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Everything posted by jerrxyz

  1. Until Lisa has a date with someone a whole hell of a lot more classy than the creepy guys like last night she should not let them in her place, I don't think of her as a slut that should be fucking for just our viewing. I believe Lisa is special and could be seeing a better class of people. There are plenty of apt. on this site for viewing the rough and drunkard, abusive kind of sex and to those rooms that's okay.
  2. Walking round in her thongs is at least teasing him enough to try, I just don't understand the way she treated him.
  3. The one boy that check out the frig. stole something and put in his back pack. Fucking punks.
  4. Who would pay to see the disturbing guy and the portly women, this is not fair to the customer. A very poor choice indeed.
  5. Did anybody notice that Mormon girl when she was getting ready for her date yesterday, she put on pantyhose but when she return home, no pantyhose. Wtf. Where did she lose those pantyhose?
  6. I'm a newbie from NC in the USA. I first started a month ago with RLC, I first thought it was great, but now really nothing going on, so I found VHTV. My first impression was it so damn HOT. My favorites by far the Eric & Layla shows, then the not so cool guys came to visit twice, I hated all that, they really put a bad damper on the roomies. Sam is like a pansy ass, Jess want to have her way with Eric but Eric has such a great thing going with Layla and she keeps Eric all to herself even if he wanted to screw Jess. Layla is such a tease and I love it but Eric and Layla needs to set Sam & Jess down and let them know, that this is a damn sex site that people like us are paying good money to do the nasty in way we can only dream of. At my age I'm might die before something great like swapping and playing grinding and sexual touching with each other. If something different doesn't happen soon, I will be out of here. This room could set the standard for the people like me, a great release.
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