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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. I know they're currently in the courting stages so to speak. But I hope it goes further. Blue deserves a good person in her life and she's much to shy to seem to be aggressive about it. Unless you get a couple of drinks in her of course lol :lmao:
  2. And now she's laughing and smiling. Paul must have a silver tongue from hell.
  3. Yeah I was just posting about this in the pics section. How the actual fuck do you screw that up so badly? He started off so well too! But just suddenly stood up and went to eat at the table. I'm not one to jump on the Paul is a screwup bandwagon, but dude seriously needs to get his shit together. I wish I knew what they were saying though because Leora was going off hardcore on him. He was just ignoring her and went back to his desk.
  4. As of right now you can hear them arguing in the bedroom so loudly that Scooter is freaking out barking and running all over the house.
  5. So Leora and Paul were laying on the couch. Paul on top of Leora and he started rubbing his hand up and down her inner thigh. Always a good start. Then he covered her pelvis with his hand and used his index finger to tickle her clit. A little aggressive but to be honest it IS Leora and I may have a lack of self control too. He then pushed his hand up her stomach and cupped her breast over her shirt. He leaned in and she kissed him on the forehead, he turned his head and she kissed his cheek, he turned his head to face her and she kissed the tip of his nose. His hands then wondered down to her thighs again, caressing them. They softly exchanged words, he leaned over kissed her nipple, then suddenly stood up walked over to the table and sat down and started eating. Leora fucking EXPLODED on him. She was going off hardcore, yelling and gesturing wildly. She stood up and walked into the kitchen still yelling and turned the coffee pot back on. Paul stands up and grabs her from behind wrapping his arms around her. She tried to pull away from him but he held her tight. He finally let go and smacked her on the asscheek. The look she gave him could have killed a fucking elephant. He laughed and smacked her ass again then walked off to his desk. She started yelling again, sat down on the couch in a huff and said what I think was english "Fuck! This!" it sounded exactly like it. She grabbed her phone and walked quickly walked to the bathroom. Slammed the door and you heard it click as she locked it. Paul didn't even respond. What a fuckwad man. HOW DO YOU SCREW THAT SHIT UP SO BADLY?!
  6. Well now, it seems as if little Blue is stepping up her lesbian game here. I wonder if she's wanting to go full force on Butch? Or is she pushing for a 3-some deal? Seems she's focusing on Butch, but that could be to get influence with Curly and get someone on her side to push for the 3way.
  7. There have even been times where she warms herself up, goes over to Paul and asks him to plow her. He waves her off and starts fiddling with something or other, and she goes back and starts doing her thing on the couch next to him. Funny thing is that she's not exactly a quiet girl when it comes to orgasms, so she's being super vocal and he just shakes his head and continues on.
  8. Stick Art Studio is a world famous makeup artist studio in Barcelona Spain. Although I think there are a few across the country in larger metropolitan areas like Madrid and stuff. Anyway they teach traditional makeup for everything from running a beauty salon to photoshoots to high end fashion modeling. But I know them from their special effects side of things. Their instructors and students/graduates apply makeup for a ton Hollywood productions including stuff like Guardians of the Galaxy, the X-men series, The Walking Dead, and several students were on the Sci-Fi Channels "Face-Off" which is about a special effects competition.
  9. Considering his post is now 5 days old and the wacky kids are banging each others brains out on an hourly basis. I think he may be a little off the mark.
  10. Leora and Paul are on the couch, doing some business under their blanket. Scooter is running around the entirety of the Apt at breakneck speeds tackling pillows and shaking them like crazy. Once he's sufficiently killed the couch cushion he starts humping it. "That's right you fucking pillow! Now you're my bitch! YEAH TAKE IT!!!" *thrust thrust thrust*
  11. Eh it is what it is. It's not a porn site. They aren't here for your entertainment. Hell the site is billed as a voyeuristic experience. You don't have control what they do. Can't really be a scam if it's free to watch.
  12. I have to say, Drunk Blue in a powder Blue Dino jammies is just fucking adorable. The hood reflects her whenever she does something. She dropped her head in embarrassment just now and cover here face with the hood. But when she did she covered its eyes and made it so cartoony. When she walks around in her drunken wobble the tail reflects it. It's adorabley hilarious.
  13. I once had a GF who would get crazy turned on if you used a whip on her. And not one of those frilly lightweight feathery whips they use in porn. But like an actual metal tipped whip. It was all fun and games until I hit whipped her so hard that it cut her skin across her back. She squealed and not to kiss and tell, but was really "Ready to go" if you get the meaning. There was a nice puddle beneath her, and it wasn't from the blood. After that I insisted we find a different way to get her up and going like that. Because that shit was crazy. I don't like hitting people in general much less someone I'm in love with. Even if it made her leak like a faucet afterwards.
  14. Ha ha yeah I agree with that statement 100% The other day he was in the kitchen dancing to Shakira while he was washing dishes and kicked his leg back clipping poor kitty in the side of the head. The cat slid across the floor a couple of feet. Shook it's head and ran full speed out the door. He didn't even miss a beat and kept on dancing. I don't think he even noticed.
  15. Goddammit! I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread. Now I'm going to have Frankie Valli stuck in my head all day. Fun Fact: I used to sing "Can't take my eyes off you" at this girl in my High School every time I passed her in the hall. It wasn't until we were at graduation that I told her she was the reason I'd sing the song. Long story short, 2 Kids and 5 years later I still sing it to her on our anniversary. Good song, but damn does it get stuck in your head.
  16. Well it's gotten me curious because someone in the video thread caught Paul going through Leora's phone while she was asleep and they've been arguing lately. Granted it could all just be innocent coincidence like Paul was just looking for a song or a picture or something and the argument is unrelated. But it still makes you wonder. But then you have to ask why do that at the window? In today's modern technological age you could just fire up skype and do your duty like that or facetime through your phone.
  17. He stomps around the apt like a damn drunken bull. He's absently kicked it, almost stepped on it's head, and damn near crushed it by sitting on it. It's not his fault of course and the cat has learned to run the other direction and hide under furniture when he comes around. But it's harrowing watching his big feet stomp closer and closer to kitty only for it to narrowly escape at the last second.
  18. Ok so something I've noticed is that Leora likes to go out the window in both the living room and the guest room. Presumably to a balcony of some sort. That's not a typical U.S. thing to have balcony's like that so I'm not sure. But I've seen her go out there completely naked, or to get dressed. One time she even went out there fully clothed and came back in naked. Makes me wonder what kind of privacy she has out there. But today something different is going I noticed. I'm watching her right now and she's sitting at her PC desk typing away. Every few minutes she gets up and goes to the window. You can see her from the knees down in frame and that's it. But a few minutes ago she was typing away, leaned over to look out the window smiling then went back to typing again and finally stood up, untied her robe and held it open as she walked to the window. Then tied it back up and sat back down. She's still typing away and every few minutes getting up to walk to the window. So, what the heck is going on? Is she texting some hot stud across the street and they're playing with each other? or is she enjoying the breeze flowing across her smooth lips? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!
  19. Ugh, Paul needs some damn sex lessons or something. He has the general idea but his technique? It just falls flat.
  20. I couldn't see it either until I used Chrome instead of Firefox. No clue as to what the difference is. But for those of you that can't see the images it's basically Mario holding his Laptop to the screen with Microsoft Word open. In large text is says the following. Each sentence was a different picture because he was changing the message FIGHT DAY BY DAY TO BE A BETTER ONE OF YOUR SELF PEACE FOR EVERYBODY <3 MUCH LOVE <3 WE THE BETTER YOU COULD DAY BY DAY DON'T HATE There was one more image but I can't make out what is says in alfredoalcan's pic. The first image in the sequence is blurry for some reason. *Edit* also just for complete documentation sake. He was giving a thumbs up in a couple of the pics.
  21. Oh man, RLC Just shut his shit down lol. :bye: Mario, we hardly knew ye!
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