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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. If that were my cat, she would be going apeshit with all those strings hanging from the ceiling. It'd sound like the blitzkrieg in there as she slaughtered all that inflated rubber.
  2. Sorry, it was a joke that fell flat. I was using your post as a backup for the post I was making. Basically saying I agree with you and dude needed to shut up because I was trying to masturbate. At the time I thought it was hilarious. But then again I've got about 4 Rum n Cokes in me and pretty much everything is hilarious right now.
  3. Ah ok smoking a joint might explain quite a bit. A few minutes ago before she left she was trying to put her pants on and seemed completely confused. They were bunching up and she couldn't figure out how to get them up past her knees. Granted they could have been tight and she's not exactly a small gal. But once she triumphed over the rigors or apparel wearing she seemed quite pleased with herself, although they made her have a baggy ass lol. But after that she put her shoes on her hands and walked out the front door. God speed Big Red, I hope your outing is a success. During this entire process the dog just stared at her as if in disbelief.
  4. Seriously, some of us come to these forums to masturbate not to listen to homophobic/racist rants!
  5. She doesn't seem to know what to do with herself today. Stand up, sit down, stand up, pace around, sit back down, stare off into space, pat the dog, give the dog scritches, cuddle with dog, stand up stare off into space some more, sit down stare blankly right into the cam for a solid 5 minutes, stand up again, sit down, stare at the wall. She's literally doing nothing today.
  6. Yeah she was all teary eyes and didn't seem to know how to react. Makes me wonder if they're a couple that has just gotten together or are just taking the next step of living with each other.
  7. I noticed that not only is the dog gone but so is everything related to the dog. So it's not coming back anytime soon. Wonder if they were just dog sitting or something for a couple of weeks.
  8. Awwww Santiago came home and gave Beatriz a bouquet of roses. Made her cry and have to wipe away tears. He seems to truly love her and is all over her. Constantly trying to steal kisses or hug her. I hope this continues on. It's nice to see a couple who truly are in love.
  9. Absolutely love that skirt/knee socks outfit on Leora. She wears it quite well. Could you imagine being in your first day of class and watching her come walking through the door? I've said it before, but no wonder Paul is jealous of her going to college.
  10. I don't think I've ever said this to anyone before, but you're a fucking idiot. Now having said that I'm 90% sure you're just on here to troll people instead of actually trying to express an opinion. But the fact you contradict yourself even in your own posts is quite telling.
  11. I actually know this one! It's to remove any dirt, bacteria and oils that normally wouldn't come off with soap. You leave it on to not only tighten skin but it also dissolves the dirt in the clogged pores to prevent pimples and blackheads. Women tend to wear a lot of makeup and over time that'll start getting into every nook and cranny on their face causing the very skin blemishes they are trying to cover up in the first place. My GF's mother is a dermatologist and I asked her that exact same question. She went into greater detail but that's the basic gist of it. There are of course makeups and facial masks that claim to reverse the aging process but everyone knows that's just a pile of horse shit.
  12. I don't give a fuck what anyone says. I'd slam that girl from behind so hard that the japanese would be prepping for another tsunami. She's got some amazing hangers too!
  13. Happens a lot from places where their water isn't from a city treatment plant. My grandparents live in a house that gets their water from a well. It has a really high iron and mineral content. Their water is about that same color. Not saying that's what it is, but it could be one of the reasons.
  14. That's very true. Every time I've ever seen her she's attached to the couch in some fashion. If that's the case she's going to need Rip Van Winkle levels of sleep to fix her beauty.
  15. Ha ha ha ha that poor dog. "Dammit.....Ok I got this......son of a!.........ok, one step at a time.......what the hell!......LEORA! LEORA GET THIS DAMN THING OFF ME!"
  16. True, but you'll note that once the waves of ecstasy wore off she immediately jumped up and checked her texts on the phone. It's what prompted me to start wondering what was going on. It was like someone inspired her to go to town on herself and then checked her messages once she was done to see what he/she had said further. yeah I noticed that too. Specifically with today. She looked angry and frustrated after she started cumming. She kicked the mouse off the table and slammed the laptop shut with her foot. Like she got mad at what was on the screen.
  17. Just in the past few weeks Leora has been texting/messaging someone on her phone a helleva lot more than she used too. She's started listening to music she didn't typically listen too, specifically Guns N' Roses which I've made a thread about. She's always been a hypersexual girl and masturbated a lot. But recently it's like she's ramped it up a bit. You can count on twice a day, once before she goes out for the day and again when she gets back home. People on the thread have even started noticing it's always around the same time. But even with the two guaranteed she's bating more than usual. Now this is the important part. These sessions have been pretty intense. Just now she kicked the mouse off the laptop and her hand was filled with juice. Also she damn near raped Paul yesterday and he kept pushing her off over and over. The theory is of course that he can't fulfill his manly duties. But I was wondering if Leora going to school has her meeting other guys and realizing that she may not like Paul as much as she thought. We know that Paul is jealous of her going to school and they fight about it a bit, but she seems like she's still making the attempt to keep the sexual energy high between them. It makes me wonder if she's going to get fed up soon and jump ship, or if she's the kind of girl who would cheat. I mean even while she's masturbating she sometimes checks her phone. I used to think she was texting Paul while he was at work, like she was checking in, standard couple "Thinking of you, you should see what I'm doing right now" type texts. But the past few times she's been texting someone he's been in the house tinkering away at his PC. Anyway, random thoughts. P.S. If anyone knows Leora's address we should pitch in and buy her a Guns N' Roses T-shirt as a thank you gift.
  18. I call this one 'Post-Coitus exhaustion via Guns n' Roses" by Leora
  19. She seems to be on a Guns N Roses kick lately. Every time she listens to them she starts caressing herself and gets her in the mood. She used to watch herself in the mirror and that would get her going, I was hoping with the laptop she was watching herself on RLC because she had started positioning herself to give us a better view recently.
  20. Wish people would post more of the Pink haired adorable girl rather than posting so many of the blue haired toothpick
  21. Today she was picking and choosing songs to listen too while playing on her phone. Just a handful that I recognzied Marilyn Manson Metallica <= Tends to favor Metallica more than others. Listened to everything from St. Anger to Reload and Master of Puppets. GreenDay Sublime Guns N Roses Ozzy era Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Motorhead Russian stuff (Sorry Russkies I don't know your music :-[ ) and a ton of other metal/rock At first I thought she was just tuned into a Metal station. But she seemed to be picking and choosing which song to listen too. It was only later that she seemed to get on pandora or something. Btw, Guns N Roses seems to really get her in the mood.
  22. More cushion for the pushing. Slap the fat and ride the wave. She's like a moped, fun to ride until your friends see you on it.
  23. Yeah well I don't give a shit what anyone says. I wanna see some Big Red action! Solo or John Waters orgy style!
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