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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. I don't post much on this forum, but holy shit is Lexy awesome. Lexy & Pete if you're reading this, you guys are just the best. Those two just seem like a lot of fun even if you remove the sexual aspect of it. They just look cool to hang out with. *Edit* - Also Lexy is fucking gorgeous. She's been built extremely well.
  2. Diane was the only reason I really kept checking this apt. But alas getting a glimpse of her was few and far between. I'm a fan of the bigger busted gals like Irma and even though Diane had fake jibblies I still loved watching her float about the kitchen. I wish I had RLC premium so I could see her in the bed and bath. But my poor ass had to settle for the free cams sections. The Twins are nice and all and I'll prob keep checking in to see whats up with them but the girls I liked the most have now officially left the building. Goodbye Diane you'll be missed.
  3. No, RLC added a new feature to the website that hides apt's that don't have activity recently. You can turn the feature off if you press the little circle/clock indicator to the right of the title "couples" *Edit* Leora's back on the couch now so the apt should show back up in the list.
  4. In the U.S. You can buy those in pretty much every store near Halloween. They had them in our corner shops and gas stations near where I live.
  5. Yeah but black people aren't the only people to eat chicken though.
  6. Those are pasties for suntanning. Nips burn really fast in tanning booths so most girls wear a protector of some sort. They're also used to prevent chaffing while jogging or working out but those usually are white instead of a dark color so they don't show through the workout clothes.
  7. Well love is strange sometimes. There are people who date, get married and live to a ripe old age and never have sex at all with each other. There's a TV show here in the U.S. called "Strange Sex" that talks about this type of thing. As for him being a failure at everything I'm not sure about that as I can't make that judgement. I don't truly know him or his personality. But he definitely does some real "Meathead" stuff sometimes. One time Leora was in the Guest Room sitting on the couch playing with herself. She got herself good and ready and stood up, walked into the living room where Paul was sitting on the couch watching TV. She put her hands behind her back and got up on her tiptoes in a really adorable way and said something too him in the cutest voice you'd ever hear. He stood up and she scampered away to the guest room giggling. He followed her in there and she patted the couch next to her. He sat down........and immediately reached for the guitar and started playing it. She said something to him and gestured like she asked him to put it down, he didn't even look up and started tuning it. She scoffed threw her hands up in the air and went to get a cup of tea and sat down on the couch in the living room. It was the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen!
  8. Someone posted a vid and pics a few days ago. Can't remember the exact timeframe though. Someone in another thread pointed out that the last time they were arguing Paul was accusing Leora of looking at porn on his phone and she was cheating on him. She retaliated by telling him that he only wants to have sex twice a month.
  9. What's wrong with Stephen Hawking? Thought that book was pretty good.
  10. M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist it's actually Irma's first porn shoot! That's why she left to pursue a career in adult film!
  11. I'm not a tattoo guy and prefer my women to be unblemished. But I really like Chloe's manta ray ink on her thigh. Looks really cool.
  12. Ok cool thanks for the translation there. I thought it odd that California would pop up in a conversation like that. As for the porn thing that's a whole different story. If it's his work issued phone, like where I work they give us all an iPhone and monitor it pretty hardcore. So if they find out you've been using the phone for something other than work or general calls they'll put the boot to you. I can see where he'd get pissy if it put his job on the line. But if it's just a personal phone? Bah, let her have her fun. I've caught my GF petting the kitty on more than one occasion. The key is to use it to your advantage and move on.
  13. Unfortunately I don't know. I just keep hearing what sounds like "California" every once in a while when she was yelling at him. I wouldn't have caught it but she said it as an individual word a couple of times. Like she was saying it in disbelief. "CALIFORNIA?!!!! CALIFORNIA!?" There could be a Russian word that sounds like California for all I know. Also it's unknown if she cheated on Paul, I'm just going off what others said on this forum. I think at the moment he just accused her of cheating. I don't know if she ever did. And yeah I agree Maniac1690 I don't think I'd let her out of bed lol. But as the old saying goes "No matter how smoking hot a woman is, somewhere out there is a man who is tired of her bullshit."
  14. They actually turned the TV off before heading out for the evening.
  15. Don't worry, this seems to be a bi-monthly thing. In another argument Paul accused Leora of cheating on him. He went through her phone and read the texts and stuff. It looks like he's doing it again right now. So that might be the argument once again. However she does keep repeating "California" over and over, which is a new thing. Whenever they speak an English word its so jarring that it makes you pay attention to it.
  16. Wish I could speak their language because she's bitching pretty hardcore about something atm. She keeps pointing to the couch cushion and trying to get it to stay upright (It keeps falling over on her) and yelling at him. She even started mocking him in and gesturing wildly. Paul is just staring at the TV.
  17. I was of course joking in my reply up there. I think Google Translate kinda screwed you over when you tried to convert it to english. Go ahead and post your question in your native language we have a lot of different nationalities on the board that might be able to respond to you natively without GOOGLE freaking out.
  18. Only if the rogue quarter mates the torgue with enough pully in the shaft slider. If they both paul the avis in the time that it takes for the cylinder to slam over the rough tumble then we'll all see her grab the guest scooter and roll through the time piece of the soup bowl. This is of course only if the light principle runs the length of the horizontal platform. Otherwise we're all going to end up back in the slag mine with the pit lord slumping over the pepperoni crust and I don't think any of us want that.
  19. lol anyone happen to get a screenshot of scooter licking the paint?
  20. She's listening to Eminem and writing in her journal all emo like :( Seems that she has the sads.
  21. I've named this picture "Recipe for Disaster" aka "Kitty uses one of it's nine lives"
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