I prefer the boring reallife to the shows, that is why I come to a voyeur site, not a porn site! Now the apartments are boring most of the time, then we get a staged show once in a while, I'm not criticicing the apartments being boring most of the time, that is real life, but the action we get once in a while should be autentic, not a put on show
  16. Sleeping, be on their phones, cook, eat, watching tv, spending time on the phones, take a shower, be on their phones, going out many nights, bate once in a while, be on their phones some more, then go to sleep, that is real life.... now they sleep, spend time on their phones, go out, sleep, do a staged tease show once in a while, watch their phones, sleep and prepare to go out again.
  17. Yes, I agree, they are the ones in b1 and b2 worth watching, keep it up, the others can just continue their small shows, and teasing that never lead anywhere, don't bother with them bud
  18. He probably does... I don't like smokers in public, blowing lung COPD cancer at others... LOL, smoking in public places is actualle illegal here, but I don't care what they do in private
  19. I loved her too, not a model, but natural, I like girls with fuller figures too, and Kylie was relaxed with the cams, acting natural, not for show
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