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Everything posted by le5b05

  1. Excellent news, I am pleased that it is about their band and all so innocent. They have just emerged from the bathroom after 3 hours of deep conversation, damn they must be tired. DE is dressed ready to go. Nina changes in the bedroom (this time puts on white panties) into blue jeans and black top. They will leave soon. Great to hear DE supporting Nina about Kira, if all goes well when Kira returns then that will be wonderful. Please keep us informed of any further things you hear, any translation I can manage is painfully sloooow. So thank you.
  2. Nina and DE have been up all night in the kitchen, steadily drinking and just chatting. Then DE made up the couch and crawled under the duvet, leaving Nina sitting at the kitchen table. All perfectly fine until just before 06:00 when Nina went to the bathroom followed by DE shortly after. Since then they have been hiding themselves away in the toilet cubicle, away from the prying eyes of the cameras. Also no mics on cams 5 and 6 so you can't hear them either. They've been in there for almost an hour, just popped out to the kitchen for a smoke together mid-way then back in again. Still fully clothed so far, but it does make you wonder what they are up to?
  3. DE topping up the drinks, I wonder if she has an agenda. I've just realised there's only one cat. I wonder where the other one has gone?
  4. Nina and Doe Eyes in the kitchen drinking Bourbon and Coke. They have been painting on large canvas/paper sheets, Jackson Pollock style, only without the finesse. I suppose it depends on how much they drink as to what happens next. The blue writing on the top poster translates to "breath" in English, this is from Ukranian which is the best match. I think this is where I may have been going wrong in some of my previous translations which made no sense. I think they maybe speaking with a Ukranian dialect not Russian. A good example is the word "chom" which Nina used a lot recently during an argument, this translates as "why" in English, which makes perfect sense now, but does not translate from Russian.
  5. When Kira left last Saturday she had just the one small case, even with washing and wearing it was 1 weeks clothing max. The only substantial shoes she had was what she was wearing, So unless she is visiting Friends or Parents where there may be more clothes available, then I suspect she will return this Saturday 23rd.
  6. Nina slept alone. In the morning she spent a long time looking at photos on her phone, then up and dressed without panties again. As she was wearing the long black top ( big white X, Black is my happy color) it is not the VPL she is concerned about, so she just must love going commando. As far as I could tell there was no phone call between her and Kira, which is unusual. Not doing any cooking or cleaning, and begrudgingly fed and watered the cats before going out.
  7. Update: She opened the bag this morning and it had some fruit in it and that is all. So the clothes are still elsewhere.
  8. Nina and Doe eyes had a quiet night in, just talking and texting etc. Stayed up until around 05:00 I think before turning in. Doe Eyes made up the couch and Nina went off to bed. No Drama whatsoever. When they arose around mid-day it was a quiet bit of breakfast, and Nina was on her way, leaving Doe Eyes with nothing but a quick cursory hug. DE dressed and packed away the bedding and departed not too long after. In a way totally boring, yet I am happy that nothing happened. For it means that all is not lost between Nina and Kira. If Nina can behave herself in a situation like this, (because it would have been oh so easy to take the opportunity to cheat on Kira), then there is hope that their marriage will continue. I for one sincerely hope so. Nina is home alone right now playing the guitar. Everything looking fine and dandy. Whatever it was that she was so upset about when Kira left on holiday is still a mystery. Maybe she just did not like being left behind.
  9. Hi, I've just tuned back in, that is a good point you have made. Doe eyes has just been in the bathroom taking a shower. The door was closed so modesty remains, then she dressed in PJ's. These are not the actions of someone who is expecting physical attention.
  10. Yes just tuned in! This is not good! I was rather hoping we would never see her again. This could be an important step by Nina, is she making a choice or is it all innocent? Doe eyes is first and foremost a long standing friend of Nina's. Perhaps they have put their 3some to bed (pun intended) and all the fallout that followed. That it was a one off, not to be repeated, and they have all moved on. If Kira knows that DE is there tonight, then all well and good, if not and she finds out... We will all find out later this evening no doubt, especially if she stays the night.
  11. Ah missed that, responding to someone else who was asking about what work/profession they may have. Nina in bed now but there is a problem with my being able to access their cameras, every other apartment is available to me, just not theirs.
  12. Well she is not looking so sad now! She is talking on the phone and laughing, playing a game on her pad and seems very happy. As I suspected she has arrived home in different clothes to what she went out in, carrying a small plastic bag that may hold the party frock and top she wore.
  13. Nina has been absent from the apartment for more than 24 hours now. I hope she left enough food and water out for the cats, though this is doubtful. This reinforces my belief that Nina has somewhere else to go with a stash of clothes, as the outfit she was wearing when she left for her night out was definitely not suitable as day wear. Though I now have a theory on this that seems plausible. About February time, late one evening 23:30 their time, I tuned in to their apartment (cam 3) and to my surprise a middle aged man was sitting on the end of the couch closest to the kitchen watching TV. Kira was in the kitchen corner by the stove looking very agitated, and very unhappy. Nina was trying to comfort her as if to say it would be alright. I thought that maybe he was a debt collector or something because he was big and menacing. Kira grabbed her phone and sat on the corner of the couch nearest the camera, with her back to the man totally ignoring each other. Then Nina started talking to him and took some things out of the cabinet beneath the TV. There were Trophies and Plaques and awards of some kind, and she showed them to the man one by one. Then a woman came out from the bathroom and joined the conversation, then it dawned on me that they were probably Nina's parents as there was some resemblance between them. Nina then took out some Photo albums and she and the woman went to the kitchen table to view them better. Nina looked very proud of what she was showing her. Kira still sat alone on the corner of the couch looking very nervous. I suspect that she did not approve of the visit, because maybe they do not approve of her. As I recall there were no parents at their Wedding... Now as it was so late I think we can assume that they live not too far away, so maybe that is where Nina goes to stay and get changed. What do you think, does this seem reasonable?
  14. I made the original post about Kira leaving. I tuned in and the suitcase was open on the bathroom floor. I did not expect this as they went to bed very late again, talked for a while in the darkness and then drifted off to sleep, it was all very normal for them of late. I do not know where Kira went, I only saw what was being packed in the case, the rest was conjecture or guesswork. The object of a trial separation is to see if you can live apart, away from the other, without emotions and arguments getting in the way too much. To reflect on the way you feel about the other person and if you can forgive them their transgressions as well as understanding that maybe, your actions may have contributed to their behaviour. That you yourself may have transgressed and forced this response. It is a time for soul searching which is best done alone. If the outcome is positive, then you return with a new purpose to make the relationship work as long as the other partner agrees to do the same. If it is negative, then you return to pack your belongings and leave for good. It may be painful and not without recriminations, but sometimes reality bites and it has to be done.
  15. Hi, A little lost in translation, but I assume you mean that. As Nina is such a self centered Diva, then Kira would be better off finding someone else who would appreciate her much, much more. As she certainly deserves better. It is difficult to agree on this as we should all make our own choices. It is obvious that Kira LOVES Nina, despite her many faults. When you are so deeply in love with someone you can turn a blind eye to it all, to the infidelities, to the lies, you readily forgive in the hope that this is the last time, and they will keep their promises and remain true. Sadly we all know that this is hardly ever the case and so often it continues until the breaking point inevitably arrives. I fear that breaking point is close if not already here. I hope not, though I cannot see how Nina could possibly change. She has to be the center of attention, to be adored by all, which is why she performs on stage/wherever. I believe, and this is only my opinion folks, she is unable to restrict herself to one person alone, and that is the problem in a nutshell.
  16. OOoops! just caught this, must have been posted as I was writing my last response. Sorry took it at face value that the info was correct.
  17. If it is right about her parents in Georgia, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, then it makes a bit more sense. With a coastline on the Black Sea and a popular holiday destination for Russians then I can now see the need for the flip-flops. Its still warm and sunny that far south east, so also no need for warm clothing. What I do not understand is the tears and arguments over the last few days and the very tearful goodbye... Nina had a few days away 2 weeks ago, and there were no tears or dramas then, so why now? It was all calm, and they kept in touch. It is difficult to Know who Nina is texting and talking to as she is constantly on her phone. Oh and the stupid girl has her name on the back of it, so much for anonymity.
  18. Another update! Well it took Nina just a short time to get over it. Exactly 10 hours after Kira left Nina leaves the apartment. All dressed up in a sexy outfit going out for a night on the town. So much for the the crying and despair earlier. She's cold that one. I did not know about Kira's parents in Georgia, thanks for the info. Someone asked about the "ring exchange" it happened just 1 or 2 minutes before she left. She appears to clasp her hands together then holds out her open right hand towards Nina who holds it for a moment then appears to take something and then put something on the pin board on the wall. I hope I'm wrong with it being the ring. Let's see what happens tonight if and when Nina returns home.
  19. Sorry but you have it wrong. Nina is the one with the hair extensions and is the slightly taller of the two with smaller breasts. Also known as the lazy one.
  20. Quick update. The ring exchange happened just before Kira left, if it happened at all? I did not see where NIna put it, but it could have been on the pin board. After Kira departed Nina sat and cried for a while in the corridor and hid herself away for a short time. She is terribly distraught, so this is not some ordinary weekend away by a partner. Cried again later before going back to bed. Tellingly, she is sleeping on Kira's side of the bed, looking for comfort no doubt. This is a very sad day!
  21. Sorry! was not going to comment anymore but you may like to know that Kira has packed a little suitcase and gone away, 09:45 Saturday their time. It may only be for a few days, and it's somewhere warm (flip-flops swimsuit and skimpy clothes) with Nina helping to pack the case. The thing is it was a very, very tearful goodbye! Nina of late has been prone to outbursts of crying, for what seemed no apparent reason. The last few days have been fraught with tension in this Topsy-Turvy, yo-yo, up and down tumultuous relationship of theirs. From Joy and laughter to a meal eaten in silence with an atmosphere you could cut with a knife. At other times we have Kira hand feeding Nina, like a mother bald eagle feeding her chick, because Nina is too lazy to feed herself. It was both lovely and pitiful in equal measure. To the time a few days ago when Kira was hiding on the floor in the bedroom closet crying her eyes out. When Nina came home and discovered her there, she too sat on the floor to comfort her and both ended up crying, it was heartbreaking. I am not sure, and if someone knows better please say so, but it looked like Kira took off her ring and gave it to Nina. I think this could be a trial seperation, a last attempt to see if they cannot live without each other, or that they may have to go their seperate ways. I really do hope I am wrong, but the indications are all there, if you look hard enough. The begining of the end? Only the next few days and if Kira returns to stay will we know.
  22. Absolutely 100% getting carried away, but it was beautiful to watch. I've read far too many romantic novels. Only trying to help set the scene for those that do not have full access. I will now slide away into obscurity...
  23. Well this is interesting, Kira as usual first to bed for about an hour, then goes to the toilet and Nina comes along and gets in bed. As soon as Kira returns to the bed Nina switches off her phone and tosses it under the bed WoW! She then rolls over and hugs Kira and starts to kiss and caress Kira. Nina is now instigating the lovemaking. I think they may have finally resolved some of their latest issues, because this is like a session of old. It's like they've stripped away the last six months of grief and are starting afresh. There is genuine affection being shown by Nina with some soft and gentle caresses. It then turns into a playfight with lots of laughing and squealing and all around FUN. This is a joy to watch. Kira being the stronger of the two gets the upper hand once she gets her hand between Nina's legs, well it's "game over". Nina succumbs and Kira finally gets to love her like only she knows how. It's intense, it's powerful and absolutely amazing... The culmination is when Nina reaches orgasm, her body stiffens and judders from head to toe as she is lost in the moment. A few sharp intakes of breath as her body is consumed by passion as she feels the blood coursing through her viens, the warmth and ecstasy as she holds her breath to feel every nerve and sinew in her body spasm and become alive and then finally, gently it subsides. She shakes a little, relaxes and softly falls into exhaustion on the bed, totally spent. Kira caresses and strokes Nina on her back and legs with a gentleness that belies the ferocity of her lovemaking. Both it seems completely satisfied.
  24. My apologies to ashlyxyz. I did not mean to offend anyone. In my defence this terminology for Kira had been used before several months ago, there were no repercussions then. I fully retract my statement and replace it with " Kira is an opportunist, and will readily instigate physical contact". Nina is now her sole "prey" so to speak but when they first moved in and there were a lot more visitors she was very tactile with a lot of them. As I recall, in the case of the original 3some 2 years ago she took the lead most of the time then, dominating both of them towards the end.
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