To tell the truth I have never asked in what city they are now. They used to be somewhere in the Capital Region.
If you really need to know I could ask.
We have agreed with Zoe that she will contact us as soon as she decides to come back. But we heard nothing from her yet. Knowing Zoe we can't exclude the possibility of her return. She is a very interesting person.
Marna and Greg will be changing the city of living tonight. At 9 pm the broadcasting will be stopped. And on 25th in the evening will be renewed.
PS. will be doubled in their thread.
Thank you for the summery, Jabbath.
Marna and Greg are still getting the subscriptions. They look good for the newcomers. But of course, you are right - the new blood is needed.
I remember the situation one year ago, it seems to me it was more interesting. Am i right?
We are looking for the independent participants badly. But still no success.
No she doesn't. She said she needed to get the rest of her things from her family house.
And she will be visiting her family frequently because it needs to be taken care of.
Dear Subscribers, On 29/05/18 we are terminating the cooperation with Segpay payment system. When your subscription will be over please renew it with Verotel and receive the bonus of 5 free days on our site. For this purpose, please write the letter to the technical support.
We are working on connecting an alternative system and we will send you an update on this issue in the nearest future.
Thank you for being with us!
VV stuff.