Maybe free or low rent. I do not see them getting paid by how Many views they get. most of them do not walk around nude. They set watching tv or on the computer.
That I knew but why. When I do spell it wrong people still know what I mean. My dad always told me to sound out the words so I could spell it. Lets just say my school grades was not great.
no problem trickshot. :) It is very hard to learn. Doc's and readme's not around. Hard to find what you want and other problems. >:( I have walked away :' a few times. If I could only draw :'(
Trickshot this was all done is DAZ Studio. You think that was bad I tried to make her bend at the waist and it looked real bad the legs turned all the way around but the Butt was bent at the waist showing a little. So I made this one instead. Sorry to all No money to buy the right type of hair or gentles.
Sometime ago someone posted a viewing graft. How many hits to the web site and and what times. Maybe he will read this and repost it or someone can find the post and post a link. I'm not sure where to start looking. I know that if you get the IP address and do a who is it will tell you a lot. But I do not know how to get the IP address.
I do not think anyone get paid. I know some work. They may get something off of rent or even free rent. It is all a guess I have never seen anyone post proof one way or the other.
If you are still bored then come play with me.
DAZ.COM free software make your own 3d art and videos. nudes and non nudes. The test jpg is what I did the mouse I did not. Some things you do have to pay for. You do get a lot of stuff free. Take a look when you are bored and know one is home or they are just watching tv or are on the computer.
Time to move in with Bullwinkle? Do they have homeless shelters for squirrels?
Maybe too many negative karmas?
Woman upset she has to give up pet squirrel
The way I understand things years after I'm dead and gone know one will meet face to face it will all be done on computers. Even having sex with someone over the internet will be done and you will be able to feel and see the person you are having sex with. So You might as well post something and get it over with because sooner or later this will be the only way to talk with people.