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Everything posted by le5b05

  1. My apologies to ashlyxyz. I did not mean to offend anyone. In my defence this terminology for Kira had been used before several months ago, there were no repercussions then. I fully retract my statement and and replace it with " Kira is an opportunist, and will readily instigate physical contact".
  2. Totally right about Kira. As we know she is a sex predator, taking the opportunity to pounce at any time. She can't help herself, I think it's instinct, which is why she physically dragged them to the bedroom that night. Bearing in mind she was the only one drinking the Jack's that night, along with the game, her inhibitions had been totally stripped away. Only afterwards comes the remorse. We've all been there, when you realise you were stupid and perhaps should not have done that. Regret is a powerful emotion. This may be why she has self-harmed in the past, thinking that she is worthless after doing something she did not want to do, but could not stop herself from doing, she feels she needs to be punished... Which brings me round to last nights argument in the hallway. I witnessed it all. Kira was sitting on the floor by the washing machine (she always goes to the floor when she's distressed. I think it's a safety mechanism) Nina was on the small couch looking down at her. Kira was much more vocal this time, dishing it out instead of just taking it as usual. Of late I have noticed that Kira is more reluctant to be watched by the cameras, I think she has now come to resent them. I often see her glance at the cameras with a vehemence in those eyes (OH those beautiful eyes, so deep you feel you can see into her soul, and it is in essence a kindly soul). Kira now takes to dressing and undressing in the bedroom closet keeping her panties on much more than she used to, walking around naked much less also. Just the other night she found a spot between the lounge cams, sat on the floor and had a video chat with Nina as she was away in... oh I don't know if I should say where she was on here? sorry getting off track. After an hour or so of arguing Nina joined her on the floor, now both totally out of sight of the cams. The majority of the crying was from Nina, so easy to recognise her sounds. Eventually they surfaced and moved to the couch in the lounge, Kira nuked a Pizza wiping away her own tears in the process. Perhaps Kira started the fight because she wanted to be punished again. There was now a period of calm, eating Pizza, laughing and joking with each other and Nina checking out her phone yet again (She's going to have it surgically implanted soon ha ha ha). Kira was sleepy and Nina kept waking her up with some comments, then all of a sudden it kicked off again with Nina bawling her eyes out. There is something going on in her life that is causing her extra grief, I think I heard her mention her Mother a couple of times, maybe there's external pressures working here. Kira comforted her for a short while than sat apart from her and let her get on with it. Eventually they made their way off to bed I believe, did not see it, had to turn in myself. Some other snippets of behaviour of note. Nina is often going out without panties on. Why I do not know, but the other day when she arrived home she was wearing panties under the jeans she had pulled on earlier over her naked body. Last Sunday while Kira was away for the day (working perhaps) Nina was singing a lot. It looked like she was warming her voice, and yes later she bathed and dressed in a long black evening gown, no panties, but the zipper stuck and she had to change into a long white one for which she had to wear panties. She then dashed out for what I believe was a gig, maybe at a concert or bar. The thing is, when she came back several hours later, she was not wearing the white dress. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and different shoes. yet she did not carry in a bag or rucksack that she could possibly have the dress in. Which means she has another place somewhere where she has a stash of clothes, somewhere to get changed. Where it is and with whom, that is one question, and does Kira know is another. Something to ponder.
  3. Ha ha, Just realised I need to press the quote button. OK Got it. The original post was in reply to wippers post on 1st September, as s/he wanted to know what was going on between them after only catching the last 30 minutes or so of what had been a 2 hour drama. To continue where I left off. Nina went into the toilet cubicle and sat down and Kira stood in the cubicle corner. This is one of the few places where they can get some privacy from the prying eyes and ears of the cameras. Nina continued to raise her voice constantly towards Kira, as she always does. Often bursting into tears, and to my mind, begging for forgiveness (again). Eventually Kira relented, as she always does. They then went into the kitchen which is where wipper picked up the end of the drama. The outcome is that Nina has probably promised to be good in future. Even doing some housework (gasp!) occasionally, they have had a big clean up in the apartment and something is about to change? How long it will last is another matter. Nina has even bought Kira some flowers since that morning and looks to be trying to make amends, at least when Kira is around, but still a lazy bitch when she's on her own. This culminated in the bedroom session the other night when Nina gave some real love to Kira. About time too, as she has been rebuffing Kira's advances for months now, only occasionally allowing her to love her, but only up to a point before "Niet" comes out of her mouth. This harks back to the awesome threesome, a good night for those who watched perhaps, (we missed it, having tuned out as they packed away the game board and then got dressed) as it was around 4am their time, we thought that was it and turned in ourselves. A lot of emotional damage was done that night, as Kira realised she had been set up! Maybe something was said in the heat of the moment, or perhaps a physical indication that it was not the first time that Nina and Doe Eyes had performed together. Whatever it was, Kira left the bedroom and sat miserable in the Lounge realising she had been cheated on, before being taken back to the bedroom. As we all know Doe eyes went missing for quite sometime after that, only to return spasmodically. She herself has now moved on. The butch blonde collected her and a bag of things some days ago, I think they may have moved in together. Nina is away at present, so all is calm. Though I think it will not be like that for long for moves are afoot. more to follow if any one is interested.
  4. OOps should have said this is what happened afew days ago. Told you I was new to this
  5. For those that really care. Kira awoke in the night and walked around to Nina's side of the bed and picked up Nina's phone. She then scrolled through some of the messages etc. OK (not a good idea) but I think she suspected something was wrong. After a few minutes Nina stirred and Kira swiftly put the phone under the bed. Sat for a moment then went into the lounge and picked up her own phone and sat on the couch. She then looked through some of her own messages. You could see that in her head she was correlating what she saw on Nina's phone to what she had on hers. It was obvious they did not tally up. Gradually her eyes welled up and the tears started to fall, it was at this moment (for those of us who give a damn) that Kira's heart started to break again. Nina had been caught out lying to her or worse, probably cheating. Kira was beside herself with grief, wandered aimlessly around the lounge/kitchen/corridor crying more and more not knowing what to do with herself. Finally she collapsed on the floor onto the pile of dirty laundry sobbing her heart out. It was gut wrenching to watch. Eventually she went back into the bedroom and woke Nina. As I do not speak Russian I cannot know exactly what was said but this is my interpretation... Kira told Nina she was leaving, Nina asked why. Kira informs her she knows she has been lying (Pravda=Truth) came up a lot in the conversation, Nina at first denying this, then realising she had been found out I think admitted to something. Kira then dressed and tried to leave but Nina blocked the bedroom door and would not let her out. Kira was really calm through most of this, her mind made up, but Nina as usual was more vocal. Constantly screaming and shouting, trying to take the moral ground, and throwing insults and cajoling Kira. Kira eventually managed to get out of the bedroom but it continued throughout the apartment for some time... Sorry it's so long, it's my first post and i do not want to bore most of you, but for those that care about his relationship if you want to hear the rest of it I'll see what comments pop up before I continue.
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