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Everything posted by ed2

  1. You made a promise to myself that I will never post in that apartments threads. Instead you created your own thread for that very same apartment, just so you can take part in the debate about the life in it anyway. Where the hell is the logic in that? The only thing you have accomplished is to credit the apartment you hate so much with two open threads, instead of one. 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤣
  2. Yes. Maybe Hanna too, she seems like that kind of person.
  3. You thought the same for Olya & Diane last summer. For me it was the best few days on RLC in 2020. I like the wild drunk parties. The only thing is that they could maybe separate them. Make B4 the dedicated party place, and move the girls who don't want anything of that away from there. Vivian should be in B1.
  4. It is not many that has done anything comparable. Yes, we had a very unfortunate incident with Vivian. Just leave her alone if she doesn't want to join in. But it will always be a risk of inappropriate moments if we are going to have unedited and undirected livestreams, drunk fueled incidents, wild parties, or otherwise chaotic real life. That is not something I want to change. I am willing to have that risk. Because the alternative is to only have predictable showgirls, or boring girls who do nothing. Look at how B4 has been since last autumn. I prefer the chaotic craziness! Even if they can be pretty far over the top, with both their shows and their behaviour, I am definitely on team TESLA and ELIAN ❤️ Simply because of how unpredictable they are, and they add a new and exciting spark to the project.
  5. I love these crazy girls! They have definitely brought life into the villa! They are all over the place, using all the things that this place has to offer. I don't think we've seen anything quite like them since B4 opened!
  6. Not to mention RLC keeping the girls, but banning their boyfriends. That's not how it works. Either they can throw out the couple, or they can choose to let the couple stay on, until one or both of them want to leave. There is no middle way here. If we like the girl, we also have to tolerate the boyfriend too. We can't possibly pick and choose on that. It is their life. Their relationships. And their choices to make. Besides, I'm just a voyeur. I don't even want their lifes to be perfect. Perfect is boring. I just want them to share what they have with us. If it's genuine. Being a problematic fight, their sex life, or having visits from friends. So far Gina and Bruno have been doing a great job with this. They've delivered on all fronts. It is amongst the most exciting apartments.
  7. If I'm not remembering wrong, it actually fell out when Goldie drunkenly rolled out of bed. I checked it then. She likely messed with some wires there.
  8. When I was at 5,000, Noldus was at 50,000. Now I'm at 9,000, and Noldus is over 60,000! I don't think I stand any chance at outposting you, but maybe I can outlive you. That's my strategy now. We'll see in 40-50-60 years if I managed it.
  9. I post pictures and GIFs on a few VH-threads, but it is not allowed to post pictures on the RLC-threads since before I joined, so in that way you older members has a very unfair advantage over members who joined after that.
  10. He has passed me, I've been here trice as long. But I don't give up, my goal is to beat Noldus one day.
  11. The best couple to come off that couch was probably Anabel and Efim. I also liked Mira and Kai very much.
  12. I think this is for the best, no more partner switching. I wish it stays this way. It can ruin the good atmosphere and friendship.
  13. I'll leave you all to it then, like I do most of the time anyway. And just for reference, there is just as much bullshit crying thrown at the events I really enjoy on here too. Whenever a guy shows up in these apartments, they are parasites, and the girls who actually does have some fun on camera are called drug whores. But somehow that's more legitimate to complain about?
  14. It is the distribution board (electric breaker panel).
  15. If you call this real life. Yes, it is always a possibility that this is something they are genuinely interested in. But for most of them it seems to also be some of the only things they are genuinely interested in that they will actually share with us on camera. And that is something I don't think I am alone in not liking very much. BTW, I absolutely loved the pool party in B4 yesterday. The only thing I "cried" about then was that it ended so early. I hope to see alot more of those over the summer!
  16. Not really. This is just nonsense, with or without clothes. What would be interesting would be if they threw a proper party! Or Ariana could invite one of the many boyfriends she has made since she came here, but never once brought back to the apartment. That would be interesting for a change.
  17. Ceremony of bullshit. Sitting in a circle on the floor with only their underwear on, and painting.
  18. Great idea, Ariana! Introduce the girls to this incredibly boring stupidness of a ceremony. I actually liked them, don't ruin that. Thank you! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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