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Posts posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. 7 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    I think they were trying to revive their Ratings by bringing back Irma & Danaya but their Ratings never improved they just keep going downhill slowly everyday.

    Well considering since they took the living room cam away all you see is the back of their heads 99% of the time I can see why. The girls always lounge on the couch so all you really see is a tuft of hair poking up.

  2. 2 minutes ago, nicsjom said:

     The necessity for a boy to know  to do some   works  like to wash clothes. to clean house , to cook more than one egg.to sew a button   to iron pants and shirts and also to pack a suitcase properly with minimal loss of space

    Lmao you reminded me of a story my dad told me when he was younger. His first meal away from home he had to call his sister and ask her how to cook Hot Dogs.

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  3. 2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:




    @Lexy&PeteI hope you two have an amazing life together away from all the prying eyes and cams watching your every move. I hope you will give us here updates on your adventures. You two were the best couple to ever grace VHTV and easily one of the nicest pairing of people I've ever seen. Never once has there ever been any ill will or complaints towards anyone else, you got along with everyone and were just enjoyable to watch. You two truly were genuinely a joy to have around. We'll all miss you so much.

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  4. I know Leora is an avid reader but I wasn't aware she had a preference for the classics. Over the past few times I've caught a glimpse of her books I've been able to tell what the title is. Some of which are:

    Moby Dick

    Of mice and men

    War and Peace

    The Great Gatsby


    Dracula (This one made her sleep with the lights on every time she read a few chapters and fall asleep clutching Eva)

    Huckleberry Finn

    The Art of War

    and a few other classics I'm not remembering at the moment.

    Not to mention all the stuff she's put into the mix that's modern like the Harry Potter series and a couple of Stephen King novels.

    Right now I can't get a clear shot of the title unfortunately but I think just based off what I CAN see she's reading 'One thousand and one nights' which is the classic collection of Arabian folk tales that include stuff like Aladdin and The Sheiks Harem.

    She's such a bookworm

    I hope one of our Russian friends on this forum can either confirm or correct me on what she's currently reading.

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