JoJo I followed what you have been saying and I agree with you but would you please
expalin ".the sex she had with that guy last night shows that their apartment will put them at a great disadvantage if they are trying to sell her body."
Why would the apartment put them at a great disadvantage? I do not understand how the apartment comes in to play at all.
King I know what you are saying now you can order food, go shopping, talk on line face to face with friends
who live in the same town. In the future you will have no need to go out. Also in NV they have online schools
Did not think about the smell. If he does come back and he does smell something it would be some sort of attack on him
If she does sleep in the bed before he comes back then she might rub the smell away. Sometimes I wish I could read
Thanks JoJo. Maybe Sergey does control her life and is her Pimp and that is one of his rules. i would pay her for sex but not on cam. I would rather pay Nora for sex.
I just looked at 11:15 am their time she is still asleep on the couch. Is someone in the bedroom? Any one want to guess as to why she is sleeping the the couch?
Fist off thanks for the updates. I watch when I can but I do miss a lot of what is going on.
I have to wonder if the cams might make them act differently. Does it put more stress in
their lives? Did they want to have the cams to help save a relationship? or to spice up
there lives? and it back fired? Why would anyone want cams in there place to began with?
what is wrong Jaropo Saying no? If that is what you are saying then I do not agree with you. She has every right to say no.
Have you ever had sex with someone when they where not in the mod. It is not good sex. You would be happier if you
used your hand.